Bonus Content


A collection of curated public playlists on the official Deconreconstruction Spotify account.


Assorted little odds and ends of extra-canonical material that were published as celebration for special dates, supplement material or made just for fun by the team!

  • Cast AMA 2021 — Answers from the 2021 Vast Error Cast AMA. Written by Austinado and sketched by the Vast Error team! All answers are relevant and canonical.
  • Hollownull Cards Vol. 1 — A set of printable art cards that were sent out for free with any SHOP@DCRC purchase in October 2023.
  • Valentine's Day Cards Vol. 1 — A set of printable art cards themed around pairings from the comic, released in February 2025.
  • Original Cover Art — An illustration done by Heather (Sparaze) for VE's 7th anniversary in 2018 and lasting until Vast Error's 9th anniversary in 2020. It was inspired by a promo image for Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.
  • April Fools 2017 — A short, 4-page comic about the true OTP of Vast Error: ArcjecxKarkat.
  • Vast Error Act 1 Recap — A summary of the events of Act 1 of Vast Error.
  • Austinado & Andrew Hussie Q&A — A PDF containing the joint question-and-answer session between the creator of Homestuck and one of the creators of Vast Error. A reward for reaching $6,500 during the 3/22/2024 anniversary charity livestream. A text-only version can be found here.

Comics We Love

Homestuck Fanworks

  • Burning Down the House — This is another ending to the webcomic Homestuck, which ran from April 2009 to April 2016. It's a completely different artistic direction than the "official" material took, and hopefully one that holds its own against the official endings. (Made by one of the DCRC collaborators, Victoria!)
  • Liminal Space — An ongoing collection of character-driven fancomics created by floral "Logan" marsupial, based off that one multimedia odyssey you may have heard about.
  • Failure to Launch — Starring the one and only JUNE EGBERT! Who knows what shenanigans will ensue... Wild hootenannies? Late night pizza picnics? ROMANCE??? Tune in and find out on FAILURE TO LAUNCH!
  • The Tapestry — A sci-fi adventure following some alien kids on an alien world, as they begin to play a mysterious game. The game is reminiscent of Sburb -but arguably has more in common with William R. Wright's 2009 masterpiece Spore: Galactic Adventures. Also there are like five separate interplanetary conspiracies going on in the background.

Original Works

  • Run With Scissors — Lucien Graves and his best friend, Mortimer Sexton, try to unlock the secrets of the world they live in. Full of demons, faeries, and monstrous creatures alike, who knows what the two of them will encounter? (Made by DCRC collaborators, the artist duo Conjunx Endurae!)
  • Here There Be Dragons — Bree — a Dragonspeaker — receives a message from an ancient, dying dragon that sets her on a perilous journey. Now with the world losing balance, Bree must unite her team of young knights and save the dragon before it's too late. (Made by DCRC collaborators Disteal, Julia Norza and Rafa A. D!)
  • Never Satisfied — Lucy Marlowe, a magician's apprentice competing against other apprentices for an important magical government position, deals with issues of class differences and how hard it can be to understand others.
  • Paranatural — A group of superpowered middle schoolers fight evil spirits and investigate paranormal activity in their hometown.
  • Gunnerkrigg Court — A young girl starts attending school at a strange and mysterious place called Gunnerkrigg Court.
  • Kill Six Billion Demons — Reach heaven through violence.

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