ARCJEC: XDXD You really have a theatrical bent, don't you. XDXD
METATRON: i try to make these moments special.
ARCJEC: XDXD What's special about this thing, then? XDXD
METATRON: it's an all-in-one communicator and retrieval node.
METATRON: more often than not, i will be relegated to a background role; always ready to assist, but not the focus of your journey.
METATRON: think of this little device as a pocket substitute for my presence. as a nice bonus, it also allows you to stay in contact with your teammates as you are out exploring!
METATRON: now, the features i just described are much more limited when not in checkpoints and safe zones. you will still be able to use your inventory, but not craft new objects.
ARCJEC: XDXD Ugh. Seems like a hassle. XDXD
METATRON: don't be discouraged! moving forward is essential to not only your growth, but also your ability to survive.
METATRON: not every creature you face will be an imaginary test, and not everything on this planet is as it seems.
METATRON: consistent malaise rarely aids a healing mind, you know.
METATRON: i try to make these moments special.
ARCJEC: XDXD What's special about this thing, then? XDXD
METATRON: it's an all-in-one communicator and retrieval node.
METATRON: more often than not, i will be relegated to a background role; always ready to assist, but not the focus of your journey.
METATRON: think of this little device as a pocket substitute for my presence. as a nice bonus, it also allows you to stay in contact with your teammates as you are out exploring!
METATRON: now, the features i just described are much more limited when not in checkpoints and safe zones. you will still be able to use your inventory, but not craft new objects.
ARCJEC: XDXD Ugh. Seems like a hassle. XDXD
METATRON: don't be discouraged! moving forward is essential to not only your growth, but also your ability to survive.
METATRON: not every creature you face will be an imaginary test, and not everything on this planet is as it seems.
METATRON: consistent malaise rarely aids a healing mind, you know.