GD: Well, if you're the only one who h/\s /\ll this exclusi\/e know-how on the situ/\tion /\nd wh/\t to do /\bout it, why ex/\ctly do I need to be in\/ol\/ed?///
GD: C/\n you ne\/er de/\l with /\ny of your shit without dr/\gging me /\long for the ride?///
GD: Wh/\t /\re you /\bout to force me to do for you this time///
UK: >([w#at im boutta do is save ur sorry ass not#er #alfways from t#e cycle along wit# every ot#er one of u sorry sad sacks of mas#ed contractions]
UK: >([were fixin to ride t#e loop#ole all t#e way outta t#is rig]
UK: >([an youre gonna be t#e man t#at gets me in full deep into t#e mess]
UK: >([in fact soon youll be jus like me]
UK: >([all of u will]
UK: >([but as of rig#t now i gotta pus# t#e direction of t#e man]
UK: >([but dont you worry bout t#at]
UK: >([got t#ousands of gears in progression and i got a majority of t#e clan s#oved into t#e pile]
UK: >([rn t#o im settin you up w/ your dreamlife before t#e dreamlife were gonna s#are]
UK: >([better get #ere quick d]
GD: I'm /\lmost out///
GD: This better be worth it///
GD: C/\n you ne\/er de/\l with /\ny of your shit without dr/\gging me /\long for the ride?///
GD: Wh/\t /\re you /\bout to force me to do for you this time///
UK: >([w#at im boutta do is save ur sorry ass not#er #alfways from t#e cycle along wit# every ot#er one of u sorry sad sacks of mas#ed contractions]
UK: >([were fixin to ride t#e loop#ole all t#e way outta t#is rig]
UK: >([an youre gonna be t#e man t#at gets me in full deep into t#e mess]
UK: >([in fact soon youll be jus like me]
UK: >([all of u will]
UK: >([but as of rig#t now i gotta pus# t#e direction of t#e man]
UK: >([but dont you worry bout t#at]
UK: >([got t#ousands of gears in progression and i got a majority of t#e clan s#oved into t#e pile]
UK: >([rn t#o im settin you up w/ your dreamlife before t#e dreamlife were gonna s#are]
UK: >([better get #ere quick d]
GD: I'm /\lmost out///
GD: This better be worth it///