PO: ~yeah, +heres new shi+ in +he inven+ory.~
AH: XDXD Wait, don't touch it yet. XDXD
AH: XDXD I'm almost ready. XDXD
PO: ~don+ you have less slo+s +han me??~
PO: ~Wha+'s +aking you so long.~
PO: ~Wha+ is your problem +his +ime.~
AH: XDXD It's nothing, okay? XDXD
AH: XDXD Just don't worry about it. It's not like that's stopped you before. XDXD
AH: XDXD Here, it's done. XDXD
AH: XDXD Wait, don't touch it yet. XDXD
AH: XDXD I'm almost ready. XDXD
PO: ~don+ you have less slo+s +han me??~
PO: ~Wha+'s +aking you so long.~
PO: ~Wha+ is your problem +his +ime.~
AH: XDXD It's nothing, okay? XDXD
AH: XDXD Just don't worry about it. It's not like that's stopped you before. XDXD
AH: XDXD Here, it's done. XDXD