-- unclaspedKahuna [UK] began trolling perniciousOverkill [PO] --
UK: >([#ayyy]
UK: >([my most c#eris#ed pasteurized beefcake u r not gunna beleaf my double karat run of good bad luck in zu# alternator slots]
UK: >([guess w#ose got 2 t#umbs 1 bulge and a yellow friend till t#e very end t#at yall can nab for t#e low low price of basickly ass not#in]
UK: >([t#is bizkit-flavored biznitc#]
UK: >([#'w#ddya say]
PO: ~i've +aken a look a+ your proposal and af+er +wo seconds of careful considera+ion have made my decision~
PO: ~No+ in+eres+ed.~
UK: >([ok but considering im considering your considering to be stoopid]
UK: >([u s#uld take it]
PO: ~no+hing +ha+ comes from +he grand +urkin credi+ reservoir is ever free ~
PO: ~and even if i+ was, i'm no+ des+i+u+e enough +o be your firs+ chari+y case~
PO: ~you and handou+s mix like fis+s and mou+hs~
PO: ~i+s a bad idea +o le+ +hem ge+ +oo close~
PO: ~So read my words like you would feel my knuckles~
PO: ~NO.~
UK: >([alrity but last i c#ecked up on it yoo werent exactly a pugilist]
UK: >([t#is gal on a leas# i got sleeked is your typa weapon i cant use it no way no #ow]
UK: >([its made explicitly 4 t#ose wrecking balls u call ur #ands]
UK: >([unlike mi face]
UK: >([just muck it up for equivalency scraps idc but i cant do s#it w/ it besides a flas# steal deal]
PO: ~why don+ we bar+er, +hen?~
UK: >([like in ye olden repitons]
PO: ~yeah, i+'ll make me feel be++er abou+ +his whole +hing if i give you some+hing of equal value~
UK: >([t#en wuts yer offer]
PO: ~a pound of sand and a can of shu+ +he fuck up~
UK: >([lady ya drive a #ard bargain]
UK: >([SOLD]
UK: >([#ayyy]
UK: >([my most c#eris#ed pasteurized beefcake u r not gunna beleaf my double karat run of good bad luck in zu# alternator slots]
UK: >([guess w#ose got 2 t#umbs 1 bulge and a yellow friend till t#e very end t#at yall can nab for t#e low low price of basickly ass not#in]
UK: >([t#is bizkit-flavored biznitc#]
UK: >([#'w#ddya say]
PO: ~i've +aken a look a+ your proposal and af+er +wo seconds of careful considera+ion have made my decision~
PO: ~No+ in+eres+ed.~
UK: >([ok but considering im considering your considering to be stoopid]
UK: >([u s#uld take it]
PO: ~no+hing +ha+ comes from +he grand +urkin credi+ reservoir is ever free ~
PO: ~and even if i+ was, i'm no+ des+i+u+e enough +o be your firs+ chari+y case~
PO: ~you and handou+s mix like fis+s and mou+hs~
PO: ~i+s a bad idea +o le+ +hem ge+ +oo close~
PO: ~So read my words like you would feel my knuckles~
PO: ~NO.~
UK: >([alrity but last i c#ecked up on it yoo werent exactly a pugilist]
UK: >([t#is gal on a leas# i got sleeked is your typa weapon i cant use it no way no #ow]
UK: >([its made explicitly 4 t#ose wrecking balls u call ur #ands]
UK: >([unlike mi face]
UK: >([just muck it up for equivalency scraps idc but i cant do s#it w/ it besides a flas# steal deal]
PO: ~why don+ we bar+er, +hen?~
UK: >([like in ye olden repitons]
PO: ~yeah, i+'ll make me feel be++er abou+ +his whole +hing if i give you some+hing of equal value~
UK: >([t#en wuts yer offer]
PO: ~a pound of sand and a can of shu+ +he fuck up~
UK: >([lady ya drive a #ard bargain]
UK: >([SOLD]