EDOLON: seems as though you've strayed from the others.
EDOLON: no matter, you can do me a favor.
EDOLON: we've received word from third head balatron talald to rally our flock for the push on stronghold 21.
EDOLON: tell them all we leave here within the hour.
EDOLON: this world begins its metamorphosis tonight.
EDOLON: do you feel the joy sparking within you?
EDOLON: no matter, you can do me a favor.
EDOLON: we've received word from third head balatron talald to rally our flock for the push on stronghold 21.
EDOLON: tell them all we leave here within the hour.
EDOLON: this world begins its metamorphosis tonight.
EDOLON: do you feel the joy sparking within you?