UK: >([dude came at me in a dream]
UK: >([bigger an more sloppy posed t#an a bulge floppin on a warm slip n slide]
UK: >([upon our greet #e said t#at #e was starting to admire my prescense]
UK: >([t#o rlly i was wonderin #ow t#is in beat logic was takin off cuz it was t#is static void]
UK: >([tf was i walkin on]
UK: >([also #ow was i #earin #im and w#y werent my fins on t#e verge of an orc#estrated blowout]
UK: >([t#ese were t#e mysteries of a young me]
UK: >([but it wasnt no big picture s#ow]
UK: >([w/out an intro #e told me t#at i gots a c#oice t#atll c#ange my life forever]
UK: >([a c#oice t#at if i accepted id be granted in a similar fas#ion down t#e line over n over again]
UK: >([a c#ain reaction in t#e #ole of destinies t#at i wld promptly b mindpilled into if i took t#e s#ot]
UK: >([it would lead me upon t#e tru pat# or smt#in]
UK: >([and it waz to piece toget#er a local message t#at i already knew existed]
UK: >([i.e. t#em glyp#s]
UK: >([and to s#are t#e word it #as amongst t#e bonds id get knowledge on]
UK: >([in exc#ange]
UK: >([i would get a one way ticket to a land of s#adows and purp]
UK: >([#is own slow crafted design to live out a way of life w#ere i could b t#e young man i always dreamt of becomin]
UK: >([an s#it boy you kno i accepted]
UK: >([but not wit#out t#inkin]
UK: >([t#inkin bout w#at exactly all t#is was to mean for me bcuz many attempts later]
UK: >([i realized t#at 1 doez not swinddle t#is boney pony]
UK: >([#e kept #is end of t#e deal regardless and i t#ink even w my misdeeds #e knew i was gonna #afta pull t#ru eventually]
UK: >([an eventually is now #ard skin]
UK: >([got paid in advance]
UK: >([fact is]
UK: >([no eyes skullfuck wasnt #oldin back on t#e definition of t#e ideal self]
UK: >([place was a dump but it was t#ere i learned t#e mastery of t#e 52 #ands]
UK: >([ended up stuck in t#e company of t#is mad sticked figure w#o took me in an s#owed me t#e ropes to reel in t#e dopes]
UK: >([we were a walkin nig#tmare on t#e streets an w our crew we robbed t#e joint twelve kindsa blind]
UK: >([some fellas called #im t#e scat#ing s#arper]
UK: >([i knew t#e man as jack]
UK: >([bigger an more sloppy posed t#an a bulge floppin on a warm slip n slide]
UK: >([upon our greet #e said t#at #e was starting to admire my prescense]
UK: >([t#o rlly i was wonderin #ow t#is in beat logic was takin off cuz it was t#is static void]
UK: >([tf was i walkin on]
UK: >([also #ow was i #earin #im and w#y werent my fins on t#e verge of an orc#estrated blowout]
UK: >([t#ese were t#e mysteries of a young me]
UK: >([but it wasnt no big picture s#ow]
UK: >([w/out an intro #e told me t#at i gots a c#oice t#atll c#ange my life forever]
UK: >([a c#oice t#at if i accepted id be granted in a similar fas#ion down t#e line over n over again]
UK: >([a c#ain reaction in t#e #ole of destinies t#at i wld promptly b mindpilled into if i took t#e s#ot]
UK: >([it would lead me upon t#e tru pat# or smt#in]
UK: >([and it waz to piece toget#er a local message t#at i already knew existed]
UK: >([i.e. t#em glyp#s]
UK: >([and to s#are t#e word it #as amongst t#e bonds id get knowledge on]
UK: >([in exc#ange]
UK: >([i would get a one way ticket to a land of s#adows and purp]
UK: >([#is own slow crafted design to live out a way of life w#ere i could b t#e young man i always dreamt of becomin]
UK: >([an s#it boy you kno i accepted]
UK: >([but not wit#out t#inkin]
UK: >([t#inkin bout w#at exactly all t#is was to mean for me bcuz many attempts later]
UK: >([i realized t#at 1 doez not swinddle t#is boney pony]
UK: >([#e kept #is end of t#e deal regardless and i t#ink even w my misdeeds #e knew i was gonna #afta pull t#ru eventually]
UK: >([an eventually is now #ard skin]
UK: >([got paid in advance]
UK: >([fact is]
UK: >([no eyes skullfuck wasnt #oldin back on t#e definition of t#e ideal self]
UK: >([place was a dump but it was t#ere i learned t#e mastery of t#e 52 #ands]
UK: >([ended up stuck in t#e company of t#is mad sticked figure w#o took me in an s#owed me t#e ropes to reel in t#e dopes]
UK: >([we were a walkin nig#tmare on t#e streets an w our crew we robbed t#e joint twelve kindsa blind]
UK: >([some fellas called #im t#e scat#ing s#arper]
UK: >([i knew t#e man as jack]