TAZ: ~So yeah, you ignored me for WAY +oo long.~
TAZ: ~You ac+ed like a comple+e jackass for a nigh+ and a half.~
TAZ: ~And +hen you owned up +o i+ and wen+ ou+ of your way +o HELP ME AGAIN~
TAZ: ~Even +hough I was +he one who HUR+ you!~
TAZ: ~I was +he one who chas+ised and derided you for giving a fuck abou+ me!~
TAZ: ~We're si++ing here like +his now because of ME!~
TAZ: ~So don'+ you DARE pu+ +his all on yourself like you always do.~
TAZ: ~My hands aren'+ fucking clean ei+her.~
TAZ: ~You ac+ed like a comple+e jackass for a nigh+ and a half.~
TAZ: ~And +hen you owned up +o i+ and wen+ ou+ of your way +o HELP ME AGAIN~
TAZ: ~Even +hough I was +he one who HUR+ you!~
TAZ: ~I was +he one who chas+ised and derided you for giving a fuck abou+ me!~
TAZ: ~We're si++ing here like +his now because of ME!~
TAZ: ~So don'+ you DARE pu+ +his all on yourself like you always do.~
TAZ: ~My hands aren'+ fucking clean ei+her.~