**perniciousOverkill [PO] began trolling demiurgeQuantified[DQ]**
PO: ~Hey Albion.~
PO: ~So I jus+ go+ a shi++y bunch of messages from UK.~
PO: ~he men+ioned wan+ing me +o play some sor+ of game wi+h him, al+hough knowing how he is +ha+ could mean a wide varie+y of +hings +ha+ I am mos+ likely 0% in+eres+ed in.~
PO: ~like i+s probably jus+ some sor+ of elabora+e piffling scheme +o play a useless and an+agonis+ic +rick on me.~
PO: ~+o ge+ on my nerves or some+hing.~
PO: ~Already ge+s me mad jus+ wondering abou+ i+.~
PO: ~Ac+ually no, I don'+ really fucking care.~
PO: ~Especially since he +old me +ha+ in order +o do wha+ever i+ is he's planning, I go++a work wi+h Arcjec.~
PO: ~which.~
PO: ~ha.~
PO: ~I had a few momen+s wi+h my +hough+s and figured I'd men+ion i+ +o you.~
PO: ~I+'s probably a bi+ of a s+re+ch, bu+ i was wondering if maybe you've heard some+hing abou+ i+ and could offer some insigh+ on wha+ +he ac+ual shi+ he's +alking abou+.~
PO: ~or no+ and I can jus+ complain for a bi+.~
PO: ~+m+~
DQ: *actually*i*have*an*entire*arrangement*
DQ: *of*varying*notes*and*plans*
DQ: *dating*back*epochs*that*have*led*us*to*this*very*moment*.
DQ: *i*was*waiting*for*you*to*message*me*so*i*could*
DQ: *explain*them*in*large*amounts*of*detail*.
PO: ~wha+?~
PO: ~Really?~
DQ: *hee*hee*.
DQ: *no*.
PO: ~Fuck you.~
DQ: *im*not*sure*what*you*were*expecting*
DQ: *but*really*
DQ: *it*shouldnt*be*me*having*all*the*answers*
DQ: *at*least*not*all*of*the*time*.
DQ: *well*actually*
DQ: *i*guess*you*technically*werent*expecting*that*?
DQ: *but*really*the*expectations*on*the*matter*
DQ: *arent*the*exact*matter*at*hand*.
DQ: *right*?
PO: ~Well no, I hadn'+ ac+ually been expec+ing you +o know. Bu+ +hen you raised my hopes and lied +o me.~
PO: ~now I'm jus+ confused.~
PO: ~Do you know some+hing or no+?~
DQ: *i*know*approximately*a*few*things*.
DQ: *like*most*of*us*im..*.
DQ: *not*really*sure*what*exactly*he*is*referring*to*.
DQ: *but*i*do*know*that*this*is*the*night*.
DQ: *the*night*in*which*our*planet*begins*to*crumble*.
DQ: *and*i*will*have*to*save*you*.
DQ: *and*everybody*else*.
PO: ~Now you're also jus+ being vague and kinda foreboding.~
PO: ~I don'+ really apprecia+e +ha+ righ+ now.~
DQ: *taz*.
DQ: *did*you*forget*that*we*have*big*plans*today*?
DQ: *the*plans*that*my*life*
DQ: *AND*all*the*others*have*been*setting*up*to*?
PO: ~yes.~
PO: ~Because I really can+ absorb all of +hese viciously wrong prophe+ic sen+imen+s.~
DQ: *hm*.
DQ: *speaking*of*sentiments*.
DQ: *this*seems*like*the*best*time*to*bring*this*up*
DQ: *perhaps*you*should*talk*to*him*?
PO: ~oh no.~
PO: ~Albion no.~
PO: ~Don'+ make me. +M+~
DQ: *i*wont*make*you*do*anything*.
DQ: *i*will*tell*you*that*this*is*a*wise*choice*
DQ: *and*it*might*make*you*both*feel*just..*.
DQ: *a*little*better*about*each*other*.
DQ: *you*have*spent*so*much*time*trying*to*grab*his*attention*
DQ: *but*not*so*much*attempting*to*really*speak*to*him*.
DQ: *i*dont*have*a*lot*i*can*say*
DQ: *not*regarding*the*actual*topic*.
DQ: *i*know*what*i*must*do*right*now*
DQ: *and*later*
DQ: *i*have*a*meeting*that*will*be*putting*us*all*in*motion*
DQ: *in*motion*towards*the*end*.
DQ: *do*what*you*feel*is*best*.
DQ: *or*rather*
DQ: *please*take*a*moment*to*do*what*i*would*do*.
PO: ~Hey Albion.~
PO: ~So I jus+ go+ a shi++y bunch of messages from UK.~
PO: ~he men+ioned wan+ing me +o play some sor+ of game wi+h him, al+hough knowing how he is +ha+ could mean a wide varie+y of +hings +ha+ I am mos+ likely 0% in+eres+ed in.~
PO: ~like i+s probably jus+ some sor+ of elabora+e piffling scheme +o play a useless and an+agonis+ic +rick on me.~
PO: ~+o ge+ on my nerves or some+hing.~
PO: ~Already ge+s me mad jus+ wondering abou+ i+.~
PO: ~Ac+ually no, I don'+ really fucking care.~
PO: ~Especially since he +old me +ha+ in order +o do wha+ever i+ is he's planning, I go++a work wi+h Arcjec.~
PO: ~which.~
PO: ~ha.~
PO: ~I had a few momen+s wi+h my +hough+s and figured I'd men+ion i+ +o you.~
PO: ~I+'s probably a bi+ of a s+re+ch, bu+ i was wondering if maybe you've heard some+hing abou+ i+ and could offer some insigh+ on wha+ +he ac+ual shi+ he's +alking abou+.~
PO: ~or no+ and I can jus+ complain for a bi+.~
PO: ~+m+~
DQ: *actually*i*have*an*entire*arrangement*
DQ: *of*varying*notes*and*plans*
DQ: *dating*back*epochs*that*have*led*us*to*this*very*moment*.
DQ: *i*was*waiting*for*you*to*message*me*so*i*could*
DQ: *explain*them*in*large*amounts*of*detail*.
PO: ~wha+?~
PO: ~Really?~
DQ: *hee*hee*.
DQ: *no*.
PO: ~Fuck you.~
DQ: *im*not*sure*what*you*were*expecting*
DQ: *but*really*
DQ: *it*shouldnt*be*me*having*all*the*answers*
DQ: *at*least*not*all*of*the*time*.
DQ: *well*actually*
DQ: *i*guess*you*technically*werent*expecting*that*?
DQ: *but*really*the*expectations*on*the*matter*
DQ: *arent*the*exact*matter*at*hand*.
DQ: *right*?
PO: ~Well no, I hadn'+ ac+ually been expec+ing you +o know. Bu+ +hen you raised my hopes and lied +o me.~
PO: ~now I'm jus+ confused.~
PO: ~Do you know some+hing or no+?~
DQ: *i*know*approximately*a*few*things*.
DQ: *like*most*of*us*im..*.
DQ: *not*really*sure*what*exactly*he*is*referring*to*.
DQ: *but*i*do*know*that*this*is*the*night*.
DQ: *the*night*in*which*our*planet*begins*to*crumble*.
DQ: *and*i*will*have*to*save*you*.
DQ: *and*everybody*else*.
PO: ~Now you're also jus+ being vague and kinda foreboding.~
PO: ~I don'+ really apprecia+e +ha+ righ+ now.~
DQ: *taz*.
DQ: *did*you*forget*that*we*have*big*plans*today*?
DQ: *the*plans*that*my*life*
DQ: *AND*all*the*others*have*been*setting*up*to*?
PO: ~yes.~
PO: ~Because I really can+ absorb all of +hese viciously wrong prophe+ic sen+imen+s.~
DQ: *hm*.
DQ: *speaking*of*sentiments*.
DQ: *this*seems*like*the*best*time*to*bring*this*up*
DQ: *perhaps*you*should*talk*to*him*?
PO: ~oh no.~
PO: ~Albion no.~
PO: ~Don'+ make me. +M+~
DQ: *i*wont*make*you*do*anything*.
DQ: *i*will*tell*you*that*this*is*a*wise*choice*
DQ: *and*it*might*make*you*both*feel*just..*.
DQ: *a*little*better*about*each*other*.
DQ: *you*have*spent*so*much*time*trying*to*grab*his*attention*
DQ: *but*not*so*much*attempting*to*really*speak*to*him*.
DQ: *i*dont*have*a*lot*i*can*say*
DQ: *not*regarding*the*actual*topic*.
DQ: *i*know*what*i*must*do*right*now*
DQ: *and*later*
DQ: *i*have*a*meeting*that*will*be*putting*us*all*in*motion*
DQ: *in*motion*towards*the*end*.
DQ: *do*what*you*feel*is*best*.
DQ: *or*rather*
DQ: *please*take*a*moment*to*do*what*i*would*do*.