GD: There we go, st/\rting to ring /\ few bells///
GD: Pretty sure /\ll of th/\t sounded just /\s ridiculous the first time /\round///
GD: So, how ex/\ctly does this rel/\te to us /\pp/\rently dying?///
UK: >([im gettin to it]
GD: Well c/\n you get to it /\ little f/\ster?///
GD: For someone who cl/\ims this is so imper/\ti\/e, you sure /\re content to t/\ke your sweet fucking time while simult/\neously w/\sting mine///
UK: >([ur not even out #ere yet s#it lips]
GD: Why /\re you /\ssuming I'm /\ctu/\lly coming///
UK: >([bc youre never not cumming at me]
UK: >([for a manlet w#o demands so muc# you do v little to work off t#e norm]
GD: Gross///
GD: /\lso, you're still not re/\lly telling me wh/\t's going on///
GD: You should get b/\ck to th/\t///
GD: Dipshit///
UK: >([well first off i never said we were dyin specif like t#at]
UK: >([jus sayin if you dont comply wit# me t#at ur gonna die]
UK: >([along w t#e rest of t#e world]
UK: >([big diff]
UK: >([t#e message i decoded was actually simple]
UK: >([at least in t#e general gist]
UK: >([course t#ere #ad to be a bunc#a spooky scary verbiage strait out an existentialist #orror buffs wettest nig#tmares upon our very last visitation c#at t#ru my tv screen]
UK: >([t#at appears to #av been t#e closer to t#is running gag of a round t#e globe comedy tour #e planned on me]
UK: >([but gist is t#at t#is place is going to wrap inside out into t#e pitz]
UK: >([pitz t#atll lick our life plates clean until t#eres not#in but space dust an regret]
UK: >([#owever]
UK: >([like all good points in a runnin plotline w#en t#e goin gets toug# t#eres a loop#ole reddy to make it nice and easy as we inc# our way in]
UK: >([met#ods not practical but t#en again neit#er is our grand finale]
GD: Pretty sure /\ll of th/\t sounded just /\s ridiculous the first time /\round///
GD: So, how ex/\ctly does this rel/\te to us /\pp/\rently dying?///
UK: >([im gettin to it]
GD: Well c/\n you get to it /\ little f/\ster?///
GD: For someone who cl/\ims this is so imper/\ti\/e, you sure /\re content to t/\ke your sweet fucking time while simult/\neously w/\sting mine///
UK: >([ur not even out #ere yet s#it lips]
GD: Why /\re you /\ssuming I'm /\ctu/\lly coming///
UK: >([bc youre never not cumming at me]
UK: >([for a manlet w#o demands so muc# you do v little to work off t#e norm]
GD: Gross///
GD: /\lso, you're still not re/\lly telling me wh/\t's going on///
GD: You should get b/\ck to th/\t///
GD: Dipshit///
UK: >([well first off i never said we were dyin specif like t#at]
UK: >([jus sayin if you dont comply wit# me t#at ur gonna die]
UK: >([along w t#e rest of t#e world]
UK: >([big diff]
UK: >([t#e message i decoded was actually simple]
UK: >([at least in t#e general gist]
UK: >([course t#ere #ad to be a bunc#a spooky scary verbiage strait out an existentialist #orror buffs wettest nig#tmares upon our very last visitation c#at t#ru my tv screen]
UK: >([t#at appears to #av been t#e closer to t#is running gag of a round t#e globe comedy tour #e planned on me]
UK: >([but gist is t#at t#is place is going to wrap inside out into t#e pitz]
UK: >([pitz t#atll lick our life plates clean until t#eres not#in but space dust an regret]
UK: >([#owever]
UK: >([like all good points in a runnin plotline w#en t#e goin gets toug# t#eres a loop#ole reddy to make it nice and easy as we inc# our way in]
UK: >([met#ods not practical but t#en again neit#er is our grand finale]