EO: I rΣally don't know.
EO: This sounds vΣry nicΣ on papΣr, but I just can't sΣΣ it working out likΣ you'rΣ dΣscribing in practicΣ.
EO: ThΣrΣ arΣ things in this book that I don't undΣrstand at all, ΣvΣn aftΣr swΣΣps of dΣdicatΣd study.
EO: Probably somΣ things that wΣ shouldn't know¿¿¿¿
EO: BΣsidΣs, I'vΣ spΣnt so long trying to protΣct it from othΣrs.
EO: MaybΣ it's not worth thΣ risk¿¿
EO: It could bΣ bΣttΣr to just... lΣavΣ it alonΣ aftΣr this.
GS: These are starkly critical circumstances that we find ourselves in.
GS: I know it feels like pressure, but my urging comes from an honest place.
GS: There's no use worrying about protecting information that may help us when we already are in dire straits.
GS: You know...
GS: In the corporate world, there's a saying we use when one has a leg up on the others around them.
EO: You snoozΣ, you losΣ¿¿
GS: No.
GS: It's just business.
EO: This sounds vΣry nicΣ on papΣr, but I just can't sΣΣ it working out likΣ you'rΣ dΣscribing in practicΣ.
EO: ThΣrΣ arΣ things in this book that I don't undΣrstand at all, ΣvΣn aftΣr swΣΣps of dΣdicatΣd study.
EO: Probably somΣ things that wΣ shouldn't know¿¿¿¿
EO: BΣsidΣs, I'vΣ spΣnt so long trying to protΣct it from othΣrs.
EO: MaybΣ it's not worth thΣ risk¿¿
EO: It could bΣ bΣttΣr to just... lΣavΣ it alonΣ aftΣr this.
GS: These are starkly critical circumstances that we find ourselves in.
GS: I know it feels like pressure, but my urging comes from an honest place.
GS: There's no use worrying about protecting information that may help us when we already are in dire straits.
GS: You know...
GS: In the corporate world, there's a saying we use when one has a leg up on the others around them.
EO: You snoozΣ, you losΣ¿¿
GS: No.
GS: It's just business.