NEILNA: |sorry|ringleader|
NEILNA: |couldn't|help|but|overhear|
NEILNA: |we're...|not|just|about|to|take|that|right?|
POZZOL: NO use CLEANING hive WITHOUT knowin ALL the MESS thats BEEN made FIRST
POZZOL: we CAN keep IT zipped FOR a WHILE longer
NEILNA: |this|shits|new|
NEILNA: |you|think|they're|duping|us?|
NEILNA: |couldn't|help|but|overhear|
NEILNA: |we're...|not|just|about|to|take|that|right?|
POZZOL: NO use CLEANING hive WITHOUT knowin ALL the MESS thats BEEN made FIRST
POZZOL: we CAN keep IT zipped FOR a WHILE longer
NEILNA: |this|shits|new|
NEILNA: |you|think|they're|duping|us?|