UK: >([talkin up t#e fact t#at i put t#e pieces of t#e rigorous underground #ell mac#ine toget#er and got clued into t#e matrix of eye openers t#ru]
UK: >([well lezz just call my man #ere an informant]
UK: >([knew #im from way back w#en]
UK: >([sourced me into my being p muc#]
UK: >([and now #e sourced me one more time for good measure but #e said t#is was my last tip off]
UK: >([#int was t#at t#is place was rotten an #e said it in a narratorly tone of srs biznis so #es not playin any games]
UK: >([but we r]
PO: ~We?~
PO: ~Every single +hing +ha+ you are saying s+ill jus+ sounds like a bunch of poin+less clap+rap.~
PO: ~Which I don'+ wan+ +o hear.~
PO: ~And I don'+ really +hink +ha+ I care anyways.~
PO: ~Bu+ I'll give you like...~
PO: ~One more go a+ properly explaining why you are +rying so hard +o sell me on +his.~
UK: >([got all t#is figured out but i need u to pair up wit# #ig# fructose for t#is cuz tb# youse gettin dragged in w#et#er u in or u out]
PO: ~...~
PO: ~You be++er no+ be +alking abou+ who I +hink you're +alking abou+.~
UK: >([damn str8 im talkin bout t#e arcman]
UK: >([pls do me a solid rep an get over urself so we can get t#ese balls movin fast cuz soon we r on t#e clock]
PO: ~No.~
PO: ~Never.~
PO: ~No+ going +o happen.~
-- perniciousOverkill [PO] gave up trolling unclaspedKahuna [UK] --
UK: >([well lezz just call my man #ere an informant]
UK: >([knew #im from way back w#en]
UK: >([sourced me into my being p muc#]
UK: >([and now #e sourced me one more time for good measure but #e said t#is was my last tip off]
UK: >([#int was t#at t#is place was rotten an #e said it in a narratorly tone of srs biznis so #es not playin any games]
UK: >([but we r]
PO: ~We?~
PO: ~Every single +hing +ha+ you are saying s+ill jus+ sounds like a bunch of poin+less clap+rap.~
PO: ~Which I don'+ wan+ +o hear.~
PO: ~And I don'+ really +hink +ha+ I care anyways.~
PO: ~Bu+ I'll give you like...~
PO: ~One more go a+ properly explaining why you are +rying so hard +o sell me on +his.~
UK: >([got all t#is figured out but i need u to pair up wit# #ig# fructose for t#is cuz tb# youse gettin dragged in w#et#er u in or u out]
PO: ~...~
PO: ~You be++er no+ be +alking abou+ who I +hink you're +alking abou+.~
UK: >([damn str8 im talkin bout t#e arcman]
UK: >([pls do me a solid rep an get over urself so we can get t#ese balls movin fast cuz soon we r on t#e clock]
PO: ~No.~
PO: ~Never.~
PO: ~No+ going +o happen.~
-- perniciousOverkill [PO] gave up trolling unclaspedKahuna [UK] --