-- existereOracle [EO] began trolling macabreExude [ME] --
EO: HΣy, arΣ you thΣrΣ¿¿
EO: I know you'rΣ busy and all but whΣn you gΣt thΣ chancΣ to, I'd lovΣ to talk for a bit.
EO: =:)
-- existereOracle [EO] stopped trolling macabreExude [ME] --
-- existereOracle [EO] began trolling macabreExude [ME] --
EO: .......................
-- existereOracle [EO] stopped trolling macabreExude [ME] --
-- existereOracle [EO] began trolling macabreExude [ME] --
EO: HΣllo¿¿
EO: =:(
-- existereOracle [EO] stopped trolling macabreExude [ME] --
-- macabreExude [ME] began trolling existereOracle [EO] --
ME: Hell.o.
ME: Eye ap.o.l.o.gize f.o.r n.o.t getting t.o. y.o.u s.oo.ner
ME: Eye d.o. kn.o.w it's been several days
ME: Eye'm afraid eye d.o. n.o.t have a l.o.t .o.f time t.o. spare, but eye figured y.o.u at least deserved a quick resp.o.nse
EO: Aaaaaaaaah¡¡ Hi, darling¡¡¡¡
EO: WΣll, it's a littlΣ latΣ now... But thanks for saying somΣthing.
EO: What's got you so wrappΣd up this timΣ¿¿
ME: Eye believe that eye am finally .o.n the verge .o.f a breakthr.o.ugh
ME: It's been a l.o.ng time since eye have felt s.o. str.o.ngly ab.o.ut this
ME: We might truly have a chance t.o. save this w.o.rld
ME: Eye plan t.o. head back .o.ut and c.o.llect m.o.re specimens f.o.r further studying
ME: H.o.pefully it will be the last time
EO: Oh, that's good, I'm so glad to hΣar that¡¡
EO: I'm surΣ you'll gΣt thΣrΣ soon Σnough.
EO: And you bΣttΣr lΣt mΣ know whΣn you do¡¡
EO: I of all pΣoplΣ would dΣfinitΣly want to hΣar about your wondΣrful, miraculous curΣ. =>:0
ME: Eye will d.o. my best t.o. keep y.o.u up t.o. date with the latest inf.o.rmati.o.n pertaining t.o. my experiments
ME: Because with.o.ut this
ME: N.o.
ME: With.o.ut Y.O.U
ME: .o.ur planet w.o.uld likely perish entirely
ME: Eye h.o.pe y.o.u can f.o.rgive these past c.o.nversati.o.nal transgressi.o.ns my dear
ME: There are many things eye want t.o. d.o. in this life but y.o.u sh.o.uld kn.o.w that ign.o.ring y.o.u is certainly n.o.t .o.ne .o.f them
ME: H.o.wever
ME: Y.o.u d.o. still understand the imp.o.rtance .o.f this w.o.rk
ME: Yes?
EO: YΣah, of coursΣ... I know it's a big dΣal.
EO: ΣspΣcially to you, most of all.
EO: And I'm not trying to gΣt you to think that you shouldn't bΣ doing it or anything.
EO: It's a rΣally admirablΣ Σffort and I bΣliΣvΣ in you¡¡ You'rΣ a big smartypants.
EO: I just wish I could gΣt to sΣΣ you a bit morΣ, is all.
EO: =:'(
ME: If this w.o.rks .o.ut as well as eye think it will, perhaps we can make that happen
ME: cB}
EO: That'd bΣ grΣat¡¡
ME: Well, seeing as we b.o.th want that
ME: Eye sh.o.uld be heading .o.ut n.o.w
ME: T.o.night is g.o.ing t.o. be a big night
ME: Wish me luck .o.ut there, if y.o.u please
EO: Okay¡¡¡¡
EO: I most cΣrtainly wish you thΣ bΣst of luck¡¡¡¡
EO: PlΣasΣ tΣll mΣ how it goΣs latΣr, alright¿¿
EO: I lovΣ you. <3
ME: Thank y.o.u
ME: Eye will d.o. my best
ME: F.o.r every.o.ne
-- macabreExude [ME] stopped trolling existereOracle [EO] --
EO: HΣy, arΣ you thΣrΣ¿¿
EO: I know you'rΣ busy and all but whΣn you gΣt thΣ chancΣ to, I'd lovΣ to talk for a bit.
EO: =:)
-- existereOracle [EO] stopped trolling macabreExude [ME] --
-- existereOracle [EO] began trolling macabreExude [ME] --
EO: .......................
-- existereOracle [EO] stopped trolling macabreExude [ME] --
-- existereOracle [EO] began trolling macabreExude [ME] --
EO: HΣllo¿¿
EO: =:(
-- existereOracle [EO] stopped trolling macabreExude [ME] --
-- macabreExude [ME] began trolling existereOracle [EO] --
ME: Hell.o.
ME: Eye ap.o.l.o.gize f.o.r n.o.t getting t.o. y.o.u s.oo.ner
ME: Eye d.o. kn.o.w it's been several days
ME: Eye'm afraid eye d.o. n.o.t have a l.o.t .o.f time t.o. spare, but eye figured y.o.u at least deserved a quick resp.o.nse
EO: Aaaaaaaaah¡¡ Hi, darling¡¡¡¡
EO: WΣll, it's a littlΣ latΣ now... But thanks for saying somΣthing.
EO: What's got you so wrappΣd up this timΣ¿¿
ME: Eye believe that eye am finally .o.n the verge .o.f a breakthr.o.ugh
ME: It's been a l.o.ng time since eye have felt s.o. str.o.ngly ab.o.ut this
ME: We might truly have a chance t.o. save this w.o.rld
ME: Eye plan t.o. head back .o.ut and c.o.llect m.o.re specimens f.o.r further studying
ME: H.o.pefully it will be the last time
EO: Oh, that's good, I'm so glad to hΣar that¡¡
EO: I'm surΣ you'll gΣt thΣrΣ soon Σnough.
EO: And you bΣttΣr lΣt mΣ know whΣn you do¡¡
EO: I of all pΣoplΣ would dΣfinitΣly want to hΣar about your wondΣrful, miraculous curΣ. =>:0
ME: Eye will d.o. my best t.o. keep y.o.u up t.o. date with the latest inf.o.rmati.o.n pertaining t.o. my experiments
ME: Because with.o.ut this
ME: N.o.
ME: With.o.ut Y.O.U
ME: .o.ur planet w.o.uld likely perish entirely
ME: Eye h.o.pe y.o.u can f.o.rgive these past c.o.nversati.o.nal transgressi.o.ns my dear
ME: There are many things eye want t.o. d.o. in this life but y.o.u sh.o.uld kn.o.w that ign.o.ring y.o.u is certainly n.o.t .o.ne .o.f them
ME: H.o.wever
ME: Y.o.u d.o. still understand the imp.o.rtance .o.f this w.o.rk
ME: Yes?
EO: YΣah, of coursΣ... I know it's a big dΣal.
EO: ΣspΣcially to you, most of all.
EO: And I'm not trying to gΣt you to think that you shouldn't bΣ doing it or anything.
EO: It's a rΣally admirablΣ Σffort and I bΣliΣvΣ in you¡¡ You'rΣ a big smartypants.
EO: I just wish I could gΣt to sΣΣ you a bit morΣ, is all.
EO: =:'(
ME: If this w.o.rks .o.ut as well as eye think it will, perhaps we can make that happen
ME: cB}
EO: That'd bΣ grΣat¡¡
ME: Well, seeing as we b.o.th want that
ME: Eye sh.o.uld be heading .o.ut n.o.w
ME: T.o.night is g.o.ing t.o. be a big night
ME: Wish me luck .o.ut there, if y.o.u please
EO: Okay¡¡¡¡
EO: I most cΣrtainly wish you thΣ bΣst of luck¡¡¡¡
EO: PlΣasΣ tΣll mΣ how it goΣs latΣr, alright¿¿
EO: I lovΣ you. <3
ME: Thank y.o.u
ME: Eye will d.o. my best
ME: F.o.r every.o.ne
-- macabreExude [ME] stopped trolling existereOracle [EO] --