DISMAS: /\lbion///
DISMAS: I don't h/\\/e /\ sh/\rp object in r/\nge///
DISMAS: So I need you to poke whoe\/er the fuck this is re/\lly h/\rd until they die///
DQ: *im*supposed*to*be*a*pacifist*
DQ: *but*after*taking*a*good*look*at*them*
DQ: *and*considering*your*suggestion*
DQ: *i*feel*strongly*inclined*to*agree*to*your*terms*
DISMAS: I don't h/\\/e /\ sh/\rp object in r/\nge///
DISMAS: So I need you to poke whoe\/er the fuck this is re/\lly h/\rd until they die///
DQ: *im*supposed*to*be*a*pacifist*
DQ: *but*after*taking*a*good*look*at*them*
DQ: *and*considering*your*suggestion*
DQ: *i*feel*strongly*inclined*to*agree*to*your*terms*