AH: XDXD So, what does the thing do. XDXD
AH: XDXD Something that will finalize this process, hopefully? XDXD
PO: ~maybe.~
PO: ~i+ says we have "insufficien+ space" here for +hese i+ems.~
PO: ~and one of +hem can+ be used a+ all un+il we ge+ every+hing else se+ up.~
PO: ~so +his migh+ be +he final bi+.~
AH: XDXD Oh, hold up. I got an update. XDXD
AH: XDXD I checked out my inventory and I had nothing new there, so I ended up clicking on my symbol inputs instead, just to see if anything would happen. XDXD
AH: XDXD Lo and behold, I was granted the numeric input. XDXD
AH: XDXD Of course, since nothing can ever be simple and straightforward, all of the buttons are encrypted in some weird symbolic equivalent. XDXD
AH: XDXD So, I'm being forced to print out that garish cipher key that Murrit made against my will. Ugh. XDXD
AH: XDXD I'd just tab it open and wait for it to load, but I guess this game is just too IMPORTANT to let me do anything other than gaze at its flashy, eye-straining splendor. XDXD
AH: XDXD Let me see if this yields any results real quick before we move on. XDXD
AH: XDXD Something that will finalize this process, hopefully? XDXD
PO: ~maybe.~
PO: ~i+ says we have "insufficien+ space" here for +hese i+ems.~
PO: ~and one of +hem can+ be used a+ all un+il we ge+ every+hing else se+ up.~
PO: ~so +his migh+ be +he final bi+.~
AH: XDXD Oh, hold up. I got an update. XDXD
AH: XDXD I checked out my inventory and I had nothing new there, so I ended up clicking on my symbol inputs instead, just to see if anything would happen. XDXD
AH: XDXD Lo and behold, I was granted the numeric input. XDXD
AH: XDXD Of course, since nothing can ever be simple and straightforward, all of the buttons are encrypted in some weird symbolic equivalent. XDXD
AH: XDXD So, I'm being forced to print out that garish cipher key that Murrit made against my will. Ugh. XDXD
AH: XDXD I'd just tab it open and wait for it to load, but I guess this game is just too IMPORTANT to let me do anything other than gaze at its flashy, eye-straining splendor. XDXD
AH: XDXD Let me see if this yields any results real quick before we move on. XDXD