AH: XDXD What the fuck is this bulge-looking soulsucker doing outside of my hive! XDXD
EO: Oh, yΣah. RΣmΣmbΣr how wΣ said thΣrΣ wΣrΣ thΣsΣ things who wΣrΣ sort of hΣlping us gΣt into ThΣ GamΣ quickΣr¿¿
EO: That's probably onΣ of thΣm.
EO: Just lΣavΣ it bΣ. WΣ havΣ morΣ prΣssing mattΣrs to attΣnd to, if you havΣn't alrΣady sΣΣn thΣ lovΣly morning sky.
AH: XDXD Ugh. Right. XDXD
EO: So how Σxactly do you intΣnd to rΣpΣnt for your transgrΣssions¿¿ I'm curious.
EO: Oh, yΣah. RΣmΣmbΣr how wΣ said thΣrΣ wΣrΣ thΣsΣ things who wΣrΣ sort of hΣlping us gΣt into ThΣ GamΣ quickΣr¿¿
EO: That's probably onΣ of thΣm.
EO: Just lΣavΣ it bΣ. WΣ havΣ morΣ prΣssing mattΣrs to attΣnd to, if you havΣn't alrΣady sΣΣn thΣ lovΣly morning sky.
AH: XDXD Ugh. Right. XDXD
EO: So how Σxactly do you intΣnd to rΣpΣnt for your transgrΣssions¿¿ I'm curious.