SESTRO: ∞to those who set this stage, to those who have been waiting for this moment, to those who have tirelessly strained themselves, both in stronghold 21 and across the entire mass, and to my closest allies and colleagues in attendance:
SESTRO: ∞i would like to thank all of you for showing your support during this crisis — not only for us, but also for your fellow troll, even as we fear the worst has yet to pass.
SESTRO: ∞none of you are under obligation to consider the words of an enterprise. it's no secret that many of you don't have trust in it.
SESTRO: ∞that we haven't given you good enough reason to.
SESTRO: ∞in the interest of transparency and recognition of not only these issues, but all prior to this moment, that is what i would like to focus on tonight—
SESTRO: ∞i would like to thank all of you for showing your support during this crisis — not only for us, but also for your fellow troll, even as we fear the worst has yet to pass.
SESTRO: ∞none of you are under obligation to consider the words of an enterprise. it's no secret that many of you don't have trust in it.
SESTRO: ∞that we haven't given you good enough reason to.
SESTRO: ∞in the interest of transparency and recognition of not only these issues, but all prior to this moment, that is what i would like to focus on tonight—