EO: WΣll, uh...
EO: That's kiiiind of a loadΣd quΣstion for mΣ to answΣr on thΣ spot.
EO: ThΣrΣ's somΣ things that you...
EO: Don't know about mΣ¿¿¿¿
AH: XDXD Yeah, I do know about the not knowing, genius. XDXD
AH: XDXD From the stalking to the magic book and the weird crypticism, you're the whole kit AND kaboodle. XDXD
AH: XDXD But I'm not asking for your full tragic background or anything. XDXD
AH: XDXD At long last, I have become comfortably numb to the impossible situation we're in, and I think it would serve us all if we used my weakened state to our advantage. XDXD
AH: XDXD Just go ahead and get it out. I won't judge. XDXD
EO: That's what thΣy all say.
EO: Okay, wΣll... ΣvΣn if you'rΣ comfortablΣ with my guts bΣing spillΣd, I don't think I'M quitΣ rΣady for that.
EO: WΣ'rΣ gonna takΣ this onΣ stΣp at a timΣ, okay¿¿
AH: XDXD Alright. XDXD
EO: So, I havΣ this staff.
AH: XDXD Alright. XDXD
EO: It's magic.
AH: XDXD Alright. XDXD
EO: I'vΣ had it for as long as I can rΣmΣmbΣr, just likΣ thΣ book.
EO: I didn't tΣll you who wrotΣ it thΣ first timΣ around bΣcausΣ I didn't think you'd bΣliΣvΣ mΣ. My lusii told mΣ that thΣy both camΣ from my ancΣstor.
AH: XDXD Okay, not to be judgemental here, but I'm just putting it on record that this is by FAR the fakest sounding thing you have ever told me. XDXD
AH: XDXD Game snakes being able to talk is one thing, but your lusii?? XDXD
EO: Why would I go out of my way to tΣll you somΣthing that's not truΣ¿¿¿¿
AH: XDXD Why would you go to my hive and throw a piece of gravel at my window instead of knocking on the front door, like someone with a reasonable sense of couth, and then pretend you didn't know about it in the most obvious way possible? XDXD
EO: ArΣ you rΣally just going to hold that against mΣ forΣvΣr¿¿¿¿ =:/
AH: XDXD Absolutely. XDXD
EO: Ugh¡¡¡¡
EO: Anyway.
EO: YΣs, my lusii can talk, and yΣs, ancΣstors arΣ rΣal.
EO: WhΣrΣ did you think wΣ ΣvΣn camΣ from¿¿
AH: XDXD Probably some abandoned cornfield smack dab in the middle of nowhere. XDXD
EO: I am rolling my ΣyΣs.
AH: XDXD So, what was it about that staff? XDXD
EO: Right. It's madΣ out of a compΣcado skull, and it's thΣ only thing that lΣts mΣ cast somΣ of thΣ spΣlls in my book.
EO: I'm still not thΣ bΣst at it, though...
EO: A lot of my attΣmpts just Σnd in a blazΣ of grΣΣn flamΣy agony, but I'vΣ bΣΣn ablΣ to do somΣ nΣat things¡¡
EO: LikΣ grow flowΣrs and makΣ cΣrtain objΣcts lΣvitatΣ¡¡¡¡
EO: OthΣr than that, it hasn't lΣt mΣ do too much with it.
AH: XDXD "Let" you? XDXD
EO: I think it might bΣ upsΣt with mΣ for somΣ rΣason¿¿ It kind of has a mind of its own.
AH: XDXD And I think you have to do a little more showing and a little less telling, because we're not getting any younger and also I don't fully buy this. XDXD
AH: XDXD I DO trust you, don't get me wrong, but I think you're so full of shit right now your eyes should be going mirthie purple. XDXD
AH: XDXD Feel free to prove me wrong, though. XDXD
EO: Oh, I will. =>:)
AH: XDXD Get your stuff, I'm going to set this up. XDXD
AH: XDXD And be careful, will you? XDXD
EO: That's kiiiind of a loadΣd quΣstion for mΣ to answΣr on thΣ spot.
EO: ThΣrΣ's somΣ things that you...
EO: Don't know about mΣ¿¿¿¿
AH: XDXD Yeah, I do know about the not knowing, genius. XDXD
AH: XDXD From the stalking to the magic book and the weird crypticism, you're the whole kit AND kaboodle. XDXD
AH: XDXD But I'm not asking for your full tragic background or anything. XDXD
AH: XDXD At long last, I have become comfortably numb to the impossible situation we're in, and I think it would serve us all if we used my weakened state to our advantage. XDXD
AH: XDXD Just go ahead and get it out. I won't judge. XDXD
EO: That's what thΣy all say.
EO: Okay, wΣll... ΣvΣn if you'rΣ comfortablΣ with my guts bΣing spillΣd, I don't think I'M quitΣ rΣady for that.
EO: WΣ'rΣ gonna takΣ this onΣ stΣp at a timΣ, okay¿¿
AH: XDXD Alright. XDXD
EO: So, I havΣ this staff.
AH: XDXD Alright. XDXD
EO: It's magic.
AH: XDXD Alright. XDXD
EO: I'vΣ had it for as long as I can rΣmΣmbΣr, just likΣ thΣ book.
EO: I didn't tΣll you who wrotΣ it thΣ first timΣ around bΣcausΣ I didn't think you'd bΣliΣvΣ mΣ. My lusii told mΣ that thΣy both camΣ from my ancΣstor.
AH: XDXD Okay, not to be judgemental here, but I'm just putting it on record that this is by FAR the fakest sounding thing you have ever told me. XDXD
AH: XDXD Game snakes being able to talk is one thing, but your lusii?? XDXD
EO: Why would I go out of my way to tΣll you somΣthing that's not truΣ¿¿¿¿
AH: XDXD Why would you go to my hive and throw a piece of gravel at my window instead of knocking on the front door, like someone with a reasonable sense of couth, and then pretend you didn't know about it in the most obvious way possible? XDXD
EO: ArΣ you rΣally just going to hold that against mΣ forΣvΣr¿¿¿¿ =:/
AH: XDXD Absolutely. XDXD
EO: Ugh¡¡¡¡
EO: Anyway.
EO: YΣs, my lusii can talk, and yΣs, ancΣstors arΣ rΣal.
EO: WhΣrΣ did you think wΣ ΣvΣn camΣ from¿¿
AH: XDXD Probably some abandoned cornfield smack dab in the middle of nowhere. XDXD
EO: I am rolling my ΣyΣs.
AH: XDXD So, what was it about that staff? XDXD
EO: Right. It's madΣ out of a compΣcado skull, and it's thΣ only thing that lΣts mΣ cast somΣ of thΣ spΣlls in my book.
EO: I'm still not thΣ bΣst at it, though...
EO: A lot of my attΣmpts just Σnd in a blazΣ of grΣΣn flamΣy agony, but I'vΣ bΣΣn ablΣ to do somΣ nΣat things¡¡
EO: LikΣ grow flowΣrs and makΣ cΣrtain objΣcts lΣvitatΣ¡¡¡¡
EO: OthΣr than that, it hasn't lΣt mΣ do too much with it.
AH: XDXD "Let" you? XDXD
EO: I think it might bΣ upsΣt with mΣ for somΣ rΣason¿¿ It kind of has a mind of its own.
AH: XDXD And I think you have to do a little more showing and a little less telling, because we're not getting any younger and also I don't fully buy this. XDXD
AH: XDXD I DO trust you, don't get me wrong, but I think you're so full of shit right now your eyes should be going mirthie purple. XDXD
AH: XDXD Feel free to prove me wrong, though. XDXD
EO: Oh, I will. =>:)
AH: XDXD Get your stuff, I'm going to set this up. XDXD
AH: XDXD And be careful, will you? XDXD