DISMAS: Hey! Hey, wh/\t's wrong?///
FF: h him
DISMAS: Ok/\y, I me/\n. Besides him///
DISMAS: We /\ll know he's got issues///
BOOBDRONE: >([roflol]
FF: then l literally e everything else
DISMAS: Th/\t's definitely f/\ir///
FF: i it is absolutely n n not fair
FF: its s suffering
FF: w were all s suffering and it all s s s sucks
FF: by the way a are you okay
DISMAS: Depends on wh/\t you me/\n by "ok/\y"///
FF: as in okay enough t that i dont have to c come over and knock some s sense into this idiot
FF: ngh
FF: i c cant say what im t thinking very w well right now
FF: b but i know you g get it
DISMAS: Cryst/\l cle/\r///
FF: this w whole thing just got m me
FF: t thinking way too m m much
FF: h he wont even tell me whats g going on
BOOBDRONE: >([i told u tweeks]
BOOBDRONE: >([blurple busted up t#e stupid qna mac#ine]
BOOBDRONE: >([t#ere waz a 5 answer limit on t#e dumbness c#eckout]
BOOBDRONE: >([an t#en kablamo]
DISMAS: You c/\n't set /\ dumbness limit when you bre/\k it yourself whene\/er you open your mouth!///
BOOBDRONE: >([wat are u sayin i stretc#ed and armstronged t#at bizness clear as t#e jo crystal you just menc#ied]
DISMAS: Oh, DID you now///
DISMAS: I'm going to stretch /\nd /\rmstrong YOUR rubbery /\ss, I swe/\r///
BOOBDRONE: >([see its t#is kinda t#reatage t#at makes me inclined to give out less and lesser info]
FF: c can both of you s s save it thanks
FF: i i cant understand t this game thing i g give up
FF: its just t too much
FF: i dont e even
FF: i c cant even m make my own p premade dinners without a p p panic attack
FF: h how am i supposed to s save myself from a huge b b burning meteor
FF: how are y you going to do it
FF: m murrit said you were dead and youre n not now sure
FF: but you m might as well b be in this state
DISMAS: Hey, don't worry. I'll li\/e///
DISMAS: /\s men/\cing /\s th/\t /\tt/\ck w/\s, he didn't h/\\/e /\ny intent to kill///
DISMAS: Just some o\/er the top concentr/\ted m/\imery me/\nt to intimid/\te. I'm used to this posturing///
DISMAS: Plus, look: I'm /\lre/\dy st/\rting to he/\l up///
DISMAS: My body's kind of stiff, but it's mostly my /\rm th/\t needs medic/\l /\ttention///
BOOBDRONE: >([ummmm aks#ually]
BOOBDRONE: >([tb real # ur arm is last in our triple-tinerary]
BOOBDRONE: >([bcuz i #ave]
BOOBDRONE: >([more]
DISMAS: More?///
FF: e excuse me
BOOBDRONE: >([lemme explain]
BOOBDRONE: >([#old one bit t#o]
FF: h him
DISMAS: Ok/\y, I me/\n. Besides him///
DISMAS: We /\ll know he's got issues///
BOOBDRONE: >([roflol]
FF: then l literally e everything else
DISMAS: Th/\t's definitely f/\ir///
FF: i it is absolutely n n not fair
FF: its s suffering
FF: w were all s suffering and it all s s s sucks
FF: by the way a are you okay
DISMAS: Depends on wh/\t you me/\n by "ok/\y"///
FF: as in okay enough t that i dont have to c come over and knock some s sense into this idiot
FF: ngh
FF: i c cant say what im t thinking very w well right now
FF: b but i know you g get it
DISMAS: Cryst/\l cle/\r///
FF: this w whole thing just got m me
FF: t thinking way too m m much
FF: h he wont even tell me whats g going on
BOOBDRONE: >([i told u tweeks]
BOOBDRONE: >([blurple busted up t#e stupid qna mac#ine]
BOOBDRONE: >([t#ere waz a 5 answer limit on t#e dumbness c#eckout]
BOOBDRONE: >([an t#en kablamo]
DISMAS: You c/\n't set /\ dumbness limit when you bre/\k it yourself whene\/er you open your mouth!///
BOOBDRONE: >([wat are u sayin i stretc#ed and armstronged t#at bizness clear as t#e jo crystal you just menc#ied]
DISMAS: Oh, DID you now///
DISMAS: I'm going to stretch /\nd /\rmstrong YOUR rubbery /\ss, I swe/\r///
BOOBDRONE: >([see its t#is kinda t#reatage t#at makes me inclined to give out less and lesser info]
FF: c can both of you s s save it thanks
FF: i i cant understand t this game thing i g give up
FF: its just t too much
FF: i dont e even
FF: i c cant even m make my own p premade dinners without a p p panic attack
FF: h how am i supposed to s save myself from a huge b b burning meteor
FF: how are y you going to do it
FF: m murrit said you were dead and youre n not now sure
FF: but you m might as well b be in this state
DISMAS: Hey, don't worry. I'll li\/e///
DISMAS: /\s men/\cing /\s th/\t /\tt/\ck w/\s, he didn't h/\\/e /\ny intent to kill///
DISMAS: Just some o\/er the top concentr/\ted m/\imery me/\nt to intimid/\te. I'm used to this posturing///
DISMAS: Plus, look: I'm /\lre/\dy st/\rting to he/\l up///
DISMAS: My body's kind of stiff, but it's mostly my /\rm th/\t needs medic/\l /\ttention///
BOOBDRONE: >([ummmm aks#ually]
BOOBDRONE: >([tb real # ur arm is last in our triple-tinerary]
BOOBDRONE: >([bcuz i #ave]
BOOBDRONE: >([more]
DISMAS: More?///
FF: e excuse me
BOOBDRONE: >([lemme explain]
BOOBDRONE: >([#old one bit t#o]