METATRON: then what is the issue?
METATRON: honestly, with what i'd gathered about you so far, i was expecting more of an... eccentric, raunchy personality.
MURRIT: >([that supposed to be a counterargument?]
MURRIT: >([am i not playin' my part right?]
METATRON: well. it just comes across as jarring without the proper context.
METATRON: makes a scene of sorts.
MURRIT: >([yeah, well, if this is a goddamn show then you could say i've been tryin' to push my acting abilities in the role i was cast for.]
MURRIT: >([a regular brendan fraser. or maybe even a kid rock if i'm lucky.]
MURRIT: >([see, where i'm from, there's no final season. so you've gotta keep the ideas fresh or the content well runs dry.]
MURRIT: >([you need new blood, new lights, new sets.]
MURRIT: >([push the boundaries. recycle and reuse what you can.]
MURRIT: >([but let's say you do all that and it's still not enough.]
MURRIT: >([what do you think happens to the show?]
METATRON: it ends?
MURRIT: >([it sells out.]
MURRIT: >([and i sell out hard with it.]
METATRON: honestly, with what i'd gathered about you so far, i was expecting more of an... eccentric, raunchy personality.
MURRIT: >([that supposed to be a counterargument?]
MURRIT: >([am i not playin' my part right?]
METATRON: well. it just comes across as jarring without the proper context.
METATRON: makes a scene of sorts.
MURRIT: >([yeah, well, if this is a goddamn show then you could say i've been tryin' to push my acting abilities in the role i was cast for.]
MURRIT: >([a regular brendan fraser. or maybe even a kid rock if i'm lucky.]
MURRIT: >([see, where i'm from, there's no final season. so you've gotta keep the ideas fresh or the content well runs dry.]
MURRIT: >([you need new blood, new lights, new sets.]
MURRIT: >([push the boundaries. recycle and reuse what you can.]
MURRIT: >([but let's say you do all that and it's still not enough.]
MURRIT: >([what do you think happens to the show?]
METATRON: it ends?
MURRIT: >([it sells out.]
MURRIT: >([and i sell out hard with it.]