This is where you keep all of your options for taking down opponents.
This collection of tools made for bodily destruction and generalized murderfests includes, but is not limited to: ONE (1) LONGBALL MACE (your preferred weapon), ONE (1) MOUTH GASHER, ONE (1) pair of SKIN PIERCING HANDCUFFS, ONE (1) row of NEEDLEPOINT GAGS, ONE (1) TORTURE FORK BELT (sans the actual torture fork), ONE (1) PALM DECIMATOR, and the most potent device of them all...
ONE (1) FEROCITY WEAVER. This one holds special memories for you.
All of this AND MORE in a single easy-to-reach compartment! And at some point you've made it even easier to reach by breaking the glass with your fist instead of opening the door. Your younger self was quite the practical visionary.