-- macabreExude [ME] began a call with demiurgeQuantified [DQ] --
OCCEUS: Hell.o.
OCCEUS: Y.o.u have a visual c.o.rrect
ALBION: *indeed*i*do*
ALBION: *i*should*thank*you*for*picking*up*this*dropped*ball*
ALBION: *serpaz*was*supposed*to*be*my*server*player*
ALBION: *which*made*her*instant*disappearance*inconvenient*for*me*
ALBION: *her*planet*was*one*of*the*first*landmarks*i*discovered*
OCCEUS: This sh.o.uld g.o. quickly then
ALBION: *occeus*if*i*may*
ALBION: *i*didnt*mention*initially*
ALBION: *you*were*so*gung*ho*about*charting*a*course*to*LOVAT*
ALBION: *but*its*odd*that*you*decided*to*take*my*sage*advice*
ALBION: *after*so*many*fruitless*attempts*to*get*into*your*head*
ALBION: *that*is*to*say*
ALBION: *what*got*into*you*?
OCCEUS: Eye w.o.uld argue its m.o.re accurate t.o. ask what g.o.t .o.ut .o.f me
OCCEUS: Namely the pressure .o.f a s.o.ul grinding thankless j.o.b
OCCEUS: There is a l.o.t t.o. make up f.o.r
ALBION: *well*at*least*you*recognize*it*now*
ALBION: *also*
ALBION: *why*is*serpaz*making*so*much*noise*
OCCEUS: She seems t.o. believe w.o.rdless humming c.o.unts as being quiet
OCCEUS: Can y.o.u tell me what these c.o.des mean when transcribed?
OCCEUS: Hell.o.
OCCEUS: Y.o.u have a visual c.o.rrect
ALBION: *indeed*i*do*
ALBION: *i*should*thank*you*for*picking*up*this*dropped*ball*
ALBION: *serpaz*was*supposed*to*be*my*server*player*
ALBION: *which*made*her*instant*disappearance*inconvenient*for*me*
ALBION: *her*planet*was*one*of*the*first*landmarks*i*discovered*
OCCEUS: This sh.o.uld g.o. quickly then
ALBION: *occeus*if*i*may*
ALBION: *i*didnt*mention*initially*
ALBION: *you*were*so*gung*ho*about*charting*a*course*to*LOVAT*
ALBION: *but*its*odd*that*you*decided*to*take*my*sage*advice*
ALBION: *after*so*many*fruitless*attempts*to*get*into*your*head*
ALBION: *that*is*to*say*
ALBION: *what*got*into*you*?
OCCEUS: Eye w.o.uld argue its m.o.re accurate t.o. ask what g.o.t .o.ut .o.f me
OCCEUS: Namely the pressure .o.f a s.o.ul grinding thankless j.o.b
OCCEUS: There is a l.o.t t.o. make up f.o.r
ALBION: *well*at*least*you*recognize*it*now*
ALBION: *also*
ALBION: *why*is*serpaz*making*so*much*noise*
OCCEUS: She seems t.o. believe w.o.rdless humming c.o.unts as being quiet
OCCEUS: Can y.o.u tell me what these c.o.des mean when transcribed?