PO: ~Fucking, why is +his even impor+an+???~
PO: ~No+ a single person has spewed any+hing coheren+ a+ me ye+ +oday, and i+s really blowing me up.~
PO: ~I don'+ have +he fain+es+ idea wha+ you're referring +o, o+her +han +he fac+ +ha+ I apparen+ly need +o par+icipa+e.~
PO: ~some clearer ins+ruc+ions are vi+al if ANY+HING is going +o happen on my end.~
PO: ~If you can jus+ do +ha+ much for me, and if I +hink i+s a damn reasonable explana+ion...~
PO: ~I'll +hink abou+ i+.~
PO: ~bu+ i wan+ +o know why.~
DQ: *really*
DQ: *there*is*only*one*matter*that*needs*to*be*made*clear*.
DQ: *tonight*
DQ: *the*world*as*we*know*it*will*end*
DQ: *and*after*completing*my*merger*
DQ: *i*will*save*you*
DQ: *our*friends*
DQ: *and*what*little*of*our*species*remains*
DQ: *with*my*newfound*quiddity*
DQ: *really*i*should*probably*already*be*saying*goodbye*
DQ: *because*soon*enough*
DQ: *i*wont*be*myself*anymore*
PO: ~Okay.~
DQ: *okay*?
PO: ~Yeah.~
PO: ~You gave me an explana+ion, which is all I really asked for I guess.~
PO: ~I s+ill don'+ feel like i'm ge++ing any of i+.~
PO: ~nor do i believe i+.~
PO: ~bu+ +his is more of an answer +han any+hing else I've go++en so far.~
DQ: *the*passiveness*youre*showing*is*starting*to*concern*me*
DQ: *i*need*this*to*be*taken*seriously*
DQ: *its*quite*literally*a*matter*of*life*or*death*
DQ: *on*a*planetary*scale*
DQ: *and*for*once*i*need*your*assistance*and*compliance*
DQ: *your*reaction*should*not*have*been*so*
DQ: *lukewarm*.
PO: ~I don+ know how you expec+ed me +o reac+ +o some+hing like +ha+?~
PO: ~you jus+ +old me, ou+ of nowhere, +ha+ +he world is abou+ +o fall apar+ and you're disappearing somehow.~
PO: ~+ha+'s a pre++y exorbi+an+ load +o drop a+ my doors+ep while s+ill expec+ing me +o play along.~
PO: ~no+ +o men+ion I don'+ even fucking unders+and i+.~
PO: ~you know i don'+ believe in +ha+ predes+ined shi+.~
PO: ~I was +rying my absolu+e hardes+ +o kind of no+ comple+ely explode on you, bu+ wha+ you're saying is fucking RIDICULOUS.~
PO: ~I'm obviously no+ going +o abandon you if some+hing is ac+ually happening.~
PO: ~Bu+ wha+ kind of help do you REALLY wan+?~
PO: ~you pre++y much never need any from me, a+ leas+ no+ wi+h any+hing so major.~
PO: ~You're always so on +op of every+hing.~
PO: ~you're so PERFEC+.~
PO: ~in a way i+s a special kind of +errifying.~
PO: ~Bu+ I'm no+ happy a+ ALL wi+h wha+ you're +rying +o +ell me.~
PO: ~and im no+ going +o jus+ lie down and accep+ i+.~
PO: ~wha+ do you even wan+ me +o do?~
DQ: *i*want*you*to*believe*me*
DQ: *and*i*want*you*to*listen*to*what*i*have*to*say*
DQ: *theres*not*any*more*time*however*
DQ: *they*wont*wait*for*us*.
DQ: *so*i*need*to*leave*you*.
DQ: *but*i*promise*
DQ: *youll*see*me*again*sooner*than*you*think*
DQ: *even*if*it*wont*be*truly*me*.
DQ: *alavida*
DQ: *<>*
**demiurgeQuantified [DQ] gave up trolling perniciousOverkill [PO]**
PO: ~No+ a single person has spewed any+hing coheren+ a+ me ye+ +oday, and i+s really blowing me up.~
PO: ~I don'+ have +he fain+es+ idea wha+ you're referring +o, o+her +han +he fac+ +ha+ I apparen+ly need +o par+icipa+e.~
PO: ~some clearer ins+ruc+ions are vi+al if ANY+HING is going +o happen on my end.~
PO: ~If you can jus+ do +ha+ much for me, and if I +hink i+s a damn reasonable explana+ion...~
PO: ~I'll +hink abou+ i+.~
PO: ~bu+ i wan+ +o know why.~
DQ: *really*
DQ: *there*is*only*one*matter*that*needs*to*be*made*clear*.
DQ: *tonight*
DQ: *the*world*as*we*know*it*will*end*
DQ: *and*after*completing*my*merger*
DQ: *i*will*save*you*
DQ: *our*friends*
DQ: *and*what*little*of*our*species*remains*
DQ: *with*my*newfound*quiddity*
DQ: *really*i*should*probably*already*be*saying*goodbye*
DQ: *because*soon*enough*
DQ: *i*wont*be*myself*anymore*
PO: ~Okay.~
DQ: *okay*?
PO: ~Yeah.~
PO: ~You gave me an explana+ion, which is all I really asked for I guess.~
PO: ~I s+ill don'+ feel like i'm ge++ing any of i+.~
PO: ~nor do i believe i+.~
PO: ~bu+ +his is more of an answer +han any+hing else I've go++en so far.~
DQ: *the*passiveness*youre*showing*is*starting*to*concern*me*
DQ: *i*need*this*to*be*taken*seriously*
DQ: *its*quite*literally*a*matter*of*life*or*death*
DQ: *on*a*planetary*scale*
DQ: *and*for*once*i*need*your*assistance*and*compliance*
DQ: *your*reaction*should*not*have*been*so*
DQ: *lukewarm*.
PO: ~I don+ know how you expec+ed me +o reac+ +o some+hing like +ha+?~
PO: ~you jus+ +old me, ou+ of nowhere, +ha+ +he world is abou+ +o fall apar+ and you're disappearing somehow.~
PO: ~+ha+'s a pre++y exorbi+an+ load +o drop a+ my doors+ep while s+ill expec+ing me +o play along.~
PO: ~no+ +o men+ion I don'+ even fucking unders+and i+.~
PO: ~you know i don'+ believe in +ha+ predes+ined shi+.~
PO: ~I was +rying my absolu+e hardes+ +o kind of no+ comple+ely explode on you, bu+ wha+ you're saying is fucking RIDICULOUS.~
PO: ~I'm obviously no+ going +o abandon you if some+hing is ac+ually happening.~
PO: ~Bu+ wha+ kind of help do you REALLY wan+?~
PO: ~you pre++y much never need any from me, a+ leas+ no+ wi+h any+hing so major.~
PO: ~You're always so on +op of every+hing.~
PO: ~you're so PERFEC+.~
PO: ~in a way i+s a special kind of +errifying.~
PO: ~Bu+ I'm no+ happy a+ ALL wi+h wha+ you're +rying +o +ell me.~
PO: ~and im no+ going +o jus+ lie down and accep+ i+.~
PO: ~wha+ do you even wan+ me +o do?~
DQ: *i*want*you*to*believe*me*
DQ: *and*i*want*you*to*listen*to*what*i*have*to*say*
DQ: *theres*not*any*more*time*however*
DQ: *they*wont*wait*for*us*.
DQ: *so*i*need*to*leave*you*.
DQ: *but*i*promise*
DQ: *youll*see*me*again*sooner*than*you*think*
DQ: *even*if*it*wont*be*truly*me*.
DQ: *alavida*
DQ: *<>*
**demiurgeQuantified [DQ] gave up trolling perniciousOverkill [PO]**