AH: XDXD I think the best course of action here would be to push whatever just happened underneath the mat and pretend that it DIDN'T happen. XDXD
AH: XDXD Let's not mention it ever again. XDXD
EO: Did you actually sΣΣ what I was doing¿¿¿¿
AH: XDXD No I didn't. XDXD
AH: XDXD There was a convenient span of time where I was off dawdling in my own self-absorption bubble, as you did your little jig. XDXD
EO: So you DID sΣΣ.
AH: XDXD I might have seen and heard the tiniest pinch of warbled dance tones. XDXD
AH: XDXD The kind of foul tempos only those with two left legs could get a kick out of. XDXD
EO: Did you havΣ fun listΣning to my music¿¿¿¿ =:D
AH: XDXD I had a little bit of fun. XDXD
AH: XDXD I allowed myself. XDXD
EO: In my casΣ, it was lΣss allowing mysΣlf to havΣ fun and morΣ trying to stavΣ off a vΣry intΣnsΣ panic attack.
EO: That YOU'RΣ rΣsponsiblΣ for, actually¡¡
EO: I'vΣ nΣvΣr had to dΣal with anything likΣ that in my lifΣ¡¡¡¡
AH: XDXD Yeah, that was my bad. XDXD
AH: XDXD I'm working on a way to make it up to you. XDXD
AH: XDXD Let's not mention it ever again. XDXD
EO: Did you actually sΣΣ what I was doing¿¿¿¿
AH: XDXD No I didn't. XDXD
AH: XDXD There was a convenient span of time where I was off dawdling in my own self-absorption bubble, as you did your little jig. XDXD
EO: So you DID sΣΣ.
AH: XDXD I might have seen and heard the tiniest pinch of warbled dance tones. XDXD
AH: XDXD The kind of foul tempos only those with two left legs could get a kick out of. XDXD
EO: Did you havΣ fun listΣning to my music¿¿¿¿ =:D
AH: XDXD I had a little bit of fun. XDXD
AH: XDXD I allowed myself. XDXD
EO: In my casΣ, it was lΣss allowing mysΣlf to havΣ fun and morΣ trying to stavΣ off a vΣry intΣnsΣ panic attack.
EO: That YOU'RΣ rΣsponsiblΣ for, actually¡¡
EO: I'vΣ nΣvΣr had to dΣal with anything likΣ that in my lifΣ¡¡¡¡
AH: XDXD Yeah, that was my bad. XDXD
AH: XDXD I'm working on a way to make it up to you. XDXD