MURRIT: >([i compromise my ideals. go against my duty.]
MURRIT: >(['cause i want this show to keep going without a hitch.]
METATRON: you never told me what you believe white noise is responsible for.
METATRON: did he ever say something that raised suspicion?
MURRIT: >([look. all i know is that i had eleven other trolls to get in here or die trying. i got an idea of what i was waitin' on once i got that busted temple built back up.]
MURRIT: >([even took a page right outta his tv guide. kept a 12/6 watch on what the rest of the crew was doing.]
MURRIT: >([part of it was just an excuse to keep my blindsiding routine afloat. but mostly? i went all in 'cause if i ever didn't know somethin' was up, then there was risk. then people could get hurt.]
MURRIT: >([then there was a gamble involved, and i'd just hopped off my addiction.]
MURRIT: >(['cause i want this show to keep going without a hitch.]
METATRON: you never told me what you believe white noise is responsible for.
METATRON: did he ever say something that raised suspicion?
MURRIT: >([look. all i know is that i had eleven other trolls to get in here or die trying. i got an idea of what i was waitin' on once i got that busted temple built back up.]
MURRIT: >([even took a page right outta his tv guide. kept a 12/6 watch on what the rest of the crew was doing.]
MURRIT: >([part of it was just an excuse to keep my blindsiding routine afloat. but mostly? i went all in 'cause if i ever didn't know somethin' was up, then there was risk. then people could get hurt.]
MURRIT: >([then there was a gamble involved, and i'd just hopped off my addiction.]