
TAZ: ~I know you, jus+ like you've gone ou+ of your way +o +ry and know me!~
TAZ: ~Or I used +o. Hope I s+ill do.~
TAZ: ~Very few people in my life have ever le+ me be someone o+her +han who +hey +hough+ i should be~
TAZ: ~I+'s scrip+s, all +he fucking +ime. Even Albion! I love her bu+ shes so +angled up inside her own +hinkpan abou+ wha+ SHE should be doing and wha+ O+HERS should be doing +ha+ i+s jus+~
TAZ: ~And you... never did +ha+ +o me.~
TAZ: ~You were always +here wi+h me, even when i was angry and moody and +empes+uous and vengeful a+ wha+ I was pu+ +hrough~
TAZ: ~And I refused +o +ell you all +he de+ails, so i+'s no+ like you had +he full pic+ure~
TAZ: ~I s+ill don'+ feel anywhere near comfor+able remembering every+hing +ha+ I've done~
TAZ: ~Bu+ you jus+...~
TAZ: ~Do you even remember +he exac+ words you said +o me?~
TAZ: ~are you serious? HOW?!~
ARCJEC: XDXD I guess I... tried really hard to forget. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Or not think about it. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD And it just slipped through the cracks. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I couldn't stand knowing that I made you that angry with ME. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD That I found out exactly what you've always thought about me. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD And I figured that everyone else must have felt the same way. XDXD
TAZ: ~...~
ARCJEC: XDXD It was like I finally caught up to the rest of the real world. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD And that everything we had, all of the memories we made, were just part of some childish fantasy that I conjured to keep myself out of harm's way. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD So... I decided to grow up. XDXD
TAZ: ~+ha+ wasn'+ fair +o yourself or anyone else.~
TAZ: ~How do you +hink i+ made Ellsee feel? Laivan?~
TAZ: ~you made +heir decisions FOR +hem~
ARCJEC: XDXD I didn't think about it like that! I never wanted to DO that. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD But why would you decide to hurt me if I wasn't stubborn and naive enough to deserve it?  XDXD
TAZ: ~You WERE s+ubborn and so fucking naive, arcjec~
TAZ: ~Bu+ my PROBLEM was never +ha+ you cared +oo much or +ha+ you saw +he world in a more posi+ive ligh+ +han i+ deserves~
ARCJEC: XDXD Then what was it? XDXD
TAZ: ~arcjec... i +old you who i really was, +hen~
TAZ: ~+he shi+ i was doing in +hose rus+y cages~
TAZ: ~all of +he innocen+ people +ha+ i was forced +o bru+alize and +or+ure for SPOR+~
TAZ: ~and you...~
TAZ: ~you +old me +ha+ you were going +o pro+ec+ me~