EO: I still mΣant what I said about wanting to do this for mΣ.
EO: But I don't... know what "doing this for mΣ" ΣvΣn mΣans¿¿
EO: I think I just wantΣd to put my rΣasons for powΣring through into words.
EO: BΣcausΣ I don't think things will ΣvΣr bΣ thΣ samΣ aftΣr this.
EO: For any of us.
EO: And that scarΣs mΣ.
AH: XDXD I promise that I'll try my best to be there for you through this whole thing, okay? XDXD
EO: I'd likΣ to bΣliΣvΣ that.
AH: XDXD Yeah, me too. XDXD
EO: NΣithΣr of us arΣ supΣr grΣat at this wholΣ maintaining mΣaningful rΣlationships thing that our ΣntirΣ spΣciΣs is so prΣssΣd about, huh¿¿
AH: XDXD Not really, no. XDXD
AH: XDXD Maybe that's why we were chosen for this gig in the first place. XDXD
EO: Sounds likΣ wishful thinking.
AH: XDXD I mean... XDXD
AH: XDXD I'd like to get better about it. XDXD
AH: XDXD You do too, right? XDXD
EO: Can wΣ¿¿
AH: XDXD Only one way to find out. XDXD
EO: ...How do I know I'm going about this thΣ right way¿¿
EO: But I don't... know what "doing this for mΣ" ΣvΣn mΣans¿¿
EO: I think I just wantΣd to put my rΣasons for powΣring through into words.
EO: BΣcausΣ I don't think things will ΣvΣr bΣ thΣ samΣ aftΣr this.
EO: For any of us.
EO: And that scarΣs mΣ.
AH: XDXD I promise that I'll try my best to be there for you through this whole thing, okay? XDXD
EO: I'd likΣ to bΣliΣvΣ that.
AH: XDXD Yeah, me too. XDXD
EO: NΣithΣr of us arΣ supΣr grΣat at this wholΣ maintaining mΣaningful rΣlationships thing that our ΣntirΣ spΣciΣs is so prΣssΣd about, huh¿¿
AH: XDXD Not really, no. XDXD
AH: XDXD Maybe that's why we were chosen for this gig in the first place. XDXD
EO: Sounds likΣ wishful thinking.
AH: XDXD I mean... XDXD
AH: XDXD I'd like to get better about it. XDXD
AH: XDXD You do too, right? XDXD
EO: Can wΣ¿¿
AH: XDXD Only one way to find out. XDXD
EO: ...How do I know I'm going about this thΣ right way¿¿