-- unclaspedKahuna [UK] began trolling perniciousOverkill [PO] --
UK: >([ayyyye wats poppin clown bounce]
UK: >([best getc#a self tig#tened up and ur jigglers packed t#e fuck in cuz s#it do i got t#e lig#t to ignite one #elluva fire inside your brain matter]
UK: >([ready to start goin off w#en you start gettin down]
PO: ~Do you really +hink +ha+ i+'s accep+able +o jus+ MESSAGE me whenever you wan+?~
PO: ~I +hink i+'s clear +ha+ I had my program on +his se++ing PRECISELY so you could no+ do +ha+.~
PO: ~And ye+ you s+ill did.~
PO: ~You're lucky I was here +o even see +his.~
PO: ~I was jus+ abou+ +o +ake care of some+hing impor+an+ and wouldn'+ have been able +o ge+ back +o you for a while.~
PO: ~wha+ would you have done wi+h yourself +hen?~
UK: >([cool so u done now]
PO: ~Wha+.~
PO: ~No I'm no+ done.~
PO: ~Why don'+ you jus+ fucking wai+ when you can plainly see +ha+ I am no+ done.~
PO: ~You in+errup+ed me when I did no+ wan+ OR expec+ +o be dis+urbed.~
PO: ~So you are going +o deal wi+h +he consequences.~
UK: >([k so ur done now and im just gonna keep talking bc its my turn]
PO: ~god.~
PO: ~fucking.~
PO: ~alrigh+ I guess.~
UK: >([so i finally completed my lifes work #ere]
UK: >([sweeps n sweeps of decoding and uncrypticin and searc#ing for funny lookin rocks gave me some gotdamn reassurance t#at t#is actually was a big league c#oice of action]
UK: >([also no offense to rocks btw tell t#e lil man w#at it is from me]
PO: ~Okay???~
UK: >([a#a#a#e#tee#ee#ee#oo#oolmaololrofl]
UK: >([na# see ur still not gettin t#e grand scope of all t#e pictures im tossin your direction]
UK: >([s like im jus slammin pics and rubbin em all over and smearin my good name so u can get t#e picz but youre just standin t#ere all cold faced an big breasted]
UK: >([gotta let me work #ere bitc# carny]
PO: ~+he pic+ure +ha+ I'd like +o see is +he one +ha+ shows me wha+ +he ac+ual shi+ you're +alking abou+?~
UK: >([ayyyye wats poppin clown bounce]
UK: >([best getc#a self tig#tened up and ur jigglers packed t#e fuck in cuz s#it do i got t#e lig#t to ignite one #elluva fire inside your brain matter]
UK: >([ready to start goin off w#en you start gettin down]
PO: ~Do you really +hink +ha+ i+'s accep+able +o jus+ MESSAGE me whenever you wan+?~
PO: ~I +hink i+'s clear +ha+ I had my program on +his se++ing PRECISELY so you could no+ do +ha+.~
PO: ~And ye+ you s+ill did.~
PO: ~You're lucky I was here +o even see +his.~
PO: ~I was jus+ abou+ +o +ake care of some+hing impor+an+ and wouldn'+ have been able +o ge+ back +o you for a while.~
PO: ~wha+ would you have done wi+h yourself +hen?~
UK: >([cool so u done now]
PO: ~Wha+.~
PO: ~No I'm no+ done.~
PO: ~Why don'+ you jus+ fucking wai+ when you can plainly see +ha+ I am no+ done.~
PO: ~You in+errup+ed me when I did no+ wan+ OR expec+ +o be dis+urbed.~
PO: ~So you are going +o deal wi+h +he consequences.~
UK: >([k so ur done now and im just gonna keep talking bc its my turn]
PO: ~god.~
PO: ~fucking.~
PO: ~alrigh+ I guess.~
UK: >([so i finally completed my lifes work #ere]
UK: >([sweeps n sweeps of decoding and uncrypticin and searc#ing for funny lookin rocks gave me some gotdamn reassurance t#at t#is actually was a big league c#oice of action]
UK: >([also no offense to rocks btw tell t#e lil man w#at it is from me]
PO: ~Okay???~
UK: >([a#a#a#e#tee#ee#ee#oo#oolmaololrofl]
UK: >([na# see ur still not gettin t#e grand scope of all t#e pictures im tossin your direction]
UK: >([s like im jus slammin pics and rubbin em all over and smearin my good name so u can get t#e picz but youre just standin t#ere all cold faced an big breasted]
UK: >([gotta let me work #ere bitc# carny]
PO: ~+he pic+ure +ha+ I'd like +o see is +he one +ha+ shows me wha+ +he ac+ual shi+ you're +alking abou+?~