BOOBDRONE: >([aw dont go all teared up on me just yet p#ossy jaw]
BOOBDRONE: >([i went round t#e block multiple times for ya in ur absence yknow]
BOOBDRONE: >([spun t#at s#it down an round to nab off t#e patricians c#oice of cleanser for ur mental and sensual ailments]
BOOBDRONE: >([rig#t on t#e mustardy yellow line]
BOOBDRONE: >([s#e is like so mad at me leemao]
BOOBDRONE: >([#old up w#ilst i liberate #er from skorpe call mutings]
BOOBDRONE: >([i went round t#e block multiple times for ya in ur absence yknow]
BOOBDRONE: >([spun t#at s#it down an round to nab off t#e patricians c#oice of cleanser for ur mental and sensual ailments]
BOOBDRONE: >([rig#t on t#e mustardy yellow line]
BOOBDRONE: >([s#e is like so mad at me leemao]
BOOBDRONE: >([#old up w#ilst i liberate #er from skorpe call mutings]