UK: >([i met #im back w#en i waz about 9 cycle passes an some c#ange]
UK: >([a smallbound #ustler on t#e move doin anyt#ing #e could to pull a stack from t#e waterwork an make a quick pelf off t#e stupidest fucks t#is side of t#e coast]
UK: >([u got to know me as a virtua poker man]
UK: >([but a s#arks gotta learn #ow 2 start swimmin somew#ere]
UK: >([an w#en i was bottomfeedin all i knew to bank were t#ese busted up rock picture dioramas embedded underneat# my isle]
UK: >([bunc#a #oppity amp#ibious croakin weirdos i #ad never seen b fore]
UK: >([some intense spin patterns and flowers in t#ere too but i didnt care bout no purpose]
UK: >([no r#yme no reason]
UK: >([just c#ips an dinero]
UK: >([til t#e first appearance of purpose slapped me in t#e face on t#is lil play stage i was unknowinly set up on]
UK: >([t#at was t#e mornin i was ligamentstruck into t#e boned zone]
UK: >([a smallbound #ustler on t#e move doin anyt#ing #e could to pull a stack from t#e waterwork an make a quick pelf off t#e stupidest fucks t#is side of t#e coast]
UK: >([u got to know me as a virtua poker man]
UK: >([but a s#arks gotta learn #ow 2 start swimmin somew#ere]
UK: >([an w#en i was bottomfeedin all i knew to bank were t#ese busted up rock picture dioramas embedded underneat# my isle]
UK: >([bunc#a #oppity amp#ibious croakin weirdos i #ad never seen b fore]
UK: >([some intense spin patterns and flowers in t#ere too but i didnt care bout no purpose]
UK: >([no r#yme no reason]
UK: >([just c#ips an dinero]
UK: >([til t#e first appearance of purpose slapped me in t#e face on t#is lil play stage i was unknowinly set up on]
UK: >([t#at was t#e mornin i was ligamentstruck into t#e boned zone]