ME: Um
ME: N.o.t sure h.o.w t.o. end this m.o.n.o.l.o.gue
ME: It was a very r.o.undab.o.ut way .o.f explaining what y.o.u m.o.stly already kn.o.w
ME: I'm s.o.rry ab.o.ut everything
ME: That was what eye meant with all .o.f this
ME: Just in case it wasn't clear
ME: N.o.t sure h.o.w t.o. end this m.o.n.o.l.o.gue
ME: It was a very r.o.undab.o.ut way .o.f explaining what y.o.u m.o.stly already kn.o.w
ME: I'm s.o.rry ab.o.ut everything
ME: That was what eye meant with all .o.f this
ME: Just in case it wasn't clear