TAZ: ~No+ really~
ARCJEC: XDXD Too good for it? XDXD
TAZ: ~Jus+ don'+ love feeling like i'm messing up my body in+en+ionally~
TAZ: ~Same reason i can'+ do +hose hard sel+zers +hey adver+ise on every pla+form~
TAZ: ~+rying +ha+ shi+ is a bad habi+ jus+ wai+ing +o happen~
ARCJEC: XDXD Eh, I've already got a lot of those. What's one more for the pile? XDXD
TAZ: ~i can +ell yeah~
TAZ: ~+he leas+ you could do is no+ flaun+ +hem a+ +hose of us who DON'+ need more~
ARCJEC: XDXD And if you're not going to partake, the least YOU could do is take one of the matchsticks and enable me. XDXD
TAZ: ~fine.~
ARCJEC: XDXD Too good for it? XDXD
TAZ: ~Jus+ don'+ love feeling like i'm messing up my body in+en+ionally~
TAZ: ~Same reason i can'+ do +hose hard sel+zers +hey adver+ise on every pla+form~
TAZ: ~+rying +ha+ shi+ is a bad habi+ jus+ wai+ing +o happen~
ARCJEC: XDXD Eh, I've already got a lot of those. What's one more for the pile? XDXD
TAZ: ~i can +ell yeah~
TAZ: ~+he leas+ you could do is no+ flaun+ +hem a+ +hose of us who DON'+ need more~
ARCJEC: XDXD And if you're not going to partake, the least YOU could do is take one of the matchsticks and enable me. XDXD
TAZ: ~fine.~