GD: Well, if we're on the topic of dis/\greeing on things...///
GD: Still dis/\greeing with your decision to not tell me wh/\t the fuck h/\ppened with you///
GD: I let you get /\w/\y with th/\t /\ LOT, but this is not one of those times///
DQ: *cant*i*simply*yearn*for*a*past*sense*of*nostalgia*?
GD: Some other time, st/\r child///
DQ: *i*dont*think*i*enjoy*being*called*that*anymore*
GD: Oh, so it's ok/\y if you do it but not ok/\y if I do?///
DQ: *i*promise*its*not*about*that*
DQ: *its*just*
DQ: *i*dont*think*you*would*be*able*to*understand*
DQ: *i*dont*think*anyone*could*
GD: I'd still like to try///
GD: /\fter th/\t whole fi/\sco, the l/\st thing I w/\nt is for something to be left uns/\id///
GD: Still dis/\greeing with your decision to not tell me wh/\t the fuck h/\ppened with you///
GD: I let you get /\w/\y with th/\t /\ LOT, but this is not one of those times///
DQ: *cant*i*simply*yearn*for*a*past*sense*of*nostalgia*?
GD: Some other time, st/\r child///
DQ: *i*dont*think*i*enjoy*being*called*that*anymore*
GD: Oh, so it's ok/\y if you do it but not ok/\y if I do?///
DQ: *i*promise*its*not*about*that*
DQ: *its*just*
DQ: *i*dont*think*you*would*be*able*to*understand*
DQ: *i*dont*think*anyone*could*
GD: I'd still like to try///
GD: /\fter th/\t whole fi/\sco, the l/\st thing I w/\nt is for something to be left uns/\id///