ME: Eye l.o.ve y.o.u t.oo. by the way
ME: Eye realized eye f.o.rg.o.t t.o. say it back in .o.ne .o.f .o.ur earlier c.o.nversati.o.ns
ME: Can't recall why
ME: I'll be sure t.o. say it every time fr.o.m here .o.n .o.ut
ME: Eye pr.o.mise
-- macabreExude [ME] stopped trolling existereOracle [EO] --
ME: Eye realized eye f.o.rg.o.t t.o. say it back in .o.ne .o.f .o.ur earlier c.o.nversati.o.ns
ME: Can't recall why
ME: I'll be sure t.o. say it every time fr.o.m here .o.n .o.ut
ME: Eye pr.o.mise
-- macabreExude [ME] stopped trolling existereOracle [EO] --