ARCJEC: XDXD But, like... Given everything that's going on with that crusty rock me and Ellsee made sure is incubating in the middle of our session or whatever, I wouldn't doubt it if they cropped up again. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Nothing is off this indulgent semi-virtual table anymore! XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I mean, we obviously agree this is a living nightmare of incomprehensible scale. XDXD
TAZ: ~heh. obviously~
ARCJEC: XDXD But there's benefits. XDXD
TAZ: ~+here's benefi+s.~
TAZ: ~...you know. in a fucked up, roundabou+ way~
TAZ: ~if you +ook all +he gnarly boss crea+ures and life +hrea+ening misadven+ures away?~
TAZ: ~+his is kind of on par wi+h wha+ i'm used +o grappling wi+h, if no+ somewha+ be++er~
TAZ: ~i'd even dare call i+ a nice ge+away if repi+on wasn'+ li+erally a few por+als ou+ from where we're slouched over~
ARCJEC: XDXD Eh, at least it's scenic. The view really makes a statement. XDXD
TAZ: ~sure does. like a power jab righ+ in +he sno+locker~
TAZ: ~i wouldn'+ even have complained if we'd jus+ been +hrown ou+ here and +old we wouldn'+ ever ge+ +o go back~
TAZ: ~ugh, i+'s so selfish.~
TAZ: ~i ge+ why +his sucked so much for albion, +he game's +he reason one of her pillars of selfhood crumbled +o dus+ overnigh+~
TAZ: ~bu+ i've never been more happy +o keep +he real world a+ arms leng+h~
TAZ: ~even if i don'+ sound like i+~
ARCJEC: XDXD Huh, wish I could say the same. XDXD
TAZ: ~jeez weren'+ you +he one bellyaching abou+ wan+ing +o use +his oppor+uni+y yadda yadda?~
TAZ: ~pick a lane~
ARCJEC: XDXD Well excuse me for acknowledging that situations of a grand, planetary scale are multifaceted and complex! XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Yeah, you got me. I'm happy that I'm here playing a cosmically ordained, life-altering video game with my friends. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD But I've ALSO got this sinking feeling that we've only scratched the surface of what that means. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD And if we don't figure out exactly what's going on, it's gonna come back to bite us. XDXD
TAZ: ~pffh~
TAZ: ~You'd have LIVED for +his shi+ a couple sweeps ago~
TAZ: ~Running happy go lucky laps around +he incipisphere wi+h +ha+ s+upid flappy cape ellsee sewed for you and offering free heroic services +o every dumb NPC you s+umbled in+o~
ARCJEC: XDXD You're exaggerating. XDXD
TAZ: ~and you're underplaying~
ARCJEC: XDXD Even if I'd had the necessary mental prep time for this bullshit, you'd never have seen me run through the same droll I always did. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD But let's not play pretend here, there's no way little kid Arcjec would have found a good way to handle this beyond a hysterical laughing fit. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD In fact, I bet they also wouldn't have managed to say what they wanted to say to you if they tried to send you a message. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Handling social situations with grace and finesse? Never been my style. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I'd rather roll with the punches. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD That's something you're good at handing out, at least. XDXD
TAZ: ~booooo~
ARCJEC: XDXD I'm serious! XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Wouldn't have even cracked a SINGLE smile for you. XDXD
TAZ: ~righ+~
TAZ: ~you're brooding and mys+erious now~
ARCJEC: XDXD And don't you forget it. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Thankfully, we don't have to dwell on that reality! The three moons aligned and we made THIS prickly situation bend just enough to work, somehow. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD We hated each other for a while there, but I— XDXD
TAZ: ~I never ha+ed you.~
TAZ: ~I've NEVER ha+ed you.~
TAZ: ~Don'+ even joke abou+ +ha+.~
ARCJEC: XDXD Nothing is off this indulgent semi-virtual table anymore! XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I mean, we obviously agree this is a living nightmare of incomprehensible scale. XDXD
TAZ: ~heh. obviously~
ARCJEC: XDXD But there's benefits. XDXD
TAZ: ~+here's benefi+s.~
TAZ: ~...you know. in a fucked up, roundabou+ way~
TAZ: ~if you +ook all +he gnarly boss crea+ures and life +hrea+ening misadven+ures away?~
TAZ: ~+his is kind of on par wi+h wha+ i'm used +o grappling wi+h, if no+ somewha+ be++er~
TAZ: ~i'd even dare call i+ a nice ge+away if repi+on wasn'+ li+erally a few por+als ou+ from where we're slouched over~
ARCJEC: XDXD Eh, at least it's scenic. The view really makes a statement. XDXD
TAZ: ~sure does. like a power jab righ+ in +he sno+locker~
TAZ: ~i wouldn'+ even have complained if we'd jus+ been +hrown ou+ here and +old we wouldn'+ ever ge+ +o go back~
TAZ: ~ugh, i+'s so selfish.~
TAZ: ~i ge+ why +his sucked so much for albion, +he game's +he reason one of her pillars of selfhood crumbled +o dus+ overnigh+~
TAZ: ~bu+ i've never been more happy +o keep +he real world a+ arms leng+h~
TAZ: ~even if i don'+ sound like i+~
ARCJEC: XDXD Huh, wish I could say the same. XDXD
TAZ: ~jeez weren'+ you +he one bellyaching abou+ wan+ing +o use +his oppor+uni+y yadda yadda?~
TAZ: ~pick a lane~
ARCJEC: XDXD Well excuse me for acknowledging that situations of a grand, planetary scale are multifaceted and complex! XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Yeah, you got me. I'm happy that I'm here playing a cosmically ordained, life-altering video game with my friends. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD But I've ALSO got this sinking feeling that we've only scratched the surface of what that means. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD And if we don't figure out exactly what's going on, it's gonna come back to bite us. XDXD
TAZ: ~pffh~
TAZ: ~You'd have LIVED for +his shi+ a couple sweeps ago~
TAZ: ~Running happy go lucky laps around +he incipisphere wi+h +ha+ s+upid flappy cape ellsee sewed for you and offering free heroic services +o every dumb NPC you s+umbled in+o~
ARCJEC: XDXD You're exaggerating. XDXD
TAZ: ~and you're underplaying~
ARCJEC: XDXD Even if I'd had the necessary mental prep time for this bullshit, you'd never have seen me run through the same droll I always did. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD But let's not play pretend here, there's no way little kid Arcjec would have found a good way to handle this beyond a hysterical laughing fit. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD In fact, I bet they also wouldn't have managed to say what they wanted to say to you if they tried to send you a message. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Handling social situations with grace and finesse? Never been my style. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD I'd rather roll with the punches. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD That's something you're good at handing out, at least. XDXD
TAZ: ~booooo~
ARCJEC: XDXD I'm serious! XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Wouldn't have even cracked a SINGLE smile for you. XDXD
TAZ: ~righ+~
TAZ: ~you're brooding and mys+erious now~
ARCJEC: XDXD And don't you forget it. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD Thankfully, we don't have to dwell on that reality! The three moons aligned and we made THIS prickly situation bend just enough to work, somehow. XDXD
ARCJEC: XDXD We hated each other for a while there, but I— XDXD
TAZ: ~I never ha+ed you.~
TAZ: ~I've NEVER ha+ed you.~
TAZ: ~Don'+ even joke abou+ +ha+.~