GD: Ok/\y, ye/\h, I intim/\tely know /\bout /\ll your p/\st g/\mbling shen/\nig/\ns///
GD: There is no w/\y for me not to, seeing /\s how they were /\ m/\jor p/\rt of my own problems for the better portion of two sweeps///
GD: I m/\y not remember the ex/\ct det/\ils of the r/\ndom filth you tell me on /\ d/\ily b/\sis, but I'm not forgetting the shit you forced me to do b/\ck then /\nytime soon///
GD: Things /\re m/\rgin/\lly better now/\d/\ys, but honestly? It's /\ person/\l hell I'm still li\/ing in///
GD: /\nyw/\y. The history lesson w/\s unnecess/\ry///
GD: If you could just m/\ke it to the \//\lu/\ble inform/\tion I thought you were going to deli\/er in the first pl/\ce, th/\t would be gre/\t///
UK: >([dont interrupt t#is is integral tissue mout#]
GD: There is no w/\y for me not to, seeing /\s how they were /\ m/\jor p/\rt of my own problems for the better portion of two sweeps///
GD: I m/\y not remember the ex/\ct det/\ils of the r/\ndom filth you tell me on /\ d/\ily b/\sis, but I'm not forgetting the shit you forced me to do b/\ck then /\nytime soon///
GD: Things /\re m/\rgin/\lly better now/\d/\ys, but honestly? It's /\ person/\l hell I'm still li\/ing in///
GD: /\nyw/\y. The history lesson w/\s unnecess/\ry///
GD: If you could just m/\ke it to the \//\lu/\ble inform/\tion I thought you were going to deli\/er in the first pl/\ce, th/\t would be gre/\t///
UK: >([dont interrupt t#is is integral tissue mout#]