GS: You said that book of yours was a gift from someone close, correct?
GS: Perhaps it's a slightly unorthodox assumption in this day and age, but I can't think of anyone closer than a blood relative. Especially in our respective cases.
GS: Was it your ancestor?
EO: YΣah.
GS: Then, let me ask you this:
GS: Does this knowledge burden you?
EO: I don't know if burdΣn is thΣ word I'd usΣ.
EO: It hΣlpΣd mΣ a lot growing up. ΣspΣcially all this stuff about thaumaturgy and what shΣ thought thΣ futurΣ would bΣ likΣ.
EO: I... kind of just thought it was a bunch of fun storiΣs for most of my lifΣ.
EO: But oncΣ I lΣarnΣd that it rΣally mΣant somΣthing, I admit it got a lot hardΣr for mΣ to grapplΣ with.
EO: I kΣΣp rΣrΣading cΣrtain passagΣs ovΣr and ovΣr, and it still doΣsn't all connΣct.
EO: But I know I havΣ to figurΣ it out.
GS: I, myself, am also immensely familiar with my own ancestor.
GS: "Burdensome" is the word I would use to describe my affiliation with him.
GS: The only knowledge he bestowed upon me was the certainty that our culture was rotten from the inside. He wanted to control it.
GS: He demanded respect, and as such, would kill for it.
GS: He's the reason I strive to undo the malaise our planet is mired in. I want to find a way to create a better world.
GS: A world without duplicitous overseers that claim they work "for good".
GS: A world run by trolls who have learned through pain, who have toiled through grief in order to craft something more than themselves.
GS: A society built on the idea that there IS a way forward, and that anyone can earn their honest keep.
GS: This game will take that chance from Repiton, but with our knowledge combined — with the wisdom that our burdens have imparted on us — it will also make way for the acceptance we strive for.
GS: We can take what remains of our world and mold it into something more. Something better.
GS: Entrust me with this information from now on, and I promise you I will not rest until I see this through.
EO: I don't know...
GS: Don't you miss it, Ellsee?
GS: The days when we were all together, united as an unsectioned clique?
GS: We can bring that back. This game can be used as a conduit for us to fix this.
GS: My only wish is to make us stronger. To make us whole again.
GS: Perhaps it's a slightly unorthodox assumption in this day and age, but I can't think of anyone closer than a blood relative. Especially in our respective cases.
GS: Was it your ancestor?
EO: YΣah.
GS: Then, let me ask you this:
GS: Does this knowledge burden you?
EO: I don't know if burdΣn is thΣ word I'd usΣ.
EO: It hΣlpΣd mΣ a lot growing up. ΣspΣcially all this stuff about thaumaturgy and what shΣ thought thΣ futurΣ would bΣ likΣ.
EO: I... kind of just thought it was a bunch of fun storiΣs for most of my lifΣ.
EO: But oncΣ I lΣarnΣd that it rΣally mΣant somΣthing, I admit it got a lot hardΣr for mΣ to grapplΣ with.
EO: I kΣΣp rΣrΣading cΣrtain passagΣs ovΣr and ovΣr, and it still doΣsn't all connΣct.
EO: But I know I havΣ to figurΣ it out.
GS: I, myself, am also immensely familiar with my own ancestor.
GS: "Burdensome" is the word I would use to describe my affiliation with him.
GS: The only knowledge he bestowed upon me was the certainty that our culture was rotten from the inside. He wanted to control it.
GS: He demanded respect, and as such, would kill for it.
GS: He's the reason I strive to undo the malaise our planet is mired in. I want to find a way to create a better world.
GS: A world without duplicitous overseers that claim they work "for good".
GS: A world run by trolls who have learned through pain, who have toiled through grief in order to craft something more than themselves.
GS: A society built on the idea that there IS a way forward, and that anyone can earn their honest keep.
GS: This game will take that chance from Repiton, but with our knowledge combined — with the wisdom that our burdens have imparted on us — it will also make way for the acceptance we strive for.
GS: We can take what remains of our world and mold it into something more. Something better.
GS: Entrust me with this information from now on, and I promise you I will not rest until I see this through.
EO: I don't know...
GS: Don't you miss it, Ellsee?
GS: The days when we were all together, united as an unsectioned clique?
GS: We can bring that back. This game can be used as a conduit for us to fix this.
GS: My only wish is to make us stronger. To make us whole again.