LAIVAN: Not used to seeing crystal clear pretty water-
HANIEL: Indeed?
HANIEL: How does your kind fish, then?
HANIEL: Your water does not sound very fresh
LAIVAN: It's not-
LAIVAN: You have to pay for an overpriced detoxed slab of it-
LAIVAN: Unless you wanna risk falling into the ocean-
LAIVAN: But I'm not looking to die a slow and painful brain death-
HANIEL: Perhaps you are not so wrong to feel such malaise, if that's the case
LAIVAN: Do you like fish-
LAIVAN: You seemed pretty hyped about them-
HANIEL: I have no need for material sustenance
HANIEL: But yes
HANIEL: I do enjoy the diminutive, slippery creatures
HANIEL: They intrigue me so
HANIEL: Come, now
HANIEL: Your first answer lies within
LAIVAN: Not used to seeing crystal clear pretty water-
HANIEL: Indeed?
HANIEL: How does your kind fish, then?
HANIEL: Your water does not sound very fresh
LAIVAN: It's not-
LAIVAN: You have to pay for an overpriced detoxed slab of it-
LAIVAN: Unless you wanna risk falling into the ocean-
LAIVAN: But I'm not looking to die a slow and painful brain death-
HANIEL: Perhaps you are not so wrong to feel such malaise, if that's the case
LAIVAN: Do you like fish-
LAIVAN: You seemed pretty hyped about them-
HANIEL: I have no need for material sustenance
HANIEL: But yes
HANIEL: I do enjoy the diminutive, slippery creatures
HANIEL: They intrigue me so
HANIEL: Come, now
HANIEL: Your first answer lies within