You should have known better than to fall for that ploy. This lady here couldn't help the broad side of a barn out of a wet paper bag. Yeah, fine, the analogy isn't pretty, but neither are you right this second.
You think she knocked a couple of fillings loose. Hardy-har, very funny number she's got.
The EXONERATED EXECUTOR is your glorified zookeeper. Or she would be, if she weren't herself a caged animal who likes to fling her own shit around. The woman used to dabble in a similar line of work as yours, but her crimes were of the more... no collar variety, as opposed to your white collar brand of law-breaking.
She's already paid her debt to society, and now the QUEEN looks to her as the only one who can keep you in check. You admit, you respect her for consistently sticking it to you without fear. Something which you really need to stop doing the other way around.