EO: WΣll, whΣn you put it that way...
EO: I guΣss this doΣsn't lΣavΣ mΣ with much of a choicΣ, doΣs it¿¿
GS: Nonsense, there's always a choice.
GS: And I believe you'll make the right one.
EO: ...
EO: Okay. You'vΣ got a dΣal.
GS: Excellent.
GS: But before we discuss this further, hold for a moment.
GS: I see something in the distance.
EO: I guΣss this doΣsn't lΣavΣ mΣ with much of a choicΣ, doΣs it¿¿
GS: Nonsense, there's always a choice.
GS: And I believe you'll make the right one.
EO: ...
EO: Okay. You'vΣ got a dΣal.
GS: Excellent.
GS: But before we discuss this further, hold for a moment.
GS: I see something in the distance.