austinado - Co-Creator, Head Writer, Co-Director

Sparaze - Co-Creator, Co-Writer, Co-Director, Art/Animation

Eddie - Art Director, Art/Animation, Editor

Tyson - Art Director, Art/Animation

ValantWynn - Producer, Game Development

Neptune - Art/Animation

dizzims - Art/Animation

Diz - Art/Animation

??? - Art/Animation

apsinthos - Art/Animation

Divo - Art/Animation

Karma - Art/Animation

Alienoid - Web/Game Development

Victoria - Art/Animation, Programmer, Web/Game Development

Kohi - Art/Animation, Programmer, Web/Game Development

Aivi - Script Consultant, Sensitivity Reading


Xamag - Art Director, Art/Animation

big chalupa - Art/Animation

Calicorn - Art/Animation

Ciro - Art/Animation

EPHEMERALD - Art/Animation

Gast - Art/Animation

Joyfulldreams - Art/Animation, Script Consultant

Olschu - Art/Animation

Charlie - Art/Animation

Kate Mitchell - Script Consultant


Page 77 - ======>
Art contributions from bluebirdofgrumpiness

Page 80 - [S] Arcjec: Recover.
Art and animation contributions from Calicorn, Joyfulldreams

Page 310 - [S] Arcjec: Enter.
Art and animation contributions from big chalupa, Calicorn, CaptainQuestion, Joyfulldreams, loadsamomo, PatManDX, Radical Dude 42, Sigfig, Sparaze

Page 373 - [S] Arcjec: Get up.
Art and animation contributions from Joyfulldreams, Sparaze

Page 495 - [S] Calder: Elevate.
Art and animation contributions from Joyfulldreams, Xamag

Page 581 - [S] Serpaz: Play your soul out on the accursed accordion.
Art and animation contributions from Kohi, Xamag

Page 641 - [S] Engage.
Art and animation contributions from big chalupa, Kohi, Joyfulldreams, Sparaze, Xamag

Page 967 - [S] Ellsee: Dance out your frustrations.
Art and animation contributions from Kohi, Xamag

Art and animation contributions from Kohi, Xamag

Page 1000 - [S] Ellsee: Enter
Art and animation contributions from Banavalope, Charlie, Neptune, eddiedraws, Joyfulldreams, Kohi, Momo, Olschu, rigamo12, Sparaze, Ciro, Toreodere, Xamag

Page 1026 - [S] ======>
Art and animation contributions from Kohi, Xamag

Page 1079 - [S] ======>
Art and animation contributions from eddiedraws, Kohi, Sparaze, Xamag

Page 1125 - [S] INTERMISSION 2 SIDE 1
Art and animation contributions from Kohi, Sparaze, Xamag

Page 1288 - [S] [I2S1] ======>
Art and animation contributions from Kohi, Xamag

Page 1461 - [S] Turnin: Check social media.
Art and animation contributions from Xamag, eddieDraws, Sparaze, Kohi, Charlie, Ciro, Olschu, rigamo12, Neptune, DustMedium, Marcie Hobbs, VeritasUnae, Alienoid, Yota, banavalope, whimsi, EPHEMERALD and austinado.

Page 1612 - [S] Incursion.
Art and animation contributions from Kohi, Joyfulldreams, squidsmeister, Xamag, Sparaze, eddieDraws, Disteal, Charlie, Neptune, Ciro, Olschu, big chalupa and rigamo12.

Art and animation contributions from Kohi, Xamag and Charlie.

Page 2141, 2154, 2156 and 2175 - Murrit Crafting Interactables
Art and animation contributions from Victoria, Kohi, eddieDraws, Olschu, big chalupa and Neptune.

Page 2190 - [S] Murrit: REW/FFD.
Art and animation contributions from Tyson, Diz, Joyfulldreams, Victoria, eddieDraws, dizzims, Kohi, Ciro,
EPHEMERALD, Olschu, Neptune, big chalupa, Conjunx, Endurae, squidsmeister, Sparaze and Xamag.

Page 2338 - [S] Talald: Turn their frown upside down!
Art and animation contributions from Ciro, Victoria, Tyson, eddieDraws, Neptune, Gast,
_apsinthos and Diz.

Page 2422 - Page 2430
Art contributions from Hallie.


Page 80 - "The Static"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 1-3
By Kal-la-kal-la and Sympolite

Page 310 - "Sortir"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 1-3
By Husr

Page 373 - "Zehanpuryu"
Available on Bampcamp in Vast Error Vol. 1-3
By dbnet

Page 495 - "Oversaturated (Elevator Mix)"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 4
By pragmaticNihilist

Page 581
"Serpaz's Happy Accordion Funtimes"
Available on Bandcamp in Sound Test I
By VeritasUnae
Available on Bandcamp in Sound Test I
By SplitSuns

Page 641 - "Six By Six"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 1-3
By Viridian

Page 967 - "Blood Right"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 1-3
By psithurist

Page 999 - "Glimpses of Perfection"
Available on Bandcamp in Sound Test I
By SplitSuns

Page 1000 - "Pandora"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 4
By pragmaticNihilist

Page 1026 - "Gone"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 1-3

Page 1079 - "I'm Right Here"
Available on Bandcamp in Catch 322
By votl

Page 1125 - "Overlook"
Available on Bandcamp in Dead Shufflers: Anything Goes
By Cerulean

Page 1288 - "Pale Imitation"
Available on Bandcamp in Dead Shufflers: Anything Goes
By FriendlyCoy

Page 1461- "Predestination"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 4 by FRUITYTEE
"Predestination (Slow Nostalgia Mix)"
Unreleased, Original by FRUITYTEE, remixed by SplitSuns and whimsi
Available on Bandcamp in Catch 322 by Kal-la-kal-la and WILITM
"Skinless and Kinless"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 5: Side 2, by Kal-la-kal-la
"Falling Upward"
Available on Bandcamp in Catch 322, by Grace Medley
"Cheap (Boxed Wine)"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 4, by pragmaticNihilist
"Mind In The Shutter"
Available on Bandcamp in Running For Eons, by Cryptanark
"Good Old Hornless Jerryatric"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 4, by FriendlyCoy
"Cosmic Significance"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 1-3, by CircleJourney
"Radioactive Ore"
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 1-3, by pragmaticNihilist
"Dirty Days, Spotless Nights"
Available on Bandcamp in Catch 322, by Cerulean
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 4, by Kurt "Rnd" Burton

Page 1612- "Pursuit Of Happiness"
Available on Bandcamp in Catch 322, by dbnet and VeritasUnae

Page 1667- Samples "Masterpiece Theater I" by Marianas Trench

Page 2141, 2154, 2156 and 2175- 'Purple Hot Mess'
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 5: Side 1, by Rom M

Page 2190- 'DEAD 2 RIGHTS'
Available on Bandcamp in Vast Error Vol. 5: Side 1, by Rainy

Page 2338 - [S] Talald: Turn their frown upside down!- 'Sillygoofysillygoofy'
Available on Bandcamp in Faux Dramatica, by Rom M


Page 184 to Page 195
Writing contributions by pragmaticNihilist

Page 641 - [S] Engage.
Writing contributions by Kate Mitchell

Page 660 to Page 670
Writing contributions by Kate Mitchell

Page 1000 - [S] Ellsee: Enter
Writing contributions by Kate Mitchell

Page 1461 - [S] Turnin: Check social media.
Writing contributions by Xamag, Kohi, PrincePeachu, Olschu, Charlie, Ciro, rigamo12, big chalupa, Neptune, DustMedium, Marcie Hobbs, VeritasUnae, Alienoid, Yota, banavalope, whimsi, FearMonger and Grace Medley.

Page 1664 to Page 1699
Writing contributions by Julia Norza


Repitonian Pretext - Daedric from The Elder Scrolls (Reversed)

Corpora, Alchemy Signs and Universal Scripture - Narayan Code from Myst

Adventure Map -
Kohi and MadCreativity

Static CSS Theme - Zerio105

Randomized Text Scrambler (Gaiaeonizer) - SamFateKeeper and

Some interactive pages made with Twine.

(Last Updated: February 2nd, 2025)

-= Mr. Fïfthteen =-, 0u0, 8-8it, ariaNe, Ashley, captkirkland, Danni, Dezalk, Ellie, GansitoCookie, irisarcus, James Saba, Kristiana & Michael, Lily, Mati Rafael Cardinale, Noctua, pleonasticTautology, redx0516, Rose Riordan, scout, Shawn “GM” Smith, TopHat-Guy, velly, vriskazone, & yntsire.

Thank you so much for supporting us!