3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "Arcjec: Answer incoming business patron."
3/4/2025 - "Arcjec: Receive new contact."
3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "Taz: Give Arcjec a light."
1/10/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "Arcjec: Have a smoke while you're at it."
1/10/2025 - "Arcjec and Taz: Take a break."
1/10/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "Taz: NEW TECHNIQUE UNLOCKED!"
1/10/2025 - "Arcjec: NEW TECHNIQUE UNLOCKED!"
1/10/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "Arcjec: Strike bargain."
12/4/2024 - "Arcjec: Interject."
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "Arcjec and Taz: Pawn Spleen off to your latest client."
11/12/2024 - "Arcjec: Catch."
11/12/2024 - "======>"
11/12/2024 - "======>"
11/12/2024 - "Arcjec: Re-engage."
11/12/2024 - "======>"
11/12/2024 - "======>"
11/12/2024 - "Taz: Bound."
10/19/2024 - "Arcjec: Improvise."
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "Taz: Perform FASTBALL SPECIAL."
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "Be Future Arcjec and Taz."
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "Hm?"
8/2/2024 - "A new link between worlds is added to a growing map."
8/2/2024 - "And with that..."
8/2/2024 - "She certainly seems to think so."
8/2/2024 - "You must agree that it's warranted at this stage, yes?"
8/2/2024 - "And though our Witch's entrance is somewhat... overbearing..."
8/2/2024 - "It's been a long time coming."
8/2/2024 - "The two aspect holders intersect with another, whose unique adventure is already in progress."
8/2/2024 - "And thus, with the idyllic path taken..."
6/16/2024 - "======>"
6/16/2024 - "======>"
6/16/2024 - "======>"
6/16/2024 - "Occeus: Give her a pittance of actual advice."
6/16/2024 - "Serpaz: Ask Occeus what he thinks!"
6/16/2024 - "======>"
6/16/2024 - "And soon..."
5/30/2024 - "Occeus and Serpaz: Delve."
5/30/2024 - "======>"
5/30/2024 - "Lock: Release."
5/30/2024 - "Occeus and Serpaz: Place down the looking glass."
5/19/2024 - "======>"
5/19/2024 - "======>"
5/19/2024 - "Occeus: Unlock."
5/19/2024 - "======>"
5/19/2024 - "======>"
5/19/2024 - "Serpaz: Follow Occeus."
5/7/2024 - "Serpaz: Experience euphoric glee over impeccable new companion."
5/7/2024 - "======>"
5/7/2024 - "Occeus: Give Baby Sinclair to his rightful owner."
4/30/2024 - "Occeus: Release Serpaz."
4/30/2024 - "Occeus: Adopt the Baby Sinclair artifact."
4/30/2024 - "======>"
4/30/2024 - "Occeus: Collect this hideous, headless omenbeast."
4/20/2024 - "======>"
4/20/2024 - "======>"
4/20/2024 - "Guillotine: Tumble."
4/20/2024 - "Reginald Marmaladdie: Release the blade."
4/20/2024 - "======>"
4/20/2024 - "======>"
3/13/2024 - "S#RP^ZE:: W///K>>>UP-"
3/13/2024 - "======>"
3/13/2024 - "======>"
3/13/2024 - "======>"
3/13/2024 - "======>"
3/6/2024 - "======>"
3/6/2024 - "======>"
3/6/2024 - "======>"
3/6/2024 - "Click."
3/2/2024 - "S3RRP4ZE:::::: XNSWER...........?"
3/2/2024 - "Why did you hang up?"
2/24/2024 - "======>"
2/24/2024 - "======>"
2/24/2024 - "Serpaz: Pick up the phone."
2/24/2024 - "It's for you."
2/24/2024 - "Answer it."
2/20/2024 - "It's for you."
2/20/2024 - "======>"
2/20/2024 - "Serpaz: Continue looking around."
2/20/2024 - "So you do remember."
2/17/2024 - "Serpaz: Examine the effigies near you."
2/17/2024 - "======>"
2/17/2024 - "======>"
2/17/2024 - "Dream!Serpaz: Wake up...?"
2/10/2024 - "======>"
2/10/2024 - "======>"
2/10/2024 - "======>"
2/10/2024 - "======>"
2/10/2024 - "Occeus: Ask for directions."
2/6/2024 - "======>"
2/6/2024 - "Occeus: Survey new surroundings."
2/6/2024 - "Occeus: Move on to the next land."
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "Edolon: Keep Pozzol in line."
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
12/20/2023 - "======>"
12/20/2023 - "======>"
12/20/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "Edolon: Continue where you left off."
12/9/2023 - "======>"
12/9/2023 - "[S] Talald: Turn their frown upside down!"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "Necron: Come in for the save."
11/9/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "Edolon: Turn back to the bodies."
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
5/31/2023 - "He still wound up being somewhat correct."
5/31/2023 - "You will eventually find out where those voices came from."
5/31/2023 - "AND MOST IMPERATIVELY!!!"
5/31/2023 - "EBHFHEHBGEH"
5/30/2023 - "FSKDSKDJDJ"
5/30/2023 - "ITS NOT ABOUT THAT!!!"
5/30/2023 - "Albion: Appreciate own ingenuity."
5/30/2023 - "Albion: Input entry codes into the ichnographist."
5/30/2023 - "======>"
5/30/2023 - "Albion: Traverse asteroid."
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/10/2023 - "Albion: Begin pity party."
5/10/2023 - "======>"
5/10/2023 - "======>"
5/10/2023 - "======>"
5/10/2023 - "======>"
5/3/2023 - "======>"
5/3/2023 - "======>"
5/3/2023 - "Albion: Continue less-than-passionate translation."
4/26/2023 - "======>"
4/26/2023 - "======>"
4/26/2023 - "======>"
4/26/2023 - "???: Contact saboteur."
4/25/2023 - "======>"
4/25/2023 - "======>"
4/25/2023 - "======>"
4/25/2023 - "======>"
4/25/2023 - "Calder: Answer old friend."
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "Calder: Enter structure."
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/7/2023 - "======>"
4/7/2023 - "======>"
4/7/2023 - "Calder: Reread last conversation with "partner"."
4/7/2023 - "======>"
4/7/2023 - "Calder: Ride."
4/5/2023 - "Let's go back and find what we could have missed."
4/5/2023 - "I shall take the advice of another."
4/5/2023 - "But, just this once..."
4/5/2023 - "Ultimately, that is what I strive for."
4/5/2023 - "Those who toy with these foundations are dangerous."
4/5/2023 - "Fallacy breeds disorder. It begets chaos."
4/5/2023 - "And I know my inevitable end is near, but not why it is so."
4/5/2023 - "Actors should not verge on their directors."
4/5/2023 - "It is unsettling to lose control."
3/27/2023 - "======>"
3/27/2023 - "[S] Murrit: REW/FFD."
10/22/2022 - "And in a singular moment out of trillions, as they unknowingly diverge..."
10/22/2022 - "======>"
10/22/2022 - "======>"
10/22/2022 - "======>"
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Make the Duodechaxiom."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Create your phantom-hopping device."
10/12/2022 - "======>"
10/12/2022 - "======>"
10/12/2022 - "Tee Hanos: Tell the Thief to wrap it up."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Combine ALF VHS with Boobdrone."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Test SimpCD's."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Create ammo for Disk Driver."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Combine VHS with other random resources. Whatever happens, happens."
10/12/2022 - "You decide..."
9/21/2022 - "[S] Murrit: Craft up some more threads."
9/8/2022 - "======>"
9/8/2022 - "======>"
9/8/2022 - "======>"
9/8/2022 - "Metatron: Deliver trade contents."
9/8/2022 - "Taz: Send a trade offer to Murrit."
9/8/2022 - "Murrit: Find a suitable recipient."
9/8/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate Deep Deep Trouble."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Hit the Bart, man."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Combine Venusian Verifier with Bart Simpson Telephone."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Improve Kevinastic Schadenfreude."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Combine Hulkdusters with Refined Metal."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Combine Spiked Brass Knuckles with Hulk Buster hands."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Your shades need to be extra worse. Make the most gaudy, unusable eyewear at your disposal."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Skate."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Combine sneakers with reels."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate VHS Tape."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate Might As Well Kick It."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Admire Niles Crane Body Pillow."
8/29/2022 - "[S] Murrit: Alternate body pillows."
8/29/2022 - "Murrit: Recreate anatomically correct body pillows."
8/7/2022 - "[S] Murrit: Open booster pack."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Combine playing cards with anatomically correct body pillows."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate nitrogen chips."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate nitrogen chip."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Test out a single nitrogen chip."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Make something with more of a kick."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Rope, land mines, bombs. You want it?"
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Combine smart watch with doncomaticomp."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Recreate smart watch. There's more shenanigans to be had with it."
7/25/2022 - "Murrit: Combine boobdrone with speakers."
7/25/2022 - "Murrit: Come up with a new recipe using the walkman and your crocs."
7/25/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate some of your TVs."
7/25/2022 - "======>"
7/19/2022 - "[S] Murrit: Change hairstyle."
7/19/2022 - "Murrit: You know what? This cut's worn out its welcome. Time to make a change."
7/15/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate Spunk Bunker (Explicit)."
7/15/2022 - "Murrit: Improve Letterman's Jacket."
7/15/2022 - "======>"
7/15/2022 - "Murrit: Recolor Letterman's Jacket."
7/15/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate Island Time Button Up."
7/13/2022 - "======>"
7/13/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate Alohegao."
7/13/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate Ahegao Hoodie."
7/13/2022 - "Murrit: Make the most rancid shit imaginable."
7/13/2022 - "======>"
7/13/2022 - "Murrit: Craft something basic, just to make sure you've still got it."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Learn about Advanced Crafting."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Level up."
7/5/2022 - "Metatron: Process."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Empty the Purse of Tippecanoe."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Trade cards with Metatron."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Bust out your wallet and pay for the goods."
7/5/2022 - "======>"
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Summon Metatron."
7/5/2022 - "======>"
7/5/2022 - "Tee Hanos: Reveal secret eye compartment."
7/5/2022 - "Stop being Murrit."
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/15/2022 - "======>"
6/15/2022 - "======>"
6/15/2022 - "======>"
6/12/2022 - "======>"
6/12/2022 - "======>"
6/12/2022 - "======>"
6/12/2022 - "Laivan: Answer you know who."
6/8/2022 - "======>"
6/8/2022 - "======>"
6/8/2022 - "======>"
6/8/2022 - "======>"
6/8/2022 - "Ellsee: Begin investigation."
6/5/2022 - "======>"
6/5/2022 - "======>"
6/5/2022 - "======>"
6/5/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "Laivan: Open fire!"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "What about that structure you were headed toward a while back?"
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "Laivan: Gather materials for the Cauldron."
5/25/2022 - "Dismas: Answer you know who."
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "Dismas: Escalate."
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "Dismas: Drink the liquid."
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "Dismas: Accept healing treatment."
5/21/2022 - "Granite: Assess the aspect holder."
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "Dismas: Aggress."
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "Dismas: Finish the job."
5/9/2022 - "======>"
5/9/2022 - "======>"
5/9/2022 - "======>"
5/9/2022 - "======>"
5/9/2022 - "Your custodian leads you to a highrise hovel."
5/5/2022 - "======>"
5/5/2022 - "======>"
5/5/2022 - "======>"
5/5/2022 - "======>"
5/5/2022 - "Jentha: Wander."
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "A few sweeps later..."
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "Murrit: Open carboholster."
4/18/2022 - "Murrit: Acquire more sweets and/or treats."
4/18/2022 - "This is a nice enough spot."
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "Murrit: Collect the items from your pod."
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "Some nights later..."
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "So, instead, you're forced to make a gamble."
3/31/2022 - "And your choices are limited."
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "But this..."
3/22/2022 - "Principal: Put a stop to this violent tomfoolery."
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "But soon enough..."
3/22/2022 - "Skulltitan: Give chase."
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "XXXXXX: Distract."
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "Jentha: Push back."
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "DON'T LEAVE"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "Somewhere, below the deepest layers of Repiton's crust..."
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "Kids: Play!"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "Kids: Approach the Yard."
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "Nappies: Be rudely interrupted."
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "And eventually, after several twists, turns and close calls..."
1/2/2022 - "XXXXXX and XXXXXX: Escape quarters."
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "XXXXXX: Connect with your new friend!"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "The next evening…"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "XXXXXX: Start on your sorry note."
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "Jentha: Check your bag buddy."
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "Jentha: Beat your grubby planet for complete and utter stupid idiot morons."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "Skaia recognizes this."
10/29/2021 - "He could not bring himself to be rid of you."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "One that came and went..."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "Turning into a roaring inferno, bigger than you could have possibly imagined."
10/29/2021 - "But such idyll was short-lived."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "This wasn't always the case."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "VP: Remember."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "CM: Call to order."
10/29/2021 - "Judge: Put court in session."
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "Hours earlier, on a moon that basks in the all-mother's light..."
10/12/2021 - "No matter."
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: Answer Laivan."
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: Stay the horror. Still the fiend."
10/12/2021 - "Herbert Butterhooves: Whinny."
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: That's it. You have to deploy DRASTIC MEASURES."
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: No dice. Hollow Herb's not giving you anything to work with."
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: Third time's the charm...?"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: This stupid thing isn't being friendly. Get his attention!"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "Serpaz: Discover horrifying truth about omenbeasts."
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "Ellsee: Read messages from Occeus."
6/7/2021 - "Ellsee: Open Skorpe."
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "Ellsee: Go to the terminal."
6/7/2021 - "Ellsee: Wake up."
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "No."
4/30/2021 - "Sigh."
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "You never answered my question."
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "Let's talk."
4/30/2021 - "But I am glad you're here."
4/30/2021 - "Do you remember? I'm not quite sure of... well, many things. Not anymore."
4/30/2021 - "When was the last time we met, face to face?"
4/30/2021 - "I would know best."
4/30/2021 - "Lingering in memories is not very constructive, Ellsee."
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "Arcjec and Ellsee: Get down with your elation."
4/7/2021 - "You had the best time of your lives when you were together."
4/7/2021 - "Looking back on those days, you are certain:"
4/7/2021 - "Why does he still not remember?"
4/7/2021 - "You want to go back in."
4/7/2021 - "An ephemeral memory that she chases."
4/7/2021 - "And as they stand at the end of it..."
4/7/2021 - "The way back home is the same as always."
4/7/2021 - "That's something only she seems aware of now."
4/7/2021 - "Back when she didn't have to run."
4/7/2021 - "At one point, however, she was."
4/7/2021 - "Any surface will do."
4/7/2021 - "She will, after she gets her much needed rest."
4/7/2021 - "Or rather..."
4/7/2021 - "Hours earlier, at the end of their plight..."
4/7/2021 - "Murrit: Recontextualize."
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "Murrit: Gather."
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "Sova: Disregard that. Lurk in the new memo instead."
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "Sova: Retrieve manuscript."
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "Sova: Return to your land."
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "Sova: Say goodbye to Cooperi."
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "ACT 3 ACT 1"
2/23/2021 - "==';IF&GRC^NY-@UHEHEAR+_ME"
2/23/2021 - "P*G`E<3"
2/23/2021 - "===-ACT3A1>>"
2/12/2021 - "END OF INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 2."
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/11/2021 - "[S] Incursion."
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro: Continue."
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] Raurou: Remove Lil' Bopper."
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] Raurou: Grieve."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro: Settle crowd."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Quickly come up with some convenient lies."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Drop in unannounced."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro and Hamifi: Begin public address."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Weird Al: Confirm placement of secondary cast members."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Weird Al: Suggest."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Talald: Report in."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Weird Al: Bring her back to you."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] Necron: Rendezvous with The Boys."
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] Raurou: Follow the whimsical flashes of color."
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] Sabine: Head out."
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro: Leave."
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] Hamifi: Call Sestro."
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] Raurou: Patrol the area."
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] Rypite and Sirage: Wait."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sabine: Do the laugh."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sabine: Scheme."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Crytum, Oricka and Necron: Discuss."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Oricka: Tell your codebreaker what's what."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Endari: Barge through the door."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Necron: Try to get in contact with your resident hackerman."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Skedaddle."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Hop on your ride."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/16/2020 - "[I2S2] [S] Turnin: Check social media."
10/16/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Theorize about recent events."
10/16/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Devour more sweets and/or treats. "
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Be Turnin."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Search."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Exit facility."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======> "
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======> "
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Answer matesprit."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Evacuate station."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Reattempt contact with superior. "
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Check Skorpe."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Examine quarters."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Enter name."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] Be the moon troll."
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro and Hamifi: Enter chambers."
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro: Check the office again, just to be sure."
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro and Hamifi: Continue."
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 2"
6/8/2020 - "My offered summary follows."
6/8/2020 - "But I suppose nothing has ever stopped these influences before, either."
6/8/2020 - "======>"
6/8/2020 - "======>"
5/15/2020 - "END OF INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 1."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] I do have a final request, though."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Ah, I guess that's my cue to wrap it up."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] And isn't that the beauty of free will?"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] This was all on him."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] I never even forced the guy to do anything!"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] I miss him already."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Maybe this was a bit much?"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Fine."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Aw, come on. Are you really gonna be like that?"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] But you always come back, right?"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Now..."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Oops! Bit of a rough landing."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Yeah. Just let that sink in."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] A trick question! Doesn't matter, 'cause I'll make sure there is."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] And so, we are left with a question."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] There's so many other stories to be told!"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Just like what happened here."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] In all probabilities, there are constants."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Why would you go along with this? I'm glad you asked!"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Hm. Tough crowd."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] So maybe you should listen to what I have to say!"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] There's just me."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Not sure if you've noticed..."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] What was even the plan here, Jack?"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] I have stage presen—"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Now, there's a number of ways you can respond to this."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Well, don't you worry your pretty little head over the details."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Haha, man, that almost killed my buzz."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Anyway! Like all credible sources, I prefer pseudonyms."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Uh, no?"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] SAY IT."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] It doesn't have to be such a big secret."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] Say my name."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] Well, okay, maybe there's a couple of things."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] What do I want?"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] But what about you, huh?"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] Does it matter though?"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] It does wonders, all this good company."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] So here's to you, Mr. Noir!"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] We'll do something a little more casual."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] Still not enough?"
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] Who you were actually talking to, that is."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] I really can't imagine why."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] "Tom?" you say."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] Instead, you hear a familiar voice."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Leave room."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Watch the running footage."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Enter portrait."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Search for your Arch Nemesis."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Endure."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Open Barbie Horse Adventures."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Destroy anomaly source with crowbar."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] Green Room: Rupture."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Go for broke."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Provoke Crowbar with an advanced technique."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: How do you intend to get out of this one?"
4/13/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/13/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/13/2020 - "[S] [I2S1] ======>"
4/13/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Where in the hell are you?"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] Cans: Make it a party!"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: Call for backup."
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] Pure Shufflers: Arrive."
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Group up with the rest of your associates."
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Finally use Quentin Tarantino doll and protractor."
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Get to safety by clipping out of bounds."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Plot threads: Begin to converge."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Take Sn0wman on a temporal excursion via Sawbuck."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Crowbar: Reminisce about better times."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Ricochet your one shot like a crazy play of billiards."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Say a cheesy one-liner despite your asphyxiation."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Take the key and unlock Sn0wman's heart."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Fuck them up."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Make appropriate countermeasures."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Avenge your deckmate by getting back to your tech, dude."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Shame him eternally by stealing his hat."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: See the funniest shit you've ever seen."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Enact vengeance through the use of overpriced beverages."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Correctly guess who you're going to be next."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] SD: Be DS."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Take the door to get out of here, for comedic effect."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Casually sneak a few cookies into your pockets."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Kill your manager to become the new manager as is the custom."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Contact DD and purchase a hot beverage."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Engage in fluffy over the counter romance, fanfiction style."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Deal with Karen."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Ask who the next customer is."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Double check the stock before the next rush comes in."
3/25/2020 - "[IS21] HB: Tell CD to hop off."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Hit the jack-pot."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] PS: Try to find out what in the all hell is even happening anymore."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: Take your turn in this bitter knifetown jive."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Bond with MCSS over mutual love of green torsos."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Off Jack."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: Add another Jack to this Jack-off session."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Pick an artifact. Any artifact."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: Think back on what got you into this mess."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Do a synchronized dance number with yourself!"
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: There's something in his eye."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: You're the ace of spades around here. Prove it to 'em."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Accuse the imposter of identity theft."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Cut back to DD for the sake of plot."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: De-ascend stairs."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Ascend infinite flight of stairs."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Give HD the Elvis costume."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Check voicemail."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Switch their faces back onto their right bodies."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Double-check your stash of artifacts."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Converse with CB and HD."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Take off that godforsaken Elvis costume."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Activate HUNKAHUNKATECH: BURNING LOVE."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Turn Around."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Abruptly cut back to SS and undermine the tension."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] Cans: Politely ask DD to stay in the Hotel California."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Check green door for monsters."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Create a DEUS EX ANOMALY."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Find a way to help DD."
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Have a gander at your business partners' progress."
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Manipulate the hotel's structure."
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Eat the anomaly source."
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: What is your current opinion on time travel?"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Attempt to bend narrative to your will and become CD."
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Recall last 14 minutes."
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] PDD: Riddle him with Pez."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Recall the last 15 minutes."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Sit back and relax."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Call one of your people."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Reminisce about Tom."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: What are you drinking there?"
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Put on some tasteful music."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Check how the devaluing of the hotel is going."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Review grocery list in case of temporal transport."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Continue being SS."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: What's that easy option? "
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Keep a death tally. Perhaps an itinerary of sorts?"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Materialize onto the physical plane."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: See if your artifacts still work here."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Seek out more bodies to perforate."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Preemptively Be Die."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Check the time."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Toss out another door and never look back."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Call Defrauding Dealer and tell him the news."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Eat all of the spaghetti to establish further dominance."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Show 'em who's boss."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Use an artifact to drive your point in."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: The silent treatment, huh?"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Ruminate on fellow team members."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] PCD: Why are you filled with so much aggression and hatred?"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Who are these fellas, anyway?"
2/27/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/27/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Intimidate."
2/27/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Succumb to the overwhelming urge to break a clock."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Open new suddenly appearing door."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Read small letters on Queuecard."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Download a knife."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Browse the enticing shopping tab."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Ask how to navigate alternate universes with door deficiencies."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Open a chatroom to communicate with enemies."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Reminisce about your traitorous fifth member."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Search up floor plan of the hotel."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Ask Jeeves about the hotel's checkout policy."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Go to deconreconstruction.com."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Pick up the phone. You've got calls to make."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Deface portrait of loathsome rat."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Inspect geographically-relevant sundried musicians."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Promptly realize the floor is lava."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Ensure that your arch nemesis prepared lots of spaghetti."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Find a door and get the hell out of here."
2/23/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/23/2020 - "[S] INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 1"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
12/31/2019 - "[S] ======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "CAN'T LEAVE"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "[S] ======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "Are you still willing to follow at my side?"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "And yet, like him, I too persist."
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "L//E/++A()V()()<<E"
11/10/2019 - "ACT5ACT4ACTACT3ACT2ACT1"
11/10/2019 - "12248===IIII Y3O2U"
11/1/2019 - "===== /========== =>>>"
11/1/2019 - "IN ETWRT MI3ESSDIO N1031"
11/1/2019 - "END OF ACT 2."
11/1/2019 - "[S] Ellsee: Enter."
5/28/2019 - "[S] WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM."
5/28/2019 - "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME. "
5/28/2019 - "NO."
5/28/2019 - "I must... be..."
5/28/2019 - "I must be..."
5/28/2019 - "I must be having technical difficulties."
5/28/2019 - "A flashback sequence? I should have been able to see anything like that before this point..."
5/28/2019 - "Wait... What is this scene?"
5/28/2019 - "I may be weak now, but that does not mean you can ruin this show. Not like you have ruined me."
5/28/2019 - "You always must persist, mustn't you? Persist in your unforgiving "perfection"."
5/28/2019 - "I don't know what you're trying to prove."
5/28/2019 - "You shouldn't be here."
5/28/2019 - "If you wish to protect your friends, why do you insist on hurting them?"
5/28/2019 - "You compromise your ideals. You go against your duty."
5/28/2019 - "I would also like to think so, but where does that leave us? What has made you reach such needless anger?"
5/28/2019 - "Where is he leading this conversation? I've not seen him like this since he was young."
5/28/2019 - "A joke? Not at all. Unruly? Without a doubt."
5/28/2019 - "What could they be referring to?"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "Yes, here. This must be it."
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "We must complete this section post-haste. I need to find out what is going on."
5/19/2019 - "Ellsee: Captchalogue book."
5/19/2019 - "Arcjec: Use relocator to come back and give Ellsee her gift."
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/12/2019 - "[S] Ellsee: Dance out your frustrations."
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "Ellsee: Wallow."
4/28/2019 - "Ellsee: Return."
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "Sestro and Hamifi: Assess situation."
4/28/2019 - "Pillar: Land."
4/28/2019 - "Ellsee: Activate pillar."
4/28/2019 - "Ellsee: Get out of there."
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "Pillar: Drop."
4/19/2019 - "Arcjec: Deploy first pillar, discreetly."
4/19/2019 - "Arcjec: Gawk at whimsy."
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "Ellsee: Come up with some convenient lies!"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "Ellsee: Move forward."
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "Portal: Activate."
4/6/2019 - "Staff: React."
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "Ellsee: Captchalogue laptop, book and staff."
4/6/2019 - "Ellsee: Clarify power."
4/6/2019 - "Arcjec: Clarify situation."
3/17/2019 - "Tutorial: Update."
3/17/2019 - "======>"
3/17/2019 - "======>"
3/17/2019 - "======>"
3/17/2019 - "Bard: Serve Mage."
3/12/2019 - "Afraid. "
3/12/2019 - "Weak."
3/12/2019 - "Vulnerable."
3/12/2019 - "A boy, disrespected."
3/12/2019 - "But his desires and that which he shuns are one and the same."
3/12/2019 - "He is faced with this need head on."
3/12/2019 - "The abyssal creatures drag a remnant of times past from the darkened floor."
3/12/2019 - "======>"
3/12/2019 - "======>"
3/12/2019 - "Calder: Receive message from business partner."
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "Prince: Exhaust."
3/4/2019 - "Oh, not this again."
3/4/2019 - "Hm?"
3/4/2019 - "Heir: Fret over the Prince's absence."
3/4/2019 - "Heir: Aid Page of Heart."
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "A portent of the end makes itself known through natural power..."
2/25/2019 - "======>"
2/25/2019 - "Witch: Struggle free."
2/25/2019 - "Harbinger: Be the Page's client."
2/25/2019 - "Occeus: Seek aid from one of your confidants."
2/25/2019 - "Sova: Keep reading."
2/25/2019 - "Sova: Share your progress with the others."
2/18/2019 - "Sova: Quick, find a place to hide!"
2/18/2019 - "Arcjec: Open new memo."
2/18/2019 - "Arcjec: Contemplate."
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "Arcjec: Reap spoils."
2/18/2019 - "Arcjec: Test crafting skills."
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "Arcjec: Admire creation."
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "Snakes: Adorn valiant savior with prizes!"
1/28/2019 - "Arcjec: Achievements unlocked!"
1/22/2019 - "======>"
1/22/2019 - "======>"
1/22/2019 - "======>"
1/22/2019 - "======>"
1/22/2019 - "Arcjec: Celebrate."
1/20/2019 - "======>"
1/20/2019 - "======>"
1/20/2019 - "======>"
1/20/2019 - "======>"
1/20/2019 - "Occeus: Respond to transmission."
1/20/2019 - "Jentha: Answer this darn guy."
1/20/2019 - "Jentha: Receive message."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Watch some television for the nostalgia factor."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Do the freak!"
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Examine yellow animatronic."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Examine residual sopor bags."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Craft menagerie of paper dolls."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Revel in your victory."
1/19/2019 - "======>"
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Win by default."
1/19/2019 - "======>"
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Force innocent gnome to play a round with you."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Read the "Connect One" ruleset."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Examine posters. Establish impeccable taste."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Admire Furby collection."
1/19/2019 - "Enter name."
1/12/2019 - "Ah! It appears we are finally meeting our Light player."
1/12/2019 - "Let's just go back to how it was before."
1/12/2019 - "She's right, of course. As she often is."
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "Laivan: Follow Haniel."
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "Laivan: Consult denizen."
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "Calder: Detect movement."
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/23/2018 - "Ellsee: Go off."
12/23/2018 - "Ellsee: Let Calder have it."
12/23/2018 - "======>"
12/23/2018 - "Ellsee: Try not to scream."
12/23/2018 - "Ellsee: Look outside."
12/23/2018 - "Chimeraparent: Speak."
12/23/2018 - "Be Ellsee."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "VP: Don't panic."
12/15/2018 - "The three prospit dreamers move toward discovery above..."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "Dream!Laivan: Greet your friend."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "Dream!Albion: Explore your surroundings."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "Dream!Albion: Awaken."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "Dismas and Albion: Enter."
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "Albion: Respond to Serpaz."
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "Serpaz: Connect to Albion."
11/30/2018 - "Albion: Struggle."
11/30/2018 - "Dismas: Chew the scenery."
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "Weird Al: Dissuade."
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "Dismas: Score favor."
11/30/2018 - "Dismas: Panic for like the fifth time tonight."
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "Edolon: Show her what you mean."
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "Serpaz: Re-make his acquaintance."
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "Serpaz: Find out what all the commotion is about."
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "Serpaz: Check in with Albion."
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "Albion: Connect to Dismas."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "Hm? What is this, now..."
11/12/2018 - "Be the weird alchemist."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "Even if they should."
11/12/2018 - "Instead, they press forward..."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "But when a Thief is lacking in their aspect..."
11/12/2018 - "The ROGUE OF MIND has lost his patience."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "Murrit: Seek guidance."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "Murrit: Enter."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "rumble rumble rumble"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "Sova: Read impassioned translation."
11/7/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "Sova: Answer Serpaz."
10/29/2018 - "Sova: Check Skorpe."
10/23/2018 - "======>"
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Read table scroll."
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Inspect novel."
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Examine historically inaccurate poster."
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Admire feathered friend."
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Find nearest recuperacoon."
10/23/2018 - "Enter name."
10/23/2018 - "======>"
10/10/2018 - "[S] Engage."
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "JUST LEAVE"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Arcjec: Hurry."
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Arcjec: Reach checkpoint."
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Jack: Resist."
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Jack: Fake your way out of this."
8/2/2018 - "Jack: Introduce "helper"."
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Jack: Request assistance."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Jack: Rehabilitate."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Jack: Start eating garbage."
7/25/2018 - "State name and exposit past."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "And now, for a complete change of scenery..."
7/25/2018 - "Be the mouthpiece of the end."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Enter no hands land."
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Check Skorpe."
7/25/2018 - "Accordion Curse: Pervade."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Lefty: Greet darling daughter."
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Look behind you!"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "[S] Serpaz: Play your soul out on the accursed accordion."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Resist urge to GO TO TOWN on the accordion."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Peruse corporate calendar."
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: Insert rod A into slot B."
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: Admire shrine to comedy masters."
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: Retrieve some glue for your matesprit."
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: You're not working anymore. Take off your helmet!"
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: Smile, you're on camera!"
7/13/2018 - "Enter name."
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "Elsewhere still, even earlier than before..."
7/13/2018 - "TRACK."
7/13/2018 - "Dismas: MELT."
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "Murrit: Settle him in."
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "And even further elsewhere..."
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "In the present, elsewhere..."
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Equip club."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Tee up."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Answer Occeus."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Check Skorpe."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Fetch laptop."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Message Occeus."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Fondly regard obstacles."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Emerge."
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/13/2018 - "[S] Calder: Elevate."
6/13/2018 - "======>"
6/13/2018 - "======>"
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Traverse corridor."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Examine ship in a bottle."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Take a moment to admire your publication."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Finish this blasted wine."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Reveal the original owner of your dwelling."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Reclaim throne."
6/13/2018 - "======>"
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Examine block."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "Enter name."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "Earlier, elsewhere..."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "Laivan: Touch base with King Murrit Dynogadget."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "They speak, locked in a circuitous impasse."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "And this time..."
6/7/2018 - "She was trapped."
6/7/2018 - "With the final pieces in place..."
6/7/2018 - "Taz: Input codes."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
5/22/2018 - "======>"
5/22/2018 - "Taz: Realize what lies below."
5/22/2018 - "Taz: Calm yourself."
5/22/2018 - "Taz: Scream."
5/22/2018 - "Creatures: Feast."
5/22/2018 - "======>"
5/22/2018 - "======>"
5/22/2018 - "Minkmom: Retreat to where it's safe."
5/22/2018 - "And when instinct takes over..."
5/22/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "Taz: Look up."
5/13/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "Ellsee: Begin memo."
5/12/2018 - "======>"
5/12/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "Arcjec: Equip yourself."
4/29/2018 - "Arcjec: Resume talk with colorful snake."
4/29/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "Arcjec: Read messages from Taz."
4/29/2018 - "Arcjec: Answer Ellsee."
4/27/2018 - "Arcjec: Check in on fodder."
4/27/2018 - "======>"
4/26/2018 - "Arcjec: Use terminal."
4/26/2018 - "======>"
4/26/2018 - "======>"
4/26/2018 - "Arcjec: Take a look around."
4/12/2018 - "They are left to feel the same way..."
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "Examine ashen quadrant."
4/12/2018 - "Examine pale quadrant."
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "Examine caliginous quadrant."
4/12/2018 - "Examine flushed quadrant."
4/12/2018 - "...complicated."
4/12/2018 - "Allow me to explain Repitonian romance."
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "Occeus: Seek clarification."
4/12/2018 - "Occeus: Check memo."
4/12/2018 - "Occeus: Answer Ellsee."
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "Occeus: Check computer."
3/25/2018 - "Occeus: Examine parasite."
3/25/2018 - "Occeus: Examine poster of troll body."
3/25/2018 - "Occeus: Mourn the loss of your subject."
3/25/2018 - "Enter name."
3/25/2018 - "======>"
3/25/2018 - "======>"
3/25/2018 - "======>"
3/22/2018 - "Other Blue Guy: Terminate."
3/11/2018 - "======>"
3/11/2018 - "======>"
3/11/2018 - "Subject: Revive."
3/11/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "Other Blue Guy: Document results."
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "Be the other blue guy."
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "[S] Arcjec: Get up."
2/14/2018 - "Arcjec: Check your surroundings."
12/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Worry about the fate of your planet."
12/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Get in contact with Taz."
12/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Ponder recent events."
12/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Recap your situation."
12/30/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Troll Murrit for answers."
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Check computer for clues."
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Interview witness."
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Examine hole in the wall."
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Search hive."
12/8/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "Ellsee: Ask precious friend for reassurance."
11/13/2017 - "======>"
11/12/2017 - "Ellsee: Answer trusted person."
11/12/2017 - "======>"
11/12/2017 - "Ellsee: Flop belly-first onto your pillows and check Skorpe."
11/12/2017 - "Ellsee: Receive message."
11/12/2017 - "Ellsee: Turn on the lights."
11/5/2017 - "Ellsee: Commit arson."
11/5/2017 - "======>"
11/5/2017 - "======>"
11/5/2017 - "Ellsee: Take a peek outside of your tent."
11/5/2017 - "Ellsee: Examine cloak."
11/5/2017 - "Enter name."
11/1/2017 - "ACT 2"
11/1/2017 - "END OF INTERMISSION 1"
11/1/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
11/1/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
11/1/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
11/1/2017 - "[I1] Go further in."
10/29/2017 - "[I1] Look at the lovely creature."
10/29/2017 - "[I1] Enter room."
10/29/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/29/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/29/2017 - "[I1] Quite exciting, no?"
10/26/2017 - "[I1] Say hello."
10/26/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/26/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/26/2017 - "[I1] What is the game?"
10/20/2017 - "[I1] Where are we?"
10/20/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/20/2017 - "[I1] Enter name."
10/20/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/20/2017 - "INTERMISSION 1"
10/20/2017 - "END OF ACT 1."
10/9/2017 - "[S] Arcjec: Enter."
10/9/2017 - "And with that."
10/9/2017 - "======>"
10/9/2017 - "======>"
10/9/2017 - "Arcjec: Captchalogue book."
9/10/2017 - "======>"
9/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Take one last look at the book on top of the thermal hull."
9/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Grab your scythe."
9/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Attempt to input numeric code."
9/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Print."
9/10/2017 - "======>"
9/10/2017 - "Taz: Click on the first item instead, then."
9/6/2017 - "Taz: Deploy the red box."
9/6/2017 - "======>"
9/6/2017 - "======>"
9/6/2017 - "======>"
9/6/2017 - "======>"
9/6/2017 - "Arcjec: Input symbol."
8/15/2017 - "======>"
8/15/2017 - "======>"
8/15/2017 - "======>"
8/15/2017 - "Taz: Click the green button."
8/15/2017 - "Taz: Try to replicate a symbol on the diagram."
8/7/2017 - "Taz: Press sand ticker."
8/7/2017 - "Arcjec: Open Etchelizer."
8/7/2017 - "======>"
8/7/2017 - "Thank you. Where were we?"
8/7/2017 - "=e?/,.01-=>"
7/19/2017 - "Arr=,3j--=> A22wnr"
7/19/2017 - "Arcjec: Put papers in a nice orderly stack."
7/19/2017 - "======>"
7/19/2017 - "Arcjec: Unball papers."
7/19/2017 - "Taz and Arcjec: Click the button."
7/19/2017 - "Taz and Arcjec: Close tutorial."
7/18/2017 - "Taz and Arcjec: Click quizzical looking squiggle button."
6/28/2017 - "Taz: Pick a button, any button."
6/28/2017 - "======>"
6/26/2017 - "======>"
6/26/2017 - "======>"
6/26/2017 - "======>"
6/18/2017 - "Arcjec: Investigate scene."
6/18/2017 - "======>"
6/18/2017 - "======>"
6/18/2017 - "Taz: Make him cooperate."
6/18/2017 - "======>"
6/15/2017 - "Arcjec: Open Memo."
6/15/2017 - "Arcjec: Answer Taz."
6/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Open Skorpe."
5/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Inspect game mechanics."
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "Game: Start."
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "And moments later..."
5/30/2017 - "Taz: Greet Arcjec in the nicest way possible."
5/30/2017 - "Taz: Inspect game mechanics."
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/29/2017 - "======>"
5/29/2017 - "======>"
5/29/2017 - "======>"
5/28/2017 - "======>"
5/28/2017 - "======>"
5/24/2017 - "======>"
5/24/2017 - "Murrit: Answer Laivan."
5/23/2017 - "======>"
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Examine monitored item."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Open Surveillance Modus."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Receive message."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Punch this pod's lights out."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Kick pod."
5/19/2017 - "======>"
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Examine next wall."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Examine wall."
5/19/2017 - "======>"
5/17/2017 - "Be Murrit."
5/16/2017 - "======>"
5/12/2017 - "======>"
5/12/2017 - "======>"
5/12/2017 - "======>"
5/12/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "Albion: Read."
5/10/2017 - "Albion: Receive message."
5/8/2017 - "Albion: Check ring."
5/8/2017 - "======>"
5/8/2017 - "======>"
5/6/2017 - "======>"
5/6/2017 - "Laivan: Examine shelf."
5/6/2017 - "Laivan: Pet lusus."
5/6/2017 - "Laivan: Examine drawing on desk."
5/6/2017 - "======>"
5/1/2017 - "Laivan: Answer special someone."
5/1/2017 - "Laivan: Examine computer."
5/1/2017 - "======>"
5/1/2017 - "======>"
5/1/2017 - "Laivan: Retrieve Green Sun."
5/1/2017 - "Enter name."
4/26/2017 - "And it's finally time..."
4/26/2017 - "In any case."
4/26/2017 - "Isn't it beautiful?"
4/26/2017 - "Did you know that the two digits, when placed side by side, are thought to be the perfect number?"
4/26/2017 - "A thought has come to me, after all that."
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/19/2017 - "======>"
4/19/2017 - "======>"
4/19/2017 - "======>"
4/19/2017 - "======>"
4/16/2017 - "======>"
4/16/2017 - "Ah."
4/16/2017 - "And we will get through this act together."
4/16/2017 - "You’ll still be the Blue Guy for now, though."
4/16/2017 - "And we have a lot to discuss, Hero of Space."
4/16/2017 - "Like so."
4/16/2017 - "======>"
4/16/2017 - "======>"
4/16/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "Blue Guy: Make your delivery, as is usual."
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "Blue Guy: Visit the Hero of Breath."
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/7/2017 - "Blue Guy: Ponder worries."
4/7/2017 - "Blue Guy: Look at papers."
4/7/2017 - "Let us try being the Blue Guy once more."
4/7/2017 - "======>"
4/7/2017 - "Murrit: Remind yourself of what is important."
4/7/2017 - "======>"
4/3/2017 - "Murrit: Answer the other troll."
4/3/2017 - "Murrit: Answer Blue Dog."
4/1/2017 - "Murrit: Examine desktop."
4/1/2017 - "Murrit: Examine monitors."
4/1/2017 - "======>"
4/1/2017 - "Murrit: Examine colorful cube."
3/24/2017 - "Murrit: Check in on the blue guy."
3/24/2017 - "======>"
3/24/2017 - "Murrit: Check in on Dismas."
3/24/2017 - "======>"
3/19/2017 - "Explain species mating procedures."
3/18/2017 - "Murrit: Examine Dismas body pillow."
3/18/2017 - "Murrit: Examine mysterious ancient entertainment hubs."
3/18/2017 - "Murrit: Examine launchpad."
3/18/2017 - "Murrit: Examine copious amount of shades."
3/18/2017 - "======>"
3/17/2017 - "Murrit: Fondly regard past Murrit."
3/17/2017 - "======>"
3/15/2017 - "Enter name."
3/15/2017 - "======>"
3/12/2017 - "======>"
3/12/2017 - "======>"
3/12/2017 - "Dismas: Look up again."
3/12/2017 - "======>"
3/10/2017 - "======>"
3/10/2017 - "======>"
3/10/2017 - "Dismas: Look up."
3/9/2017 - "======>"
3/9/2017 - "======>"
3/9/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/2/2017 - "======>"
3/2/2017 - "======>"
3/2/2017 - "======>"
3/2/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "Dismas: Answer UK."
2/28/2017 - "Dismas: Receive coincidental message from "partner"."
2/28/2017 - "Dismas: Examine tapes."
2/26/2017 - "Dismas: Examine burnt out ore."
2/26/2017 - "Dismas: Examine corkboard."
2/26/2017 - "Dismas: Prepare for the end of the world."
2/26/2017 - "Enter name."
2/26/2017 - "Albion: Think of something else."
2/26/2017 - "======>"
2/26/2017 - "======>"
2/25/2017 - "======>"
2/25/2017 - "======>"
2/25/2017 - "And a little while later..."
2/19/2017 - "Albion: Answer Taz."
2/19/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "Albion: Activate Skorpe."
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/15/2017 - "======>"
2/15/2017 - "======>"
2/15/2017 - "Albion: Meditate."
2/15/2017 - "Albion: Use Astral Projector."
2/15/2017 - "Albion: Retrieve Astral Projector."
2/12/2017 - "Albion: Open Spirograph Modus."
2/12/2017 - "Albion: Receive message from Taz."
2/12/2017 - "Albion: Admire slime pit."
2/9/2017 - "Albion: Read table scroll."
2/9/2017 - "Albion: Check Mood Ring."
2/9/2017 - "Enter name."
2/6/2017 - "======>"
2/6/2017 - "======>"
2/4/2017 - "======>"
2/4/2017 - "Arcjec: Inspect drawing."
2/4/2017 - "======>"
2/3/2017 - "[S] Arcjec: Recover."
2/3/2017 - "======>"
2/3/2017 - "======>"
2/3/2017 - "======>"
1/30/2017 - "======>"
1/30/2017 - "======>"
1/30/2017 - "======>"
1/26/2017 - "======>"
1/26/2017 - "======>"
1/26/2017 - "======>"
1/26/2017 - "======>"
1/22/2017 - "Taz: Investigate SREEEEEEE."
1/22/2017 - "======>"
1/22/2017 - "Taz: Admire championship prizes."
1/19/2017 - "Taz: Deploy SMACKDOWN."
1/19/2017 - "======>"
1/19/2017 - "Taz: Examine bar."
1/19/2017 - "======>"
1/19/2017 - "Taz: Go downstairs."
1/19/2017 - "Taz: Set online status to "cloying"."
1/17/2017 - "======>"
1/6/2017 - "Taz: Answer troll."
1/6/2017 - "======>"
1/1/2017 - "======>"
1/1/2017 - "Taz: Check damage."
1/1/2017 - "======>"
1/1/2017 - "======>"
12/30/2016 - "======>"
12/30/2016 - "======>"
12/30/2016 - "======>"
12/30/2016 - "Taz: Use Ferocity Weaver."
12/30/2016 - "Taz: Examine weapon cabinet."
12/30/2016 - "Taz: Admire poster of Hulk Hogan."
12/30/2016 - "Taz: Pet the rock."
12/30/2016 - "======>"
12/25/2016 - "Enter name."
12/25/2016 - "Not to worry. You see..."
12/25/2016 - "Be the blue guy."
12/24/2016 - "Arcjec: Wallow."
12/24/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "Arcjec: Check the window again, just to be sure."
12/23/2016 - "Arcjec: Answer Troll."
12/20/2016 - "Arcjec: Examine Computer."
12/20/2016 - "Arcjec: Get interrupted from hiding."
12/18/2016 - "Arcjec: Get up and hide under your desk."
12/18/2016 - "======>"
12/18/2016 - "Arcjec: Scream."
12/18/2016 - "======>"
5/1/2016 - "======>"
5/1/2016 - "======>"
5/4/2015 - "======>"
5/4/2015 - "======>"
5/4/2015 - "Arcjec: Investigate plink."
5/4/2015 - "======>"
6/21/2014 - "Something: Happen."
6/18/2014 - "======>"
6/18/2014 - "Arcjec: Look at the book on top of your thermal hull."
3/25/2014 - "======>"
3/25/2014 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "Arcjec: Overdramatically turn and glare at the picture on your dartboard."
11/5/2013 - "Arcjec: Stack up Code Red cans and plow through them like a skulltitan."
10/7/2013 - "Arcjec: Look at posters."
10/1/2013 - "Arcjec: Pick up all of this trash on your floor."
10/1/2013 - "======>"
3/25/2013 - "Try again."
3/25/2013 - "Enter name."
3/25/2013 - "Begin."
3/25/2013 - "VAST ERROR"
3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "Arcjec: Answer incoming business patron."
3/4/2025 - "Arcjec: Receive new contact."
3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "======>"
3/4/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
2/1/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "Taz: Give Arcjec a light."
1/10/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "Arcjec: Have a smoke while you're at it."
1/10/2025 - "Arcjec and Taz: Take a break."
1/10/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "Taz: NEW TECHNIQUE UNLOCKED!"
1/10/2025 - "Arcjec: NEW TECHNIQUE UNLOCKED!"
1/10/2025 - "======>"
1/10/2025 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "Arcjec: Strike bargain."
12/4/2024 - "Arcjec: Interject."
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "======>"
12/4/2024 - "Arcjec and Taz: Pawn Spleen off to your latest client."
11/12/2024 - "Arcjec: Catch."
11/12/2024 - "======>"
11/12/2024 - "======>"
11/12/2024 - "Arcjec: Re-engage."
11/12/2024 - "======>"
11/12/2024 - "======>"
11/12/2024 - "Taz: Bound."
10/19/2024 - "Arcjec: Improvise."
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "Taz: Perform FASTBALL SPECIAL."
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "Be Future Arcjec and Taz."
10/19/2024 - "======>"
10/19/2024 - "Hm?"
8/2/2024 - "A new link between worlds is added to a growing map."
8/2/2024 - "And with that..."
8/2/2024 - "She certainly seems to think so."
8/2/2024 - "You must agree that it's warranted at this stage, yes?"
8/2/2024 - "And though our Witch's entrance is somewhat... overbearing..."
8/2/2024 - "It's been a long time coming."
8/2/2024 - "The two aspect holders intersect with another, whose unique adventure is already in progress."
8/2/2024 - "And thus, with the idyllic path taken..."
6/16/2024 - "======>"
6/16/2024 - "======>"
6/16/2024 - "======>"
6/16/2024 - "Occeus: Give her a pittance of actual advice."
6/16/2024 - "Serpaz: Ask Occeus what he thinks!"
6/16/2024 - "======>"
6/16/2024 - "And soon..."
5/30/2024 - "Occeus and Serpaz: Delve."
5/30/2024 - "======>"
5/30/2024 - "Lock: Release."
5/30/2024 - "Occeus and Serpaz: Place down the looking glass."
5/19/2024 - "======>"
5/19/2024 - "======>"
5/19/2024 - "Occeus: Unlock."
5/19/2024 - "======>"
5/19/2024 - "======>"
5/19/2024 - "Serpaz: Follow Occeus."
5/7/2024 - "Serpaz: Experience euphoric glee over impeccable new companion."
5/7/2024 - "======>"
5/7/2024 - "Occeus: Give Baby Sinclair to his rightful owner."
4/30/2024 - "Occeus: Release Serpaz."
4/30/2024 - "Occeus: Adopt the Baby Sinclair artifact."
4/30/2024 - "======>"
4/30/2024 - "Occeus: Collect this hideous, headless omenbeast."
4/20/2024 - "======>"
4/20/2024 - "======>"
4/20/2024 - "Guillotine: Tumble."
4/20/2024 - "Reginald Marmaladdie: Release the blade."
4/20/2024 - "======>"
4/20/2024 - "======>"
3/13/2024 - "S#RP^ZE:: W///K>>>UP-"
3/13/2024 - "======>"
3/13/2024 - "======>"
3/13/2024 - "======>"
3/13/2024 - "======>"
3/6/2024 - "======>"
3/6/2024 - "======>"
3/6/2024 - "======>"
3/6/2024 - "Click."
3/2/2024 - "S3RRP4ZE:::::: XNSWER...........?"
3/2/2024 - "Why did you hang up?"
2/24/2024 - "======>"
2/24/2024 - "======>"
2/24/2024 - "Serpaz: Pick up the phone."
2/24/2024 - "It's for you."
2/24/2024 - "Answer it."
2/20/2024 - "It's for you."
2/20/2024 - "======>"
2/20/2024 - "Serpaz: Continue looking around."
2/20/2024 - "So you do remember."
2/17/2024 - "Serpaz: Examine the effigies near you."
2/17/2024 - "======>"
2/17/2024 - "======>"
2/17/2024 - "Dream!Serpaz: Wake up...?"
2/10/2024 - "======>"
2/10/2024 - "======>"
2/10/2024 - "======>"
2/10/2024 - "======>"
2/10/2024 - "Occeus: Ask for directions."
2/6/2024 - "======>"
2/6/2024 - "Occeus: Survey new surroundings."
2/6/2024 - "Occeus: Move on to the next land."
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/31/2024 - "Edolon: Keep Pozzol in line."
1/31/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
1/17/2024 - "======>"
12/20/2023 - "======>"
12/20/2023 - "======>"
12/20/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "======>"
12/18/2023 - "Edolon: Continue where you left off."
12/9/2023 - "======>"
12/9/2023 - "[S] Talald: Turn their frown upside down!"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/14/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "======>"
11/9/2023 - "Necron: Come in for the save."
11/9/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/27/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
10/15/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/30/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
9/5/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "Edolon: Turn back to the bodies."
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/22/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
8/14/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/29/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/13/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/3/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
7/1/2023 - "======>"
5/31/2023 - "He still wound up being somewhat correct."
5/31/2023 - "You will eventually find out where those voices came from."
5/31/2023 - "AND MOST IMPERATIVELY!!!"
5/31/2023 - "EBHFHEHBGEH"
5/30/2023 - "FSKDSKDJDJ"
5/30/2023 - "ITS NOT ABOUT THAT!!!"
5/30/2023 - "Albion: Appreciate own ingenuity."
5/30/2023 - "Albion: Input entry codes into the ichnographist."
5/30/2023 - "======>"
5/30/2023 - "Albion: Traverse asteroid."
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/18/2023 - "======>"
5/10/2023 - "Albion: Begin pity party."
5/10/2023 - "======>"
5/10/2023 - "======>"
5/10/2023 - "======>"
5/10/2023 - "======>"
5/3/2023 - "======>"
5/3/2023 - "======>"
5/3/2023 - "Albion: Continue less-than-passionate translation."
4/26/2023 - "======>"
4/26/2023 - "======>"
4/26/2023 - "======>"
4/26/2023 - "???: Contact saboteur."
4/25/2023 - "======>"
4/25/2023 - "======>"
4/25/2023 - "======>"
4/25/2023 - "======>"
4/25/2023 - "Calder: Answer old friend."
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/21/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/15/2023 - "Calder: Enter structure."
4/15/2023 - "======>"
4/7/2023 - "======>"
4/7/2023 - "======>"
4/7/2023 - "Calder: Reread last conversation with "partner"."
4/7/2023 - "======>"
4/7/2023 - "Calder: Ride."
4/5/2023 - "Let's go back and find what we could have missed."
4/5/2023 - "I shall take the advice of another."
4/5/2023 - "But, just this once..."
4/5/2023 - "Ultimately, that is what I strive for."
4/5/2023 - "Those who toy with these foundations are dangerous."
4/5/2023 - "Fallacy breeds disorder. It begets chaos."
4/5/2023 - "And I know my inevitable end is near, but not why it is so."
4/5/2023 - "Actors should not verge on their directors."
4/5/2023 - "It is unsettling to lose control."
3/27/2023 - "======>"
3/27/2023 - "[S] Murrit: REW/FFD."
10/22/2022 - "And in a singular moment out of trillions, as they unknowingly diverge..."
10/22/2022 - "======>"
10/22/2022 - "======>"
10/22/2022 - "======>"
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Make the Duodechaxiom."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Create your phantom-hopping device."
10/12/2022 - "======>"
10/12/2022 - "======>"
10/12/2022 - "Tee Hanos: Tell the Thief to wrap it up."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Combine ALF VHS with Boobdrone."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Test SimpCD's."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Create ammo for Disk Driver."
10/12/2022 - "Murrit: Combine VHS with other random resources. Whatever happens, happens."
10/12/2022 - "You decide..."
9/21/2022 - "[S] Murrit: Craft up some more threads."
9/8/2022 - "======>"
9/8/2022 - "======>"
9/8/2022 - "======>"
9/8/2022 - "Metatron: Deliver trade contents."
9/8/2022 - "Taz: Send a trade offer to Murrit."
9/8/2022 - "Murrit: Find a suitable recipient."
9/8/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate Deep Deep Trouble."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Hit the Bart, man."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Combine Venusian Verifier with Bart Simpson Telephone."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Improve Kevinastic Schadenfreude."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Combine Hulkdusters with Refined Metal."
8/31/2022 - "Murrit: Combine Spiked Brass Knuckles with Hulk Buster hands."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Your shades need to be extra worse. Make the most gaudy, unusable eyewear at your disposal."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Skate."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Combine sneakers with reels."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate VHS Tape."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate Might As Well Kick It."
8/30/2022 - "Murrit: Admire Niles Crane Body Pillow."
8/29/2022 - "[S] Murrit: Alternate body pillows."
8/29/2022 - "Murrit: Recreate anatomically correct body pillows."
8/7/2022 - "[S] Murrit: Open booster pack."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Combine playing cards with anatomically correct body pillows."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate nitrogen chips."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate nitrogen chip."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Test out a single nitrogen chip."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Make something with more of a kick."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Rope, land mines, bombs. You want it?"
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Combine smart watch with doncomaticomp."
7/27/2022 - "Murrit: Recreate smart watch. There's more shenanigans to be had with it."
7/25/2022 - "Murrit: Combine boobdrone with speakers."
7/25/2022 - "Murrit: Come up with a new recipe using the walkman and your crocs."
7/25/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate some of your TVs."
7/25/2022 - "======>"
7/19/2022 - "[S] Murrit: Change hairstyle."
7/19/2022 - "Murrit: You know what? This cut's worn out its welcome. Time to make a change."
7/15/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate Spunk Bunker (Explicit)."
7/15/2022 - "Murrit: Improve Letterman's Jacket."
7/15/2022 - "======>"
7/15/2022 - "Murrit: Recolor Letterman's Jacket."
7/15/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate Island Time Button Up."
7/13/2022 - "======>"
7/13/2022 - "Murrit: Alternate Alohegao."
7/13/2022 - "Murrit: Equivalate Ahegao Hoodie."
7/13/2022 - "Murrit: Make the most rancid shit imaginable."
7/13/2022 - "======>"
7/13/2022 - "Murrit: Craft something basic, just to make sure you've still got it."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Learn about Advanced Crafting."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Level up."
7/5/2022 - "Metatron: Process."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Empty the Purse of Tippecanoe."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Trade cards with Metatron."
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Bust out your wallet and pay for the goods."
7/5/2022 - "======>"
7/5/2022 - "Murrit: Summon Metatron."
7/5/2022 - "======>"
7/5/2022 - "Tee Hanos: Reveal secret eye compartment."
7/5/2022 - "Stop being Murrit."
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/27/2022 - "======>"
6/15/2022 - "======>"
6/15/2022 - "======>"
6/15/2022 - "======>"
6/12/2022 - "======>"
6/12/2022 - "======>"
6/12/2022 - "======>"
6/12/2022 - "Laivan: Answer you know who."
6/8/2022 - "======>"
6/8/2022 - "======>"
6/8/2022 - "======>"
6/8/2022 - "======>"
6/8/2022 - "Ellsee: Begin investigation."
6/5/2022 - "======>"
6/5/2022 - "======>"
6/5/2022 - "======>"
6/5/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "Laivan: Open fire!"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/30/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "What about that structure you were headed toward a while back?"
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "Laivan: Gather materials for the Cauldron."
5/25/2022 - "Dismas: Answer you know who."
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "Dismas: Escalate."
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/25/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "Dismas: Drink the liquid."
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "Dismas: Accept healing treatment."
5/21/2022 - "Granite: Assess the aspect holder."
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/21/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "Dismas: Aggress."
5/16/2022 - "======>"
5/16/2022 - "Dismas: Finish the job."
5/9/2022 - "======>"
5/9/2022 - "======>"
5/9/2022 - "======>"
5/9/2022 - "======>"
5/9/2022 - "Your custodian leads you to a highrise hovel."
5/5/2022 - "======>"
5/5/2022 - "======>"
5/5/2022 - "======>"
5/5/2022 - "======>"
5/5/2022 - "Jentha: Wander."
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/26/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "======>"
4/21/2022 - "A few sweeps later..."
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "Murrit: Open carboholster."
4/18/2022 - "Murrit: Acquire more sweets and/or treats."
4/18/2022 - "This is a nice enough spot."
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "======>"
4/18/2022 - "Murrit: Collect the items from your pod."
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/11/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "======>"
4/6/2022 - "Some nights later..."
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/31/2022 - "So, instead, you're forced to make a gamble."
3/31/2022 - "And your choices are limited."
3/31/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "But this..."
3/22/2022 - "Principal: Put a stop to this violent tomfoolery."
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "But soon enough..."
3/22/2022 - "Skulltitan: Give chase."
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "XXXXXX: Distract."
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "======>"
3/22/2022 - "Jentha: Push back."
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "DON'T LEAVE"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
3/2/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "Somewhere, below the deepest layers of Repiton's crust..."
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "Kids: Play!"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "Kids: Approach the Yard."
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/31/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "Nappies: Be rudely interrupted."
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "And eventually, after several twists, turns and close calls..."
1/2/2022 - "XXXXXX and XXXXXX: Escape quarters."
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
1/2/2022 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "XXXXXX: Connect with your new friend!"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "The next evening…"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "XXXXXX: Start on your sorry note."
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "======>"
12/12/2021 - "Jentha: Check your bag buddy."
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "======>"
11/16/2021 - "Jentha: Beat your grubby planet for complete and utter stupid idiot morons."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "Skaia recognizes this."
10/29/2021 - "He could not bring himself to be rid of you."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "One that came and went..."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "Turning into a roaring inferno, bigger than you could have possibly imagined."
10/29/2021 - "But such idyll was short-lived."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "This wasn't always the case."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "VP: Remember."
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "======>"
10/29/2021 - "CM: Call to order."
10/29/2021 - "Judge: Put court in session."
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "Hours earlier, on a moon that basks in the all-mother's light..."
10/12/2021 - "No matter."
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: Answer Laivan."
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: Stay the horror. Still the fiend."
10/12/2021 - "Herbert Butterhooves: Whinny."
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: That's it. You have to deploy DRASTIC MEASURES."
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: No dice. Hollow Herb's not giving you anything to work with."
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: Third time's the charm...?"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
10/12/2021 - "Serpaz: This stupid thing isn't being friendly. Get his attention!"
10/12/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "Serpaz: Discover horrifying truth about omenbeasts."
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/20/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "Ellsee: Read messages from Occeus."
6/7/2021 - "Ellsee: Open Skorpe."
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "Ellsee: Go to the terminal."
6/7/2021 - "Ellsee: Wake up."
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
6/7/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
5/19/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "No."
4/30/2021 - "Sigh."
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "You never answered my question."
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "Let's talk."
4/30/2021 - "But I am glad you're here."
4/30/2021 - "Do you remember? I'm not quite sure of... well, many things. Not anymore."
4/30/2021 - "When was the last time we met, face to face?"
4/30/2021 - "I would know best."
4/30/2021 - "Lingering in memories is not very constructive, Ellsee."
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "======>"
4/30/2021 - "Arcjec and Ellsee: Get down with your elation."
4/7/2021 - "You had the best time of your lives when you were together."
4/7/2021 - "Looking back on those days, you are certain:"
4/7/2021 - "Why does he still not remember?"
4/7/2021 - "You want to go back in."
4/7/2021 - "An ephemeral memory that she chases."
4/7/2021 - "And as they stand at the end of it..."
4/7/2021 - "The way back home is the same as always."
4/7/2021 - "That's something only she seems aware of now."
4/7/2021 - "Back when she didn't have to run."
4/7/2021 - "At one point, however, she was."
4/7/2021 - "Any surface will do."
4/7/2021 - "She will, after she gets her much needed rest."
4/7/2021 - "Or rather..."
4/7/2021 - "Hours earlier, at the end of their plight..."
4/7/2021 - "Murrit: Recontextualize."
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "Murrit: Gather."
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "Sova: Disregard that. Lurk in the new memo instead."
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
4/7/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
3/22/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "Sova: Retrieve manuscript."
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "Sova: Return to your land."
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "Sova: Say goodbye to Cooperi."
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "======>"
2/23/2021 - "ACT 3 ACT 1"
2/23/2021 - "==';IF&GRC^NY-@UHEHEAR+_ME"
2/23/2021 - "P*G`E<3"
2/23/2021 - "===-ACT3A1>>"
2/12/2021 - "END OF INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 2."
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/12/2021 - "[I2S2] ======>"
2/11/2021 - "[S] Incursion."
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
12/7/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro: Continue."
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] Raurou: Remove Lil' Bopper."
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/23/2020 - "[I2S2] Raurou: Grieve."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro: Settle crowd."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Quickly come up with some convenient lies."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Drop in unannounced."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro and Hamifi: Begin public address."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Weird Al: Confirm placement of secondary cast members."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Weird Al: Suggest."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Talald: Report in."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] Weird Al: Bring her back to you."
11/11/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] Necron: Rendezvous with The Boys."
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] Raurou: Follow the whimsical flashes of color."
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] Sabine: Head out."
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
11/2/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro: Leave."
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] Hamifi: Call Sestro."
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] Raurou: Patrol the area."
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/22/2020 - "[I2S2] Rypite and Sirage: Wait."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sabine: Do the laugh."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sabine: Scheme."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Crytum, Oricka and Necron: Discuss."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Oricka: Tell your codebreaker what's what."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Endari: Barge through the door."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Necron: Try to get in contact with your resident hackerman."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Skedaddle."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Hop on your ride."
10/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
10/16/2020 - "[I2S2] [S] Turnin: Check social media."
10/16/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Theorize about recent events."
10/16/2020 - "[I2S2] Turnin: Devour more sweets and/or treats. "
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Be Turnin."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Search."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Exit facility."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======> "
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======> "
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Answer matesprit."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Evacuate station."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Reattempt contact with superior. "
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Check Skorpe."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Racren: Examine quarters."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] Enter name."
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/15/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] Be the moon troll."
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
7/1/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro and Hamifi: Enter chambers."
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro: Check the office again, just to be sure."
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] Sestro and Hamifi: Continue."
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/19/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "[I2S2] ======>"
6/8/2020 - "INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 2"
6/8/2020 - "My offered summary follows."
6/8/2020 - "But I suppose nothing has ever stopped these influences before, either."
6/8/2020 - "======>"
6/8/2020 - "======>"
5/15/2020 - "END OF INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 1."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] I do have a final request, though."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Ah, I guess that's my cue to wrap it up."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] And isn't that the beauty of free will?"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] This was all on him."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] I never even forced the guy to do anything!"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] I miss him already."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Maybe this was a bit much?"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Fine."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Aw, come on. Are you really gonna be like that?"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] But you always come back, right?"
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Now..."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Oops! Bit of a rough landing."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] Yeah. Just let that sink in."
5/15/2020 - "[I2S1] A trick question! Doesn't matter, 'cause I'll make sure there is."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] And so, we are left with a question."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] There's so many other stories to be told!"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Just like what happened here."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] In all probabilities, there are constants."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Why would you go along with this? I'm glad you asked!"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Hm. Tough crowd."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] So maybe you should listen to what I have to say!"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] There's just me."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Not sure if you've noticed..."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] What was even the plan here, Jack?"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] I have stage presen—"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Now, there's a number of ways you can respond to this."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Well, don't you worry your pretty little head over the details."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Haha, man, that almost killed my buzz."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Anyway! Like all credible sources, I prefer pseudonyms."
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Uh, no?"
5/6/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] SAY IT."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] It doesn't have to be such a big secret."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] Say my name."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] Well, okay, maybe there's a couple of things."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] What do I want?"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] But what about you, huh?"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] Does it matter though?"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] It does wonders, all this good company."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] So here's to you, Mr. Noir!"
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] We'll do something a little more casual."
4/29/2020 - "[I2S1] Still not enough?"
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] Who you were actually talking to, that is."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] I really can't imagine why."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] "Tom?" you say."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] Instead, you hear a familiar voice."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Leave room."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Watch the running footage."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Enter portrait."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Search for your Arch Nemesis."
4/23/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Endure."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Open Barbie Horse Adventures."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Destroy anomaly source with crowbar."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] Green Room: Rupture."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Go for broke."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Provoke Crowbar with an advanced technique."
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/18/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: How do you intend to get out of this one?"
4/13/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/13/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/13/2020 - "[S] [I2S1] ======>"
4/13/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Where in the hell are you?"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] Cans: Make it a party!"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: Call for backup."
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] Pure Shufflers: Arrive."
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Group up with the rest of your associates."
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Finally use Quentin Tarantino doll and protractor."
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/8/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Get to safety by clipping out of bounds."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Plot threads: Begin to converge."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Take Sn0wman on a temporal excursion via Sawbuck."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] Crowbar: Reminisce about better times."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Ricochet your one shot like a crazy play of billiards."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Say a cheesy one-liner despite your asphyxiation."
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/6/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Take the key and unlock Sn0wman's heart."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Fuck them up."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Make appropriate countermeasures."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Avenge your deckmate by getting back to your tech, dude."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Shame him eternally by stealing his hat."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: See the funniest shit you've ever seen."
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
4/2/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Enact vengeance through the use of overpriced beverages."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Correctly guess who you're going to be next."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] SD: Be DS."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Take the door to get out of here, for comedic effect."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Casually sneak a few cookies into your pockets."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Kill your manager to become the new manager as is the custom."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Contact DD and purchase a hot beverage."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Engage in fluffy over the counter romance, fanfiction style."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Deal with Karen."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Ask who the next customer is."
3/28/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Double check the stock before the next rush comes in."
3/25/2020 - "[IS21] HB: Tell CD to hop off."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Hit the jack-pot."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] PS: Try to find out what in the all hell is even happening anymore."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: Take your turn in this bitter knifetown jive."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Bond with MCSS over mutual love of green torsos."
3/25/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Off Jack."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: Add another Jack to this Jack-off session."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Pick an artifact. Any artifact."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: Think back on what got you into this mess."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Do a synchronized dance number with yourself!"
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: There's something in his eye."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] MCSS: You're the ace of spades around here. Prove it to 'em."
3/22/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Accuse the imposter of identity theft."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Cut back to DD for the sake of plot."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: De-ascend stairs."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Ascend infinite flight of stairs."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Give HD the Elvis costume."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Check voicemail."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Switch their faces back onto their right bodies."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Double-check your stash of artifacts."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Converse with CB and HD."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Take off that godforsaken Elvis costume."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Activate HUNKAHUNKATECH: BURNING LOVE."
3/20/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Turn Around."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Abruptly cut back to SS and undermine the tension."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] Cans: Politely ask DD to stay in the Hotel California."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Check green door for monsters."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Create a DEUS EX ANOMALY."
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/17/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Find a way to help DD."
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Have a gander at your business partners' progress."
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Manipulate the hotel's structure."
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Eat the anomaly source."
3/13/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: What is your current opinion on time travel?"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Attempt to bend narrative to your will and become CD."
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Recall last 14 minutes."
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/10/2020 - "[I2S1] PDD: Riddle him with Pez."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Recall the last 15 minutes."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Sit back and relax."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Call one of your people."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Reminisce about Tom."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: What are you drinking there?"
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Put on some tasteful music."
3/7/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Check how the devaluing of the hotel is going."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] DD: Review grocery list in case of temporal transport."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Continue being SS."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: What's that easy option? "
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Keep a death tally. Perhaps an itinerary of sorts?"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] HB: Materialize onto the physical plane."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: See if your artifacts still work here."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Seek out more bodies to perforate."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Preemptively Be Die."
3/5/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Check the time."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Toss out another door and never look back."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Call Defrauding Dealer and tell him the news."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Eat all of the spaghetti to establish further dominance."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Show 'em who's boss."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Use an artifact to drive your point in."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: The silent treatment, huh?"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Ruminate on fellow team members."
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] PCD: Why are you filled with so much aggression and hatred?"
3/2/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Who are these fellas, anyway?"
2/27/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/27/2020 - "[I2S1] CD: Intimidate."
2/27/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Succumb to the overwhelming urge to break a clock."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Open new suddenly appearing door."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Read small letters on Queuecard."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Download a knife."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Browse the enticing shopping tab."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Ask how to navigate alternate universes with door deficiencies."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Open a chatroom to communicate with enemies."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Reminisce about your traitorous fifth member."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Search up floor plan of the hotel."
2/26/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Ask Jeeves about the hotel's checkout policy."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Go to deconreconstruction.com."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Pick up the phone. You've got calls to make."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Deface portrait of loathsome rat."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Inspect geographically-relevant sundried musicians."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Promptly realize the floor is lava."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Ensure that your arch nemesis prepared lots of spaghetti."
2/24/2020 - "[I2S1] SS: Find a door and get the hell out of here."
2/23/2020 - "[I2S1] ======>"
2/23/2020 - "[S] INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 1"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
2/9/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/31/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
1/21/2020 - "======>"
12/31/2019 - "[S] ======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/19/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/13/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
12/6/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "CAN'T LEAVE"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/28/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "======>"
11/22/2019 - "[S] ======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/16/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "Are you still willing to follow at my side?"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "And yet, like him, I too persist."
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "======>"
11/10/2019 - "L//E/++A()V()()<<E"
11/10/2019 - "ACT5ACT4ACTACT3ACT2ACT1"
11/10/2019 - "12248===IIII Y3O2U"
11/1/2019 - "===== /========== =>>>"
11/1/2019 - "IN ETWRT MI3ESSDIO N1031"
11/1/2019 - "END OF ACT 2."
11/1/2019 - "[S] Ellsee: Enter."
5/28/2019 - "[S] WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM."
5/28/2019 - "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME. "
5/28/2019 - "NO."
5/28/2019 - "I must... be..."
5/28/2019 - "I must be..."
5/28/2019 - "I must be having technical difficulties."
5/28/2019 - "A flashback sequence? I should have been able to see anything like that before this point..."
5/28/2019 - "Wait... What is this scene?"
5/28/2019 - "I may be weak now, but that does not mean you can ruin this show. Not like you have ruined me."
5/28/2019 - "You always must persist, mustn't you? Persist in your unforgiving "perfection"."
5/28/2019 - "I don't know what you're trying to prove."
5/28/2019 - "You shouldn't be here."
5/28/2019 - "If you wish to protect your friends, why do you insist on hurting them?"
5/28/2019 - "You compromise your ideals. You go against your duty."
5/28/2019 - "I would also like to think so, but where does that leave us? What has made you reach such needless anger?"
5/28/2019 - "Where is he leading this conversation? I've not seen him like this since he was young."
5/28/2019 - "A joke? Not at all. Unruly? Without a doubt."
5/28/2019 - "What could they be referring to?"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "Yes, here. This must be it."
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "We must complete this section post-haste. I need to find out what is going on."
5/19/2019 - "Ellsee: Captchalogue book."
5/19/2019 - "Arcjec: Use relocator to come back and give Ellsee her gift."
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/19/2019 - "======>"
5/12/2019 - "[S] Ellsee: Dance out your frustrations."
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "Ellsee: Wallow."
4/28/2019 - "Ellsee: Return."
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "======>"
4/28/2019 - "Sestro and Hamifi: Assess situation."
4/28/2019 - "Pillar: Land."
4/28/2019 - "Ellsee: Activate pillar."
4/28/2019 - "Ellsee: Get out of there."
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "Pillar: Drop."
4/19/2019 - "Arcjec: Deploy first pillar, discreetly."
4/19/2019 - "Arcjec: Gawk at whimsy."
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "======>"
4/19/2019 - "Ellsee: Come up with some convenient lies!"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/10/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "Ellsee: Move forward."
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "Portal: Activate."
4/6/2019 - "Staff: React."
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "======>"
4/6/2019 - "Ellsee: Captchalogue laptop, book and staff."
4/6/2019 - "Ellsee: Clarify power."
4/6/2019 - "Arcjec: Clarify situation."
3/17/2019 - "Tutorial: Update."
3/17/2019 - "======>"
3/17/2019 - "======>"
3/17/2019 - "======>"
3/17/2019 - "Bard: Serve Mage."
3/12/2019 - "Afraid. "
3/12/2019 - "Weak."
3/12/2019 - "Vulnerable."
3/12/2019 - "A boy, disrespected."
3/12/2019 - "But his desires and that which he shuns are one and the same."
3/12/2019 - "He is faced with this need head on."
3/12/2019 - "The abyssal creatures drag a remnant of times past from the darkened floor."
3/12/2019 - "======>"
3/12/2019 - "======>"
3/12/2019 - "Calder: Receive message from business partner."
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "Prince: Exhaust."
3/4/2019 - "Oh, not this again."
3/4/2019 - "Hm?"
3/4/2019 - "Heir: Fret over the Prince's absence."
3/4/2019 - "Heir: Aid Page of Heart."
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "======>"
3/4/2019 - "A portent of the end makes itself known through natural power..."
2/25/2019 - "======>"
2/25/2019 - "Witch: Struggle free."
2/25/2019 - "Harbinger: Be the Page's client."
2/25/2019 - "Occeus: Seek aid from one of your confidants."
2/25/2019 - "Sova: Keep reading."
2/25/2019 - "Sova: Share your progress with the others."
2/18/2019 - "Sova: Quick, find a place to hide!"
2/18/2019 - "Arcjec: Open new memo."
2/18/2019 - "Arcjec: Contemplate."
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "======>"
2/18/2019 - "Arcjec: Reap spoils."
2/18/2019 - "Arcjec: Test crafting skills."
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "Arcjec: Admire creation."
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
2/11/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "======>"
1/28/2019 - "Snakes: Adorn valiant savior with prizes!"
1/28/2019 - "Arcjec: Achievements unlocked!"
1/22/2019 - "======>"
1/22/2019 - "======>"
1/22/2019 - "======>"
1/22/2019 - "======>"
1/22/2019 - "Arcjec: Celebrate."
1/20/2019 - "======>"
1/20/2019 - "======>"
1/20/2019 - "======>"
1/20/2019 - "======>"
1/20/2019 - "Occeus: Respond to transmission."
1/20/2019 - "Jentha: Answer this darn guy."
1/20/2019 - "Jentha: Receive message."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Watch some television for the nostalgia factor."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Do the freak!"
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Examine yellow animatronic."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Examine residual sopor bags."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Craft menagerie of paper dolls."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Revel in your victory."
1/19/2019 - "======>"
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Win by default."
1/19/2019 - "======>"
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Force innocent gnome to play a round with you."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Read the "Connect One" ruleset."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Examine posters. Establish impeccable taste."
1/19/2019 - "Jentha: Admire Furby collection."
1/19/2019 - "Enter name."
1/12/2019 - "Ah! It appears we are finally meeting our Light player."
1/12/2019 - "Let's just go back to how it was before."
1/12/2019 - "She's right, of course. As she often is."
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/12/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "Laivan: Follow Haniel."
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "======>"
1/5/2019 - "Laivan: Consult denizen."
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "Calder: Detect movement."
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/27/2018 - "======>"
12/23/2018 - "Ellsee: Go off."
12/23/2018 - "Ellsee: Let Calder have it."
12/23/2018 - "======>"
12/23/2018 - "Ellsee: Try not to scream."
12/23/2018 - "Ellsee: Look outside."
12/23/2018 - "Chimeraparent: Speak."
12/23/2018 - "Be Ellsee."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "VP: Don't panic."
12/15/2018 - "The three prospit dreamers move toward discovery above..."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "Dream!Laivan: Greet your friend."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "Dream!Albion: Explore your surroundings."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/15/2018 - "Dream!Albion: Awaken."
12/15/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "======>"
12/9/2018 - "Dismas and Albion: Enter."
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "Albion: Respond to Serpaz."
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "Serpaz: Connect to Albion."
11/30/2018 - "Albion: Struggle."
11/30/2018 - "Dismas: Chew the scenery."
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "Weird Al: Dissuade."
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "======>"
11/30/2018 - "Dismas: Score favor."
11/30/2018 - "Dismas: Panic for like the fifth time tonight."
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "Edolon: Show her what you mean."
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "======>"
11/24/2018 - "Serpaz: Re-make his acquaintance."
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "Serpaz: Find out what all the commotion is about."
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "Serpaz: Check in with Albion."
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "======>"
11/17/2018 - "Albion: Connect to Dismas."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "Hm? What is this, now..."
11/12/2018 - "Be the weird alchemist."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "Even if they should."
11/12/2018 - "Instead, they press forward..."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "But when a Thief is lacking in their aspect..."
11/12/2018 - "The ROGUE OF MIND has lost his patience."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "Murrit: Seek guidance."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "Murrit: Enter."
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "======>"
11/12/2018 - "rumble rumble rumble"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "======>"
11/7/2018 - "Sova: Read impassioned translation."
11/7/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "======>"
10/29/2018 - "Sova: Answer Serpaz."
10/29/2018 - "Sova: Check Skorpe."
10/23/2018 - "======>"
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Read table scroll."
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Inspect novel."
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Examine historically inaccurate poster."
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Admire feathered friend."
10/23/2018 - "Sova: Find nearest recuperacoon."
10/23/2018 - "Enter name."
10/23/2018 - "======>"
10/10/2018 - "[S] Engage."
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "JUST LEAVE"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/10/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Arcjec: Hurry."
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Arcjec: Reach checkpoint."
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Jack: Resist."
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Jack: Fake your way out of this."
8/2/2018 - "Jack: Introduce "helper"."
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "======>"
8/2/2018 - "Jack: Request assistance."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Jack: Rehabilitate."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Jack: Start eating garbage."
7/25/2018 - "State name and exposit past."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "And now, for a complete change of scenery..."
7/25/2018 - "Be the mouthpiece of the end."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Enter no hands land."
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Check Skorpe."
7/25/2018 - "Accordion Curse: Pervade."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Lefty: Greet darling daughter."
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Look behind you!"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "[S] Serpaz: Play your soul out on the accursed accordion."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Resist urge to GO TO TOWN on the accordion."
7/25/2018 - "======>"
7/25/2018 - "Serpaz: Peruse corporate calendar."
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: Insert rod A into slot B."
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: Admire shrine to comedy masters."
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: Retrieve some glue for your matesprit."
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: You're not working anymore. Take off your helmet!"
7/13/2018 - "Serpaz: Smile, you're on camera!"
7/13/2018 - "Enter name."
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "Elsewhere still, even earlier than before..."
7/13/2018 - "TRACK."
7/13/2018 - "Dismas: MELT."
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "Murrit: Settle him in."
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/13/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
7/4/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/28/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "And even further elsewhere..."
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "In the present, elsewhere..."
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Equip club."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Tee up."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Answer Occeus."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Check Skorpe."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Fetch laptop."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Message Occeus."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Fondly regard obstacles."
6/22/2018 - "Calder: Emerge."
6/22/2018 - "======>"
6/13/2018 - "[S] Calder: Elevate."
6/13/2018 - "======>"
6/13/2018 - "======>"
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Traverse corridor."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Examine ship in a bottle."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Take a moment to admire your publication."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Finish this blasted wine."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Reveal the original owner of your dwelling."
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Reclaim throne."
6/13/2018 - "======>"
6/13/2018 - "Calder: Examine block."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "Enter name."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "Earlier, elsewhere..."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "Laivan: Touch base with King Murrit Dynogadget."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "They speak, locked in a circuitous impasse."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "======>"
6/7/2018 - "And this time..."
6/7/2018 - "She was trapped."
6/7/2018 - "With the final pieces in place..."
6/7/2018 - "Taz: Input codes."
6/7/2018 - "======>"
5/22/2018 - "======>"
5/22/2018 - "Taz: Realize what lies below."
5/22/2018 - "Taz: Calm yourself."
5/22/2018 - "Taz: Scream."
5/22/2018 - "Creatures: Feast."
5/22/2018 - "======>"
5/22/2018 - "======>"
5/22/2018 - "Minkmom: Retreat to where it's safe."
5/22/2018 - "And when instinct takes over..."
5/22/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "Taz: Look up."
5/13/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "======>"
5/13/2018 - "Ellsee: Begin memo."
5/12/2018 - "======>"
5/12/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "Arcjec: Equip yourself."
4/29/2018 - "Arcjec: Resume talk with colorful snake."
4/29/2018 - "======>"
4/29/2018 - "Arcjec: Read messages from Taz."
4/29/2018 - "Arcjec: Answer Ellsee."
4/27/2018 - "Arcjec: Check in on fodder."
4/27/2018 - "======>"
4/26/2018 - "Arcjec: Use terminal."
4/26/2018 - "======>"
4/26/2018 - "======>"
4/26/2018 - "Arcjec: Take a look around."
4/12/2018 - "They are left to feel the same way..."
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "Examine ashen quadrant."
4/12/2018 - "Examine pale quadrant."
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "Examine caliginous quadrant."
4/12/2018 - "Examine flushed quadrant."
4/12/2018 - "...complicated."
4/12/2018 - "Allow me to explain Repitonian romance."
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "Occeus: Seek clarification."
4/12/2018 - "Occeus: Check memo."
4/12/2018 - "Occeus: Answer Ellsee."
4/12/2018 - "======>"
4/12/2018 - "Occeus: Check computer."
3/25/2018 - "Occeus: Examine parasite."
3/25/2018 - "Occeus: Examine poster of troll body."
3/25/2018 - "Occeus: Mourn the loss of your subject."
3/25/2018 - "Enter name."
3/25/2018 - "======>"
3/25/2018 - "======>"
3/25/2018 - "======>"
3/22/2018 - "Other Blue Guy: Terminate."
3/11/2018 - "======>"
3/11/2018 - "======>"
3/11/2018 - "Subject: Revive."
3/11/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "Other Blue Guy: Document results."
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/28/2018 - "Be the other blue guy."
2/28/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/22/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "======>"
2/14/2018 - "[S] Arcjec: Get up."
2/14/2018 - "Arcjec: Check your surroundings."
12/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Worry about the fate of your planet."
12/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Get in contact with Taz."
12/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Ponder recent events."
12/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Recap your situation."
12/30/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Troll Murrit for answers."
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Check computer for clues."
12/8/2017 - "======>"
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Interview witness."
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Examine hole in the wall."
12/8/2017 - "Ellsee: Search hive."
12/8/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "======>"
11/26/2017 - "Ellsee: Ask precious friend for reassurance."
11/13/2017 - "======>"
11/12/2017 - "Ellsee: Answer trusted person."
11/12/2017 - "======>"
11/12/2017 - "Ellsee: Flop belly-first onto your pillows and check Skorpe."
11/12/2017 - "Ellsee: Receive message."
11/12/2017 - "Ellsee: Turn on the lights."
11/5/2017 - "Ellsee: Commit arson."
11/5/2017 - "======>"
11/5/2017 - "======>"
11/5/2017 - "Ellsee: Take a peek outside of your tent."
11/5/2017 - "Ellsee: Examine cloak."
11/5/2017 - "Enter name."
11/1/2017 - "ACT 2"
11/1/2017 - "END OF INTERMISSION 1"
11/1/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
11/1/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
11/1/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
11/1/2017 - "[I1] Go further in."
10/29/2017 - "[I1] Look at the lovely creature."
10/29/2017 - "[I1] Enter room."
10/29/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/29/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/29/2017 - "[I1] Quite exciting, no?"
10/26/2017 - "[I1] Say hello."
10/26/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/26/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/26/2017 - "[I1] What is the game?"
10/20/2017 - "[I1] Where are we?"
10/20/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/20/2017 - "[I1] Enter name."
10/20/2017 - "[I1] ======>"
10/20/2017 - "INTERMISSION 1"
10/20/2017 - "END OF ACT 1."
10/9/2017 - "[S] Arcjec: Enter."
10/9/2017 - "And with that."
10/9/2017 - "======>"
10/9/2017 - "======>"
10/9/2017 - "Arcjec: Captchalogue book."
9/10/2017 - "======>"
9/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Take one last look at the book on top of the thermal hull."
9/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Grab your scythe."
9/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Attempt to input numeric code."
9/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Print."
9/10/2017 - "======>"
9/10/2017 - "Taz: Click on the first item instead, then."
9/6/2017 - "Taz: Deploy the red box."
9/6/2017 - "======>"
9/6/2017 - "======>"
9/6/2017 - "======>"
9/6/2017 - "======>"
9/6/2017 - "Arcjec: Input symbol."
8/15/2017 - "======>"
8/15/2017 - "======>"
8/15/2017 - "======>"
8/15/2017 - "Taz: Click the green button."
8/15/2017 - "Taz: Try to replicate a symbol on the diagram."
8/7/2017 - "Taz: Press sand ticker."
8/7/2017 - "Arcjec: Open Etchelizer."
8/7/2017 - "======>"
8/7/2017 - "Thank you. Where were we?"
8/7/2017 - "=e?/,.01-=>"
7/19/2017 - "Arr=,3j--=> A22wnr"
7/19/2017 - "Arcjec: Put papers in a nice orderly stack."
7/19/2017 - "======>"
7/19/2017 - "Arcjec: Unball papers."
7/19/2017 - "Taz and Arcjec: Click the button."
7/19/2017 - "Taz and Arcjec: Close tutorial."
7/18/2017 - "Taz and Arcjec: Click quizzical looking squiggle button."
6/28/2017 - "Taz: Pick a button, any button."
6/28/2017 - "======>"
6/26/2017 - "======>"
6/26/2017 - "======>"
6/26/2017 - "======>"
6/18/2017 - "Arcjec: Investigate scene."
6/18/2017 - "======>"
6/18/2017 - "======>"
6/18/2017 - "Taz: Make him cooperate."
6/18/2017 - "======>"
6/15/2017 - "Arcjec: Open Memo."
6/15/2017 - "Arcjec: Answer Taz."
6/10/2017 - "Arcjec: Open Skorpe."
5/30/2017 - "Arcjec: Inspect game mechanics."
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "Game: Start."
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "And moments later..."
5/30/2017 - "Taz: Greet Arcjec in the nicest way possible."
5/30/2017 - "Taz: Inspect game mechanics."
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/30/2017 - "======>"
5/29/2017 - "======>"
5/29/2017 - "======>"
5/29/2017 - "======>"
5/28/2017 - "======>"
5/28/2017 - "======>"
5/24/2017 - "======>"
5/24/2017 - "Murrit: Answer Laivan."
5/23/2017 - "======>"
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Examine monitored item."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Open Surveillance Modus."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Receive message."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Punch this pod's lights out."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Kick pod."
5/19/2017 - "======>"
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Examine next wall."
5/19/2017 - "Murrit: Examine wall."
5/19/2017 - "======>"
5/17/2017 - "Be Murrit."
5/16/2017 - "======>"
5/12/2017 - "======>"
5/12/2017 - "======>"
5/12/2017 - "======>"
5/12/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "======>"
5/10/2017 - "Albion: Read."
5/10/2017 - "Albion: Receive message."
5/8/2017 - "Albion: Check ring."
5/8/2017 - "======>"
5/8/2017 - "======>"
5/6/2017 - "======>"
5/6/2017 - "Laivan: Examine shelf."
5/6/2017 - "Laivan: Pet lusus."
5/6/2017 - "Laivan: Examine drawing on desk."
5/6/2017 - "======>"
5/1/2017 - "Laivan: Answer special someone."
5/1/2017 - "Laivan: Examine computer."
5/1/2017 - "======>"
5/1/2017 - "======>"
5/1/2017 - "Laivan: Retrieve Green Sun."
5/1/2017 - "Enter name."
4/26/2017 - "And it's finally time..."
4/26/2017 - "In any case."
4/26/2017 - "Isn't it beautiful?"
4/26/2017 - "Did you know that the two digits, when placed side by side, are thought to be the perfect number?"
4/26/2017 - "A thought has come to me, after all that."
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/26/2017 - "======>"
4/19/2017 - "======>"
4/19/2017 - "======>"
4/19/2017 - "======>"
4/19/2017 - "======>"
4/16/2017 - "======>"
4/16/2017 - "Ah."
4/16/2017 - "And we will get through this act together."
4/16/2017 - "You’ll still be the Blue Guy for now, though."
4/16/2017 - "And we have a lot to discuss, Hero of Space."
4/16/2017 - "Like so."
4/16/2017 - "======>"
4/16/2017 - "======>"
4/16/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "Blue Guy: Make your delivery, as is usual."
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "Blue Guy: Visit the Hero of Breath."
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/9/2017 - "======>"
4/7/2017 - "Blue Guy: Ponder worries."
4/7/2017 - "Blue Guy: Look at papers."
4/7/2017 - "Let us try being the Blue Guy once more."
4/7/2017 - "======>"
4/7/2017 - "Murrit: Remind yourself of what is important."
4/7/2017 - "======>"
4/3/2017 - "Murrit: Answer the other troll."
4/3/2017 - "Murrit: Answer Blue Dog."
4/1/2017 - "Murrit: Examine desktop."
4/1/2017 - "Murrit: Examine monitors."
4/1/2017 - "======>"
4/1/2017 - "Murrit: Examine colorful cube."
3/24/2017 - "Murrit: Check in on the blue guy."
3/24/2017 - "======>"
3/24/2017 - "Murrit: Check in on Dismas."
3/24/2017 - "======>"
3/19/2017 - "Explain species mating procedures."
3/18/2017 - "Murrit: Examine Dismas body pillow."
3/18/2017 - "Murrit: Examine mysterious ancient entertainment hubs."
3/18/2017 - "Murrit: Examine launchpad."
3/18/2017 - "Murrit: Examine copious amount of shades."
3/18/2017 - "======>"
3/17/2017 - "Murrit: Fondly regard past Murrit."
3/17/2017 - "======>"
3/15/2017 - "Enter name."
3/15/2017 - "======>"
3/12/2017 - "======>"
3/12/2017 - "======>"
3/12/2017 - "Dismas: Look up again."
3/12/2017 - "======>"
3/10/2017 - "======>"
3/10/2017 - "======>"
3/10/2017 - "Dismas: Look up."
3/9/2017 - "======>"
3/9/2017 - "======>"
3/9/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/4/2017 - "======>"
3/2/2017 - "======>"
3/2/2017 - "======>"
3/2/2017 - "======>"
3/2/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "======>"
3/1/2017 - "Dismas: Answer UK."
2/28/2017 - "Dismas: Receive coincidental message from "partner"."
2/28/2017 - "Dismas: Examine tapes."
2/26/2017 - "Dismas: Examine burnt out ore."
2/26/2017 - "Dismas: Examine corkboard."
2/26/2017 - "Dismas: Prepare for the end of the world."
2/26/2017 - "Enter name."
2/26/2017 - "Albion: Think of something else."
2/26/2017 - "======>"
2/26/2017 - "======>"
2/25/2017 - "======>"
2/25/2017 - "======>"
2/25/2017 - "And a little while later..."
2/19/2017 - "Albion: Answer Taz."
2/19/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "Albion: Activate Skorpe."
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/17/2017 - "======>"
2/15/2017 - "======>"
2/15/2017 - "======>"
2/15/2017 - "Albion: Meditate."
2/15/2017 - "Albion: Use Astral Projector."
2/15/2017 - "Albion: Retrieve Astral Projector."
2/12/2017 - "Albion: Open Spirograph Modus."
2/12/2017 - "Albion: Receive message from Taz."
2/12/2017 - "Albion: Admire slime pit."
2/9/2017 - "Albion: Read table scroll."
2/9/2017 - "Albion: Check Mood Ring."
2/9/2017 - "Enter name."
2/6/2017 - "======>"
2/6/2017 - "======>"
2/4/2017 - "======>"
2/4/2017 - "Arcjec: Inspect drawing."
2/4/2017 - "======>"
2/3/2017 - "[S] Arcjec: Recover."
2/3/2017 - "======>"
2/3/2017 - "======>"
2/3/2017 - "======>"
1/30/2017 - "======>"
1/30/2017 - "======>"
1/30/2017 - "======>"
1/26/2017 - "======>"
1/26/2017 - "======>"
1/26/2017 - "======>"
1/26/2017 - "======>"
1/22/2017 - "Taz: Investigate SREEEEEEE."
1/22/2017 - "======>"
1/22/2017 - "Taz: Admire championship prizes."
1/19/2017 - "Taz: Deploy SMACKDOWN."
1/19/2017 - "======>"
1/19/2017 - "Taz: Examine bar."
1/19/2017 - "======>"
1/19/2017 - "Taz: Go downstairs."
1/19/2017 - "Taz: Set online status to "cloying"."
1/17/2017 - "======>"
1/6/2017 - "Taz: Answer troll."
1/6/2017 - "======>"
1/1/2017 - "======>"
1/1/2017 - "Taz: Check damage."
1/1/2017 - "======>"
1/1/2017 - "======>"
12/30/2016 - "======>"
12/30/2016 - "======>"
12/30/2016 - "======>"
12/30/2016 - "Taz: Use Ferocity Weaver."
12/30/2016 - "Taz: Examine weapon cabinet."
12/30/2016 - "Taz: Admire poster of Hulk Hogan."
12/30/2016 - "Taz: Pet the rock."
12/30/2016 - "======>"
12/25/2016 - "Enter name."
12/25/2016 - "Not to worry. You see..."
12/25/2016 - "Be the blue guy."
12/24/2016 - "Arcjec: Wallow."
12/24/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "======>"
12/23/2016 - "Arcjec: Check the window again, just to be sure."
12/23/2016 - "Arcjec: Answer Troll."
12/20/2016 - "Arcjec: Examine Computer."
12/20/2016 - "Arcjec: Get interrupted from hiding."
12/18/2016 - "Arcjec: Get up and hide under your desk."
12/18/2016 - "======>"
12/18/2016 - "Arcjec: Scream."
12/18/2016 - "======>"
5/1/2016 - "======>"
5/1/2016 - "======>"
5/4/2015 - "======>"
5/4/2015 - "======>"
5/4/2015 - "Arcjec: Investigate plink."
5/4/2015 - "======>"
6/21/2014 - "Something: Happen."
6/18/2014 - "======>"
6/18/2014 - "Arcjec: Look at the book on top of your thermal hull."
3/25/2014 - "======>"
3/25/2014 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "======>"
11/5/2013 - "Arcjec: Overdramatically turn and glare at the picture on your dartboard."
11/5/2013 - "Arcjec: Stack up Code Red cans and plow through them like a skulltitan."
10/7/2013 - "Arcjec: Look at posters."
10/1/2013 - "Arcjec: Pick up all of this trash on your floor."
10/1/2013 - "======>"
3/25/2013 - "Try again."
3/25/2013 - "Enter name."
3/25/2013 - "Begin."
3/25/2013 - "VAST ERROR"