NOBLEMAN: Ah, I had begun to fear we’d miss out on the eve’s entertainment. It is a pleasure to see you’ve arrived safely.
ENTERTAINER: It’s Entertainer...
SONGBIRD: The pleasure is all mine.
SONGBIRD curtsies; with some hesitation, ENTERTAINER follows her cue with a bow.
SONGBIRD: We beg that you pardon our tardiness.
NOBLEMAN: There is no need to apologize.
NOBLEMAN: If there were any misgivings, I expect your presentation tomorrow ought to exonerate them.
NOBLEMAN: My acquaintances have described your singing only in the most exalted of terms.
PUNDIT: [might be good for a gag, but she’s had more than her share of dialogue by now!]
SONGBIRD (flustered): ...It’ll be an honor to perform for you!
ENTERTAINER NOBLEMAN (cryptic): For all of us. [not cryptic enough? hamhanded?]
ENTERTAINER: It’s Entertainer...
SONGBIRD: The pleasure is all mine.
SONGBIRD curtsies; with some hesitation, ENTERTAINER follows her cue with a bow.
SONGBIRD: We beg that you pardon our tardiness.
NOBLEMAN: There is no need to apologize.
NOBLEMAN: If there were any misgivings, I expect your presentation tomorrow ought to exonerate them.
NOBLEMAN: My acquaintances have described your singing only in the most exalted of terms.
PUNDIT: [might be good for a gag, but she’s had more than her share of dialogue by now!]
SONGBIRD (flustered): ...It’ll be an honor to perform for you!
ENTERTAINER NOBLEMAN (cryptic): For all of us. [not cryptic enough? hamhanded?]