You used to think that these two were some of the biggest badasses who have ever not lived. BATMAN and DEADPOOL were your favorites, back when you were younger.
You haven't read any of their issues in a VERY LONG TIME. Around two sweeps or so, to be more specific. You always fantasized about how amazing it would be to have superpowers, or a special array of technology as great as theirs.
In retrospect, it wasn't the most well-planned of aspirations. It could never have happened, and will never happen, because this is real life. And that's not how things work in the real world, which harbors real life.
Although. As you gaze at their tightly-suited splendor, you can't help but once again wonder what things would be like if you had, say, the power to always miraculously survive, even in the most brutal of murder scenarios. Or if you could fly! But that's all in the past now.
Why you still keep these up, you have no clue.