ARCJEC: XDXD What about you? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD This clusterfuck of a game aside... How have you been doing since the last time we talked? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I mean, really talked. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Barring all those messages I never got back to you about. XDXD
TAZ: ~...I could be doing a hell of a lo+ be++er.~
TAZ: ~no+ +ha+ i haven'+ been +rained +o always expec+ +he wors+. and i've carved ou+ a decen+ enough name for myself, a+ any ra+e~
TAZ: ~Did you know I'm a for+raiser now~
ARCJEC: XDXD Huh. Those are like... their war leaders in training, right? XDXD
TAZ: ~Yeah. No real surprise +o you of all people +ha+ +he moun+ing s+ress hasn'+ been kind +o me.~
TAZ: ~Bu+ running all +hese li++le missions has done a surprising amoun+ +o keep me from doubling over in+o an overs+uffed powder keg.~
TAZ: ~i'm s+ill +rying +o find +he bes+ way +o~
TAZ: ~"le+ i+ ou+" i guess~
TAZ: ~haven'+ found i+ ye+, bu+ i'm working on i+~
ARCJEC: XDXD None of your actual interests fit the bill? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I remember you had to stuff all your shit in a little hide-away corner during routine inspections from those sick fucks that raised you. XDXD
TAZ: ~yeah. +ha+'s s+ill all locked away in an absen+ block in +he rumpus arena, i +hink~
TAZ: ~For all +he pious bloodshed +hey peddle, +hey seriously hooked me up wi+h +he mos+ s+erile hive imaginable~
ARCJEC: XDXD But, like, you still DO all that stuff you like on the side. Right? XDXD
TAZ: ~Mm.~
ARCJEC: XDXD The crappy horror games? The battle comics and dueling monster cards?? The thrash metal shows??? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD You still DO those when you can, don't you? XDXD
TAZ: ~...~
TAZ: ~i don'+ really have +he leeway +o +hink abou+ any of +ha+ anymore.~
ARCJEC: XDXD Hey, what about Vilcus? XDXD
TAZ: ~Huh?~
ARCJEC: XDXD I mean, fuck, it's been so long since the last time I saw him. They were such a cool guy! XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Have you talked to them at all? They probably know you're here. I'd bet my bottom loop they can't stop pacing around, trying to brute force their way into a portal to check in on you. XDXD
TAZ: ~i... don'+ know wha+ vilcus is up +o.~
TAZ: ~i haven'+ seen +hem for abou+ as long as you.~
ARCJEC: XDXD Wait, are you serious? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD What the fuck! That's awful. What happened? XDXD
TAZ: ~Yeah. I~
TAZ: ~I don'+ really wan+ +o ge+ in+o i+.~
TAZ: ~Can we move on? Please.~
ARCJEC: XDXD This clusterfuck of a game aside... How have you been doing since the last time we talked? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I mean, really talked. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Barring all those messages I never got back to you about. XDXD
TAZ: ~...I could be doing a hell of a lo+ be++er.~
TAZ: ~no+ +ha+ i haven'+ been +rained +o always expec+ +he wors+. and i've carved ou+ a decen+ enough name for myself, a+ any ra+e~
TAZ: ~Did you know I'm a for+raiser now~
ARCJEC: XDXD Huh. Those are like... their war leaders in training, right? XDXD
TAZ: ~Yeah. No real surprise +o you of all people +ha+ +he moun+ing s+ress hasn'+ been kind +o me.~
TAZ: ~Bu+ running all +hese li++le missions has done a surprising amoun+ +o keep me from doubling over in+o an overs+uffed powder keg.~
TAZ: ~i'm s+ill +rying +o find +he bes+ way +o~
TAZ: ~"le+ i+ ou+" i guess~
TAZ: ~haven'+ found i+ ye+, bu+ i'm working on i+~
ARCJEC: XDXD None of your actual interests fit the bill? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I remember you had to stuff all your shit in a little hide-away corner during routine inspections from those sick fucks that raised you. XDXD
TAZ: ~yeah. +ha+'s s+ill all locked away in an absen+ block in +he rumpus arena, i +hink~
TAZ: ~For all +he pious bloodshed +hey peddle, +hey seriously hooked me up wi+h +he mos+ s+erile hive imaginable~
ARCJEC: XDXD But, like, you still DO all that stuff you like on the side. Right? XDXD
TAZ: ~Mm.~
ARCJEC: XDXD The crappy horror games? The battle comics and dueling monster cards?? The thrash metal shows??? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD You still DO those when you can, don't you? XDXD
TAZ: ~...~
TAZ: ~i don'+ really have +he leeway +o +hink abou+ any of +ha+ anymore.~
ARCJEC: XDXD Hey, what about Vilcus? XDXD
TAZ: ~Huh?~
ARCJEC: XDXD I mean, fuck, it's been so long since the last time I saw him. They were such a cool guy! XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Have you talked to them at all? They probably know you're here. I'd bet my bottom loop they can't stop pacing around, trying to brute force their way into a portal to check in on you. XDXD
TAZ: ~i... don'+ know wha+ vilcus is up +o.~
TAZ: ~i haven'+ seen +hem for abou+ as long as you.~
ARCJEC: XDXD Wait, are you serious? XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD What the fuck! That's awful. What happened? XDXD
TAZ: ~Yeah. I~
TAZ: ~I don'+ really wan+ +o ge+ in+o i+.~
TAZ: ~Can we move on? Please.~