EO: I think I know Σnough that I'm dΣcΣntly confidΣnt in my ability to play.
EO: I just had a prΣtty good tΣst run¡¡
EO: ThΣrΣ's not a singlΣ stray dΣmon crΣaturΣ around thΣ arΣa and my lusii arΣ on guard.
EO: I ΣvΣn lΣvΣlΣd up¡¡
AH: XDXD Yeah, congrats on doing the thing that we were all set up to do from the very beginning. XDXD
AH: XDXD Talk to me when you're level six, scrub. XDXD
EO: Oooooh¡¡¡¡ Big bad Mr. LΣvΣl Six.
EO: What can you do at lΣvΣl six, huh¿¿¿¿
AH: XDXD Probably a lot more than you can in your dinky ass clairvoyance den. XDXD
EO: Do you ΣvΣn know what clairvoyancΣ mΣans¿¿¿¿
EO: I think you nΣΣd to bΣ a littlΣ morΣ in-tunΣ with my actual intΣrΣsts.
AH: XDXD I'm surprised that tent of yours has more than one block. XDXD
EO: SΣΣ, now that's a bΣttΣr word for mΣ.
EO: I'm full of surprisΣs¡¡ =:D
AH: XDXD And you know what I am? Not surprised you would try to paint that as a good thing. XDXD
EO: You arΣ so mΣan to mΣ. =>:o
EO: I just had a prΣtty good tΣst run¡¡
EO: ThΣrΣ's not a singlΣ stray dΣmon crΣaturΣ around thΣ arΣa and my lusii arΣ on guard.
EO: I ΣvΣn lΣvΣlΣd up¡¡
AH: XDXD Yeah, congrats on doing the thing that we were all set up to do from the very beginning. XDXD
AH: XDXD Talk to me when you're level six, scrub. XDXD
EO: Oooooh¡¡¡¡ Big bad Mr. LΣvΣl Six.
EO: What can you do at lΣvΣl six, huh¿¿¿¿
AH: XDXD Probably a lot more than you can in your dinky ass clairvoyance den. XDXD
EO: Do you ΣvΣn know what clairvoyancΣ mΣans¿¿¿¿
EO: I think you nΣΣd to bΣ a littlΣ morΣ in-tunΣ with my actual intΣrΣsts.
AH: XDXD I'm surprised that tent of yours has more than one block. XDXD
EO: SΣΣ, now that's a bΣttΣr word for mΣ.
EO: I'm full of surprisΣs¡¡ =:D
AH: XDXD And you know what I am? Not surprised you would try to paint that as a good thing. XDXD
EO: You arΣ so mΣan to mΣ. =>:o