ME: Yes it's a bit .o.f an .o.dd questi.o.n
ME: But eye d.o.n't mean the exact feelings as much as eye d.o. the retr.o.spective itself
ME: T.o. think y.o.u .o.f all pe.o.ple w.o.uld find me at my l.o.west
ME: Breaking y.o.ur strict c.o.de .o.f c.o.nduct just because y.o.u cared ab.o.ut s.o.me stranger
ME: I've g.o.tten t.o. d.o. the same f.o.r y.o.u later .o.n, eye kn.o.w, but eye just meant this first m.o.ment specifically
ME: Many w.o.uld call it serendipity taking its c.o.urse, s.o.ulmates being drawn t.o. each .o.ther and given an .o.pp.o.rtunity t.o. fl.o.urish
ME: But eye never intended f.o.r .o.ur meeting t.o. be s.o. intertwined with r.o.mantic ard.o.r .o.r chemicals
ME: .O.r my w.o.rk either, f.o.r that matter
ME: It was as surprising t.o. me then as much as it is n.o.w, because eye feel like eye didn't deserve it
ME: Kindness f.o.r its .o.wn sake
ME: Y.o.u t.oo.k care .o.f me, as sick and inc.o.mprehensible as eye was, n.o. m.o.re than a washed up c.o.rpse
ME: Y.o.u talked me thr.o.ugh the fever and the appariti.o.ns in my mind
ME: Y.o.u listened
ME: And y.o.u liked me
ME: That's the scariest part .o.f all
ME: But eye d.o.n't mean the exact feelings as much as eye d.o. the retr.o.spective itself
ME: T.o. think y.o.u .o.f all pe.o.ple w.o.uld find me at my l.o.west
ME: Breaking y.o.ur strict c.o.de .o.f c.o.nduct just because y.o.u cared ab.o.ut s.o.me stranger
ME: I've g.o.tten t.o. d.o. the same f.o.r y.o.u later .o.n, eye kn.o.w, but eye just meant this first m.o.ment specifically
ME: Many w.o.uld call it serendipity taking its c.o.urse, s.o.ulmates being drawn t.o. each .o.ther and given an .o.pp.o.rtunity t.o. fl.o.urish
ME: But eye never intended f.o.r .o.ur meeting t.o. be s.o. intertwined with r.o.mantic ard.o.r .o.r chemicals
ME: .O.r my w.o.rk either, f.o.r that matter
ME: It was as surprising t.o. me then as much as it is n.o.w, because eye feel like eye didn't deserve it
ME: Kindness f.o.r its .o.wn sake
ME: Y.o.u t.oo.k care .o.f me, as sick and inc.o.mprehensible as eye was, n.o. m.o.re than a washed up c.o.rpse
ME: Y.o.u talked me thr.o.ugh the fever and the appariti.o.ns in my mind
ME: Y.o.u listened
ME: And y.o.u liked me
ME: That's the scariest part .o.f all