-- windlessArtificer [WA] began trolling unclaspedKahuna [UK] --
WA: Hey-
WA: I'm up and about- figure it's getting pretty close by now-?
WA: The good news is-
WA: I did run into White Noise just before I woke up-
WA: Which we both expected-
WA: He gave me a pretty important piece of the game-
WA: Not anything I can deal with right now- but-
WA: I got it-
WA: I guess we should probably talk about it later- when we have time-
UK: >([we s#ould talk abt w#o in tf is w#ite noiz]
WA: Well-
WA: Y'know-
WA: The Knick Knack Paddywhack Give the Dog a Bone Man-
UK: >([fuckin yea i knew w#o u were talkin bout]
UK: >([just wanted ya to say it more decent like]
UK: >([an you delivered as always]
WA: Nice-
WA: Now the bad news is-
WA: That I looked everywhere-
WA: And I still can't find one bit of glue-
WA: I think I have to give up- on my quest-
WA: Also due to time constraints-
UK: >([t#oug#ts an prayers outed to u]
UK: >([i did smt#n just as incredulous ass well as incredible on my end]
UK: >([made it deep into t#e #ole]
UK: >([got some minor injuries #ere t#ere an evryw#ere but s not#in i cant jus s#ake off]
UK: >([a lil lig#t#eads no #eavy deal]
UK: >([#eavy dealz exist along t#e line i #av long since crossed]
UK: >([now im just sittin #ere waitin for t#e payoff to cum]
WA: About how long do we have now-?
UK: >([given #ow consistent t#e t#ing is im gonna say t#at its actually on time wit# a lil less t#an 4 mins to spare]
UK: >([any guess as to w#at exactly is gonna pop outta t#is frilly pad]
UK: >([im guessin t#at w#atev it is t#e first t#ing its gonna do is knock me flat onto my #ot ass ]
UK: >([an im just gonna stare back at t#e blinding end an be like]
UK: >([woa#]
WA: No idea-
WA: What does this prophecy even look like- in any sort of physical form-?
WA: I mean- we only know that this is where the game starts-
WA: Whatever that means-
WA: Might just be as easy as some file we need to spread around-
UK: >([personally im #oldin on to it bein a big xplosion of some sort but if our luck #as anyt#in to do w it]
UK: >([t#en itll jus be some filt#y mcrotten ass dude tellin us we just got punkd]
UK: >([cue t#e confetti an studio audience bellyac#in t#eir canned laug#ter for effect as i walk down into t#e murky dept#s of waterlogged doom to kill myself]
WA: I don't think that'd kill you exactly-
WA: At least not immediately- especially in your case-
WA: Would mess you up good- though-
UK: >([sounds like t#e perfect way 2 get t#e melanc#oly in ur lifeblood a flowin]
UK: >([guess its good t#ats not wat im about]
WA: Are you saying you never get sad-?
UK: >([na# dude im not sayin i dont bust it w feelings]
UK: >([im sayin i dont get as bad as t#e rest of u sadsacks t#o]
UK: >([i mean sure]
UK: >([t#is is a sad place in a sad time]
UK: >([wit# sad boiz an sad gurlz and a sad looming environmental #ell creepin up makin t#e struggle extra worse]
UK: >([but like if i dont keep afloat w us #ere]
UK: >([t#en w#o will]
WA: I usually do pretty alright. I think-
UK: >([but ur not me]
UK: >([noa# fence my man but we gotta keep our different nic#es n roles stark an erected or else we all just run toget#er]
UK: >([so ill keep bein t#e rubber an you be t#e glue]
WA: I guess that's true-
WA: You actually turned that metaphorical insult- right back around-
WA: So kudos on that one-
WA: Oh- speaking of-
WA: Do you have any idea what's going on with Albion right now-?
WA: She sent me a few frantic messages earlier-
WA: I don't talk to her very often anymore- but she seemed like she wasn't doing so great-
WA: Tried checking in on her and I never got anything back-
WA: So-
UK: >([i got no mcfuckin know on sparkle-sparkles deal #ere man]
UK: >([only ppl i talked to outside of t#e general memo were u jugglemounds an scar wreck]
UK: >([an bottomtoot# if you even wanna call t#at a convo]
UK: >([w#ic# i tried my damndarndest to make not work]
UK: >([im gonna take a wild guess t#at s#es fine an even if s#es not we gotta worry about startup bfore we can get into t#e collateral]
UK: >([u ask me im damn sure not#in too awful could even #appen to us rn]
UK: >([by virtue of we get to be momentarily invincible as key turners in t#e ignition of boldly going]
UK: >([really im just bunkergrated on t#is w#ole "idk waz #appenin" c#orus t#at keeps getting slung around like c#eapo smatter in our fodder bond]
UK: >([me n u are most important for t#e outbound pre setup an even we dont get full detail privileges]
UK: >([like damn i dont #av a w#ole scrapbook full of t#e pics im s#owin off but im still doin it cuz its gotta be done]
UK: >([just wis# sometimes t#ere was more of a flow to go along wit#]
WA: That would make all the ambiguity a bit easier to handle-
WA: But it's not our call-
WA: We have to be that flow for them- because really-
WA: I can see why this all sounds a bit overwhelmingly stupid-
WA: Or at least just- overwhelming-
WA: But there's not a lot we can do- or that I can do-
WA: Not until Arcjec gets in anyway-
WA: Which leaves us with the question of-
WA: Once the whole flower deal is done in a minute- what do you think we're gonna be doing-?
WA: I don't think we need to do anything else after the blooming- really-
WA: We just- sit back and twiddle our stick phalanges-
UK: >([well i kno t#at wrestlette is gonna be steamin up a message storm as soon as t#is is said an done]
UK: >([told #er t#e big news in t#e type an s#e just wasnt #avin it so guess s#es jus gonna #afta learn t#e #ard way #ow t#is all goes down]
UK: >([us too]
UK: >([finally some learnin of crafts instead a pissin tears on it]
UK: >([so w#ile s#es flippin out]
UK: >([an soda jerk is pullin out]
UK: >([#owsabout me n u get back on wit# some ad#erence to furry politics]
UK: >([i t#ink i owe u one]
WA: For sure- you actually do owe me one-
WA: Woof-
UK: >([#op on an ill be meetin you t#ere s#ortly after i dump t#e searin yell letters from my flappers]
UK: >([w us bein so fuckin important i t#ink we s#ould get a c#ance to play us t#e real games #ere]
UK: >([for now t#o im settlin in for fake]
UK: >([its #ere]
WA: Hey-
WA: I'm up and about- figure it's getting pretty close by now-?
WA: The good news is-
WA: I did run into White Noise just before I woke up-
WA: Which we both expected-
WA: He gave me a pretty important piece of the game-
WA: Not anything I can deal with right now- but-
WA: I got it-
WA: I guess we should probably talk about it later- when we have time-
UK: >([we s#ould talk abt w#o in tf is w#ite noiz]
WA: Well-
WA: Y'know-
WA: The Knick Knack Paddywhack Give the Dog a Bone Man-
UK: >([fuckin yea i knew w#o u were talkin bout]
UK: >([just wanted ya to say it more decent like]
UK: >([an you delivered as always]
WA: Nice-
WA: Now the bad news is-
WA: That I looked everywhere-
WA: And I still can't find one bit of glue-
WA: I think I have to give up- on my quest-
WA: Also due to time constraints-
UK: >([t#oug#ts an prayers outed to u]
UK: >([i did smt#n just as incredulous ass well as incredible on my end]
UK: >([made it deep into t#e #ole]
UK: >([got some minor injuries #ere t#ere an evryw#ere but s not#in i cant jus s#ake off]
UK: >([a lil lig#t#eads no #eavy deal]
UK: >([#eavy dealz exist along t#e line i #av long since crossed]
UK: >([now im just sittin #ere waitin for t#e payoff to cum]
WA: About how long do we have now-?
UK: >([given #ow consistent t#e t#ing is im gonna say t#at its actually on time wit# a lil less t#an 4 mins to spare]
UK: >([any guess as to w#at exactly is gonna pop outta t#is frilly pad]
UK: >([im guessin t#at w#atev it is t#e first t#ing its gonna do is knock me flat onto my #ot ass ]
UK: >([an im just gonna stare back at t#e blinding end an be like]
UK: >([woa#]
WA: No idea-
WA: What does this prophecy even look like- in any sort of physical form-?
WA: I mean- we only know that this is where the game starts-
WA: Whatever that means-
WA: Might just be as easy as some file we need to spread around-
UK: >([personally im #oldin on to it bein a big xplosion of some sort but if our luck #as anyt#in to do w it]
UK: >([t#en itll jus be some filt#y mcrotten ass dude tellin us we just got punkd]
UK: >([cue t#e confetti an studio audience bellyac#in t#eir canned laug#ter for effect as i walk down into t#e murky dept#s of waterlogged doom to kill myself]
WA: I don't think that'd kill you exactly-
WA: At least not immediately- especially in your case-
WA: Would mess you up good- though-
UK: >([sounds like t#e perfect way 2 get t#e melanc#oly in ur lifeblood a flowin]
UK: >([guess its good t#ats not wat im about]
WA: Are you saying you never get sad-?
UK: >([na# dude im not sayin i dont bust it w feelings]
UK: >([im sayin i dont get as bad as t#e rest of u sadsacks t#o]
UK: >([i mean sure]
UK: >([t#is is a sad place in a sad time]
UK: >([wit# sad boiz an sad gurlz and a sad looming environmental #ell creepin up makin t#e struggle extra worse]
UK: >([but like if i dont keep afloat w us #ere]
UK: >([t#en w#o will]
WA: I usually do pretty alright. I think-
UK: >([but ur not me]
UK: >([noa# fence my man but we gotta keep our different nic#es n roles stark an erected or else we all just run toget#er]
UK: >([so ill keep bein t#e rubber an you be t#e glue]
WA: I guess that's true-
WA: You actually turned that metaphorical insult- right back around-
WA: So kudos on that one-
WA: Oh- speaking of-
WA: Do you have any idea what's going on with Albion right now-?
WA: She sent me a few frantic messages earlier-
WA: I don't talk to her very often anymore- but she seemed like she wasn't doing so great-
WA: Tried checking in on her and I never got anything back-
WA: So-
UK: >([i got no mcfuckin know on sparkle-sparkles deal #ere man]
UK: >([only ppl i talked to outside of t#e general memo were u jugglemounds an scar wreck]
UK: >([an bottomtoot# if you even wanna call t#at a convo]
UK: >([w#ic# i tried my damndarndest to make not work]
UK: >([im gonna take a wild guess t#at s#es fine an even if s#es not we gotta worry about startup bfore we can get into t#e collateral]
UK: >([u ask me im damn sure not#in too awful could even #appen to us rn]
UK: >([by virtue of we get to be momentarily invincible as key turners in t#e ignition of boldly going]
UK: >([really im just bunkergrated on t#is w#ole "idk waz #appenin" c#orus t#at keeps getting slung around like c#eapo smatter in our fodder bond]
UK: >([me n u are most important for t#e outbound pre setup an even we dont get full detail privileges]
UK: >([like damn i dont #av a w#ole scrapbook full of t#e pics im s#owin off but im still doin it cuz its gotta be done]
UK: >([just wis# sometimes t#ere was more of a flow to go along wit#]
WA: That would make all the ambiguity a bit easier to handle-
WA: But it's not our call-
WA: We have to be that flow for them- because really-
WA: I can see why this all sounds a bit overwhelmingly stupid-
WA: Or at least just- overwhelming-
WA: But there's not a lot we can do- or that I can do-
WA: Not until Arcjec gets in anyway-
WA: Which leaves us with the question of-
WA: Once the whole flower deal is done in a minute- what do you think we're gonna be doing-?
WA: I don't think we need to do anything else after the blooming- really-
WA: We just- sit back and twiddle our stick phalanges-
UK: >([well i kno t#at wrestlette is gonna be steamin up a message storm as soon as t#is is said an done]
UK: >([told #er t#e big news in t#e type an s#e just wasnt #avin it so guess s#es jus gonna #afta learn t#e #ard way #ow t#is all goes down]
UK: >([us too]
UK: >([finally some learnin of crafts instead a pissin tears on it]
UK: >([so w#ile s#es flippin out]
UK: >([an soda jerk is pullin out]
UK: >([#owsabout me n u get back on wit# some ad#erence to furry politics]
UK: >([i t#ink i owe u one]
WA: For sure- you actually do owe me one-
WA: Woof-
UK: >([#op on an ill be meetin you t#ere s#ortly after i dump t#e searin yell letters from my flappers]
UK: >([w us bein so fuckin important i t#ink we s#ould get a c#ance to play us t#e real games #ere]
UK: >([for now t#o im settlin in for fake]
UK: >([its #ere]