ARCJEC: XDXD Us? What about us??? XDXD
TAZ: ~oh come +he fuck on, don'+ give me +ha+~
TAZ: ~since +he s+ar+ of +his charade you were up +o your neck in gu+-spilling emo+ional +hea+rics~
TAZ: ~+hey were jus+ pu+ on hold when we decided +o +hrow ourselves in+o our ques+s~
ARCJEC: XDXD You mean YOU stonewalled me so we could do that, right? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD That's the way I remember it. XDXD
TAZ: ~...~
ARCJEC: XDXD Hey, I get it! I'm not saying that because I want you to feel bad. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Our situation is weird. XDXD
TAZ: ~yeah~
TAZ: ~i mean, i didn'+ even know you smoked un+il LI+ERALLY righ+ +his second~
TAZ: ~guess your packs were safely ou+ of sigh+ due +o your hive being all kinds of nas+y since i was las+ in +here~
ARCJEC: XDXD Oh yeah, when you were setting up the pillars for me I was really hoping you wouldn't find the newly renovated block that's full of piles and piles of cigarette butts. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Got the walls made out of ashtrays, stuck together with caramelized sugar resin. That might have put me too far above your paygrade. XDXD
TAZ: ~every word in +ha+ sen+ence ge+s me closer +o dry heaving~
ARCJEC: XDXD That's exactly how I feel whenever the cigarette question comes up, so consider the playing field even. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Do you ask random trolls at the mixology lounge why they're pounding down curative ale? Or why Grottomite Sleight XXII players smell like a botanical garden that isn't made of plasticine??? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD They do it because it's quick, easy and takes the edge off. XDXD
TAZ: ~only kind of edge you have are +he +ips of your horns and +ee+h~
TAZ: ~come on, humor me. pre+end you don'+ know who i am and i'm innocuously asking you abou+ your favori+e narco+ic pas+ime~
ARCJEC: XDXD Well, in that case I would tell you that I started doing it because I realized I'd never tried it before. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD It was just something new. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD And then I didn't stop. XDXD
TAZ: ~pre++y lousy reason if you ask me~
TAZ: ~bu+ i'll respec+ your au+onomy +his +ime~
ARCJEC: XDXD You're too kind. XDXD
TAZ: ~wha+ abou+ all +he s+uff +ha+s wri++en on +hem?~
ARCJEC: XDXD Hey, I'm still an artist. I've got to stay pretentious somehow. XDXD
TAZ: ~alrigh+ +ha+ explains every+hing~
TAZ: ~oh come +he fuck on, don'+ give me +ha+~
TAZ: ~since +he s+ar+ of +his charade you were up +o your neck in gu+-spilling emo+ional +hea+rics~
TAZ: ~+hey were jus+ pu+ on hold when we decided +o +hrow ourselves in+o our ques+s~
ARCJEC: XDXD You mean YOU stonewalled me so we could do that, right? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD That's the way I remember it. XDXD
TAZ: ~...~
ARCJEC: XDXD Hey, I get it! I'm not saying that because I want you to feel bad. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Our situation is weird. XDXD
TAZ: ~yeah~
TAZ: ~i mean, i didn'+ even know you smoked un+il LI+ERALLY righ+ +his second~
TAZ: ~guess your packs were safely ou+ of sigh+ due +o your hive being all kinds of nas+y since i was las+ in +here~
ARCJEC: XDXD Oh yeah, when you were setting up the pillars for me I was really hoping you wouldn't find the newly renovated block that's full of piles and piles of cigarette butts. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Got the walls made out of ashtrays, stuck together with caramelized sugar resin. That might have put me too far above your paygrade. XDXD
TAZ: ~every word in +ha+ sen+ence ge+s me closer +o dry heaving~
ARCJEC: XDXD That's exactly how I feel whenever the cigarette question comes up, so consider the playing field even. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Do you ask random trolls at the mixology lounge why they're pounding down curative ale? Or why Grottomite Sleight XXII players smell like a botanical garden that isn't made of plasticine??? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD They do it because it's quick, easy and takes the edge off. XDXD
TAZ: ~only kind of edge you have are +he +ips of your horns and +ee+h~
TAZ: ~come on, humor me. pre+end you don'+ know who i am and i'm innocuously asking you abou+ your favori+e narco+ic pas+ime~
ARCJEC: XDXD Well, in that case I would tell you that I started doing it because I realized I'd never tried it before. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD It was just something new. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD And then I didn't stop. XDXD
TAZ: ~pre++y lousy reason if you ask me~
TAZ: ~bu+ i'll respec+ your au+onomy +his +ime~
ARCJEC: XDXD You're too kind. XDXD
TAZ: ~wha+ abou+ all +he s+uff +ha+s wri++en on +hem?~
ARCJEC: XDXD Hey, I'm still an artist. I've got to stay pretentious somehow. XDXD
TAZ: ~alrigh+ +ha+ explains every+hing~